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Stevia and the real reason it's promoted

My first time hearing about this but I tried Stevia once and it made me downright sick. My heart was racing, I got dizzy, a terrible headache. Years later my dad tried it in some green tea that my sister made, he ended up in the hospital with the similar symptoms.
Thank you for sharing this!
My sisterwife once read a list of the benefits of getting a healthy amount of salt. It is good for your libido, fertility, etc. and so is animal fat. You know, that stuff they have been scaring people off of for decades?

There really is a motive to stop people from reproducing.
Thank you for sharing this information.

I've never cared much for any of the artificial sweeteners (or the "natural" fake sweeteners like stevia).

If it has to be sweet, give me sugar, honey, or molasses. I know they (especially sugar) aren't good for you, but they seem better than the alternatives.

I imagine a lot of good folks innocently promoted stevia.

I'm sure certain evil people also promote it, knowing full well the things you pointed out. 😡
I've never cared much for any of the artificial sweeteners (or the "natural" fake sweeteners like stevia).
Same here!
I like to start with what God says and build my thinking from there. For example, God tells us He has given us a "good" sweetener in Proverbs 24:13, My son, eat honey because it is good, And the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste. He tells us wine has good medicinal benefits in 1 Timothy 5:3, No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities. He gave Adam and Eve a wide variety of fruit and vegetables to eat (Genesis 1:29). And then, after the Flood, He added a wide variety of meat, poultry, and fish for Noah and his family to eat (Genesis 9:2-3). Sticking to the basics of what God has given would help people avoid/solve many of the health issues becoming common in developed countries. My $0.02 on the matter. Cheers
I’ve seen this info presented over the years. Interesting fact is; the years I used it the heaviest (almost our only sweetener) was when I got pregnant the fastest and easiest. Those babies are some of our closest. And my cycles came back the soonest and my milk supply was better than the previous 8. 🤷‍♀️
We get ours from E.N.D. a family that raises theirs close to the equator and it doesn’t have the bitterness that many stevias do.
My sisterwife once read a list of the benefits of getting a healthy amount of salt. It is good for your libido, fertility, etc. and so is animal fat. You know, that stuff they have been scaring people off of for decades?

There really is a motive to stop people from reproducing.
God loves people and the enemy despises them.
I’ve seen this info presented over the years. Interesting fact is; the years I used it the heaviest (almost our only sweetener) was when I got pregnant the fastest and easiest. Those babies are some of our closest. And my cycles came back the soonest and my milk supply was better than the previous 8. 🤷‍♀️
We get ours from E.N.D. a family that raises theirs close to the equator and it doesn’t have the bitterness that many stevias do.

Depends what part of plant did you use and how it was prepared.

Remember reading how one plant was transported from Africa to South America. Well, Latinos got sick from constant low dose poisoning, while Africans nothing.

Well, traditional African way of preparation was eliminating poison, which off course they didn't know. And off course, traditional African way wasn't transfered to Latinos.

And also there could be other factors, non-Stevia, raising your fertility.
My first time hearing about this but I tried Stevia once and it made me downright sick. My heart was racing, I got dizzy, a terrible headache. Years later my dad tried it in some green tea that my sister made, he ended up in the hospital with the similar symptoms.

My one and only experience with stevia was with one of Steve's sisters-in-law who is into every alternative everything fad that comes along. She made a few cherry pies for the family and made a point of not telling anyone what she used in place of sugar. It tasted bitter to me as if the cherries had gone bad and she told us it was fine. After we finished (some of the kids wisely refused it) she triumphantly announced she'd used Stevia as if she was proving some sort of point.

Most everyone got sick from it because she used way more stevia than she was supposed to. Myself I was treated to firsthand knowledge of what it means to have explosive diarrhea. Ditto with Steve and Cydne.

She could have killed someone.

It is also no surprise to me that this is yet another thing being pushed on people by the monsters behind the Zero Population movement.
