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The Hearts of Us Men


Real Person
Packing to move tonight, I ran across the following on a piece of paper. Guess it's 9+ years old, but don't know where it came from. Is it a quote from someone famous? Something I wrote? No idea. But it seemed like a good and valid observation. So here 'tis for our contemplative enjoyment ...

God has made the patriarchal heart of a man an easily expandable vessel for God's love to flow to his wives and his home. This plurality of capability exists within us men. Either we recognize it and give it to God or Satan will recognize it and twist it into motivation for a multitude of vices or sins. But once it belongs to God, do not be surprised if God requires some action and faith.
I really appreciate this post. It's exactly what I experienced when I learned the truth about marriage. My heart opened almost involuntarily in love toward my family in ways I never expected. I became a better husband to my wife and my children. She noticed my actions and now I see her increasingly responding in love to my leadership in the home. Not that we didn't have love before (we have had an exceptionally happy marriage), but we have definitely grown even more united and harmonious. I am amazed at how the simple truths God gives us really do set us free -- and so thankful.

Something tells we that you personally wrote that, my friend. Excellent insight and very observable effect that comes as a natural result of truth in this area. Isn't it cool how key truths actually unlock whole aspects of the divine nature (2 Pet 1:3) suppressed by the lies of the enemy and broad-scale inculturation?

I am so excited about what YHWH is doing right now among the attentive. There is a huge acceleration of restorative truth that seems to be gaining momentum. Let's bust the heavens wide open! Now is the time to add momentum to momentum and to seek Him like there is no tomorrow.



P.S. Of course, without letting go of a long-term mindset and true Yahly wisdom. Ecc. 7:18