Now for the wife's version.
FollowingHim said:
In my late teens I used to joke that I was going to move to a country where polygamy was legal and have 5 wives - two to work, one to cook, one to clean, and one to be my "personal assistant". When I told this story to the woman who is now my wife, she didn't run but said she'd like to be the "personal assistant". Of course we both thought I was joking at the time...
This was hilarious! I remember talking about this in front of Samuel's university friends and seeing them shake their heads at us. I was never serious though, it was all a silly joke, because polygamy is wrong-right?
After we had been married a year, I was watching something on television, I think it was about Warren Jeffs but I'm not 100% sure. I very clearly remember Samuel coming home from work, me telling him how sick this whole thing was because the guy was claiming to be a Christian and yet he had multiple wives for a start...
"There's nothing wrong with mulitple wives. The bible never says it's wrong."
Excuse me?!
We perhaps should have had this conversation earlier, but it just never really came up. I threw some bible verses at him and he went through them and then showed me in the bible how it is ok. Cue freaking out internally. But then he said it wasn't something that people did nowdays, it was more of a social welfare thing and since in NZ women were covered financially by the government there was no need for it. Ok, breathing again, all good.
But what about in countries where there is no social welfare?
I can see how it would be good in other countries, and if God ever called us to be missionaries to another country I would think about it.
From that moment on I decided I would do everything I possibly could to make sure we were never missionaries!!!
Fast forward five years. Samuel was doing a sermon at church and told me it was free choice, rather than doing a chapter like we usually do. I smiled at him and said one word, "Polygamy?" We both were sick of people being so against it 'because the bible said so'. Actually, a year before this, I had some Jehovah's witnesses come around and we talked about things that people got wrong in the bible. I talked to them about polygamy, and they never came back...
In the middle of preparing this sermon Samuel was at the computer and turns to me and says, "There's a website here for Christians who are actually doing this! In America!"
Blew me away. People actually did this? Really?
After his sermon he couldn't get it out of his head. He looked at me one day, in pain, and said that he wasn't sure if he was just lusting over this and it was wrong, or if he should be looking into it more. I never told him, but right in that moment I was perfectly acutely aware that he was not wrong. I know my husband, and I know God, and I knew that this was God pulling us in this direction.
But, I asked him to not look into it for a while, just to see if it would go away from his head a little.
A week later I was looking for websites to encourage me in being a mother of lots of little children. Samuel put a few links on my computer for me, including BF, stating that there was bound to be people with lots of kids on here!
I read BF for three days straight, no kidding. Samuel brought home tea, he did dishes, he looked after children. I breast fed, I changed nappies, I threw food at children and I read until I thought i was going to burst with information.
By the end of that three days there was no going back. God had spoken to me again and there was no way that this was not going to happen, it is absolutely His will for our lives, I am positive of that fact.
I have times where I can't possibly do this, there is no way I can share my husband, na uh, not going to happen! Then God swings me around like a boomerang and I end up back where I started, yip I can do this. I even have days where I will ask Samuel to go and get another wife!
Anyway, that's where I'm up to. There really isn't any more to our story until God blesses us with another woman in our family. Hopefully it's just the one, not four! But if so, I'd still like to be the 'personal assistant'