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General Strengthening Marriage(s) through God

P Hartman

New Member
I am looking for ideas of how others have sought and looked to God as a couple to strengthen their marriages. What ideas might you suggest that could be used to make God the focus of the marriage as a couple.

Of course, reading The Bible together and praying together come to mind.
I also thought of charity work done as a couple.

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated!
I don't know that I have any proactive religious suggestions. Raising a family has been our "team effort project" since we married, and we see this as something we do with and for God as children are His heritage.
It's best if you focus on changing yourself, and supporting your partner. I like the analogy that to say to your spouse "You have a problem" is like saying "Your end of the boat is sinking"

Really, anything you do together should help you get stronger. Just don't let any seed of doubt grow. Doubt undermines and destroys.

I had more written before my phone died lastnight. This will have to do for now.
I am sure there are many things that can be said about this, but one thing you can do to strengthen your marriage is to just hang in there. It seems to get easier over time. That has been our experience, anyway. Our marriage was much more volatile in the early years. Over time, and with good intentions toward each other, we have gotten used to each other.
Inadvertently you are putting your marriage ahead of your relationship with Yah. You are asking how to use Him, or your relationship with Him, to enhance your marriage.
If you make Him and His will the focus of your lives, I feel that you will experience growth of your family relationship as a byproduct.
The husband must take the lead in this, else it will be artificial and, in the long run, ineffectual.
@steve is on the mark: God first; marriage second. And recognize that, no matter what the two of you are doing, He is there as well.