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Some Thoughts To Think About


Real Person
The Lord has been running these thoughts through my mind for some time so I wish to share them with you here as a means of thought and discussion.

OK guys ....you first.
Do you as a husband spend time seeking guidance from the Lord concerning your call to add an additional wife?...or....do you just do your own thing?

Do you as a husband spend time sharing with your current wife / wives what the Lord has shown you?....or...do you again just do your own thing without consideration for your wife or wives?

Do you as a husband spend time in prayer for not only yourself but for your wife / wives concerning your call to add an additional wife?....or....Do you go forth without care or concern?

Do you as a husband spend time trying to do those things which the Word commands you do for your current wife / wives even if you may do something different for your wife / wives than you do for your future addition and vice versa?....or.....Do you just dont care about their feelings?

OK wives......
Do you truly honor your husband, follow his lead and give him the respect that he is due being your headship?...or....Do you henpeck, pout, fuss and generally cause hardship for your husband because you do not wish to truly serve the Lord by serving your husband?

Do you truly support his call to add an additional wife?...or....Do you just give lip service to make him think you do along with always telling him that she may not say yes or this might be all that happens or pester him about things he my do for her that he may not do for you and deep down hope it fails so that you can tell him never again thus causing him to question his call or miss out on a blessing that the Lord may have in store for all of you?

Do you truly spend time in prayer for your husband and his calling?...or....again Do you just give lip service to make him think that you do so that he will just shut up about all of it?

If you do support his call.....Do you truly encourage his relationship with the future sisterwife?...or....do you give just enough words of encouragement to appease your husband?

If you support his call.....Do you truly provide time alone for your husband and future sisterwife, even if it means you taking any of your / her children and going out to eat and a late movie so that they can spend some alone time at your home, if for some reason they cannot be alone at her place?....or....Do you force them to have very, very little time alone because you wish to hoard as much of your husbands time as you can?

There are a few other thoughts I could write but I think you get the jest. Husbands and wives...Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.......for by placing HIM first in your lives and resisting the devil......the feelings of jealously, hurt, anger, possessiveness, the " mine and I " attitudes and any others will be removed from you for your first duty and joy will be serving the Lord.
I wanted to bring this topic back to the forefront. Lissa posted a message about "Where is your treasure", which was a good post by the way, and it got me to thinking yet again (which can be a good thing at times or some times bad, but either way it really makes my head hurt :lol: ) I will add a few things to my first post with those additions starting off with this *****.

" The Lord has been running these thoughts through my mind for some time so I wish to share them with you here as a means of thought and discussion.

OK guys ....you first.

***** When you first heard from the Lord about PM, did you take time to dig into the Word, search other sources, pray hard about it, read all you could find about it, until you were sure that what you heard from the Lord was what you heard or did you just jump right in and selected another wife without first talking to your first wife much less seeking guidence from the Lord?

Do you as a husband spend time seeking guidance from the Lord concerning your call to add an additional wife?...or....do you just do your own thing?

Do you as a husband spend time sharing with your current wife / wives what the Lord has shown you?....or...do you again just do your own thing without consideration for your wife or wives?

Do you as a husband spend time in prayer for not only yourself but for your wife / wives concerning your call to add an additional wife?....or....Do you go forth without care or concern?

Do you as a husband spend time trying to do those things which the Word commands you do for your current wife / wives even if you may do something different for your wife / wives than you do for your future addition and vice versa?....or.....Do you just dont care about their feelings?

***** Do you as a husband feel that your relationship with your first wife is a relationship of it's own design and make up just as your relationship with your second / possible future wife is also a relationship of it's own design and make up and they cannot be treated the same?.....or....do you try and make each woman fit into the same mold?

***** Are you as a husband able to love each wife / future wife the same?.....or.......Do you love each one different ( not one more than the other ) because they are 2 separate relationships and they are not alike?

OK wives......
Do you truly honor your husband, follow his lead and give him the respect that he is due being your headship?...or....Do you henpeck, pout, fuss and generally cause hardship for your husband because you do not wish to truly serve the Lord by serving your husband?

Do you truly support his call to add an additional wife?...or....Do you just give lip service to make him think you do along with always telling him that she may not say yes or this might be all that happens or pester him about things he my do for her that he may not do for you and deep down hope it fails so that you can tell him never again thus causing him to question his call or miss out on a blessing that the Lord may have in store for all of you?

Do you truly spend time in prayer for your husband and his calling?...or....again Do you just give lip service to make him think that you do so that he will just shut up about all of it?

If you do support his call.....Do you truly encourage his relationship with the future sisterwife?...or....do you give just enough words of encouragement to appease your husband?

If you support his call.....Do you truly provide time alone for your husband and future sisterwife, even if it means you taking any of your / her children and going out to eat and a late movie so that they can spend some alone time at your home, if for some reason they cannot be alone at her place?....or....Do you force them to have very, very little time alone because you wish to hoard as much of your husbands time as you can?

***** If you support your husbands call to PM do you really and truly honor him and give him the respect he deserves by following his lead and instruction by doing those things that he has suggested you do REGARDLESS if you feel that you are ready or not to do those things?....or....do you keep him at bay by always stating that you are not ready to do something thus possibly slowing down the actions of your possible SW?

***** If you support your husbands call to PM, are you willing to support that call regardless if the future wife is older or even several years younger than yourself, possibly with small children and possibly her having the desire to have a child with the husband?......or.......do YOU over rule your husband and in essence, the Lord, by you always making the list of what is and is not acceptable for a 2nd

Will add more as my head stops hurting.
Dear Chaplain,

It is obvious that the Holy Spirit is at work here, as some of the very things that you have asked questions about have been things that have been a concern of mine of late as well.

It is the age old queston of flesh versus spirit, and to which one we respond.

Recent encounters with some new acquaintances have shown me that not all that come into a knowledge of plural families do so with the best of intentions. There are some out there that would use the truth as found in Scripture regarding this subject to be a pretext for control, for domination, and worse yet, for sheer fulfillment of the lusts of the flesh. They are treating the precious faith to which we ascribe as one would the breakfast buffet at Golden Corral...I will only take what I like, and I want lots of it!

I try to maintain an attitude of grace, realizing that for some, they need to mature in their understanding not only in plural marriage, but also in their walk with the Father.

Just so you know, this is not a problem select with our subject, but any new understanding of Biblical doctrine that arises.

And whereas my post here may seem pointed to the men, I would also agree, Chaplain, that the responsibility regarding truth is not their pervue alone. There are a few women who know that their husband/potential mate, is living in contradiction to the Word of God, yet they wink at it, believing 'he will change' . There are also a few women who know the truth that the Word of God teaches regarding plural marriage, yet refuse to accept it. They would rather choose the culturally acceptable view of marriage (which in itself is full of contradictions and hypocrisy), than accept the Word of God and walk hand in hand with their husband and the Father in truth.

And directing a couple of more questions to the men and women, It all comes down to what you believe: do you believe the Word of God? If you do, are you willing to obey?

I know my post may seem a bit harsher than folks normally expect from me, but I believe in the truth of the Word of God, and it truly disturbs me to see it either twisted by men, and ignored by women.


Very good points indeed, Doc.

As I read your conclusion, the single verse that summarizes the message for me came to mind:

"...Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (James 4:4)
Troy, Doc, and Mark (as well as those others who agree with Troy's post), I believe the Lord has been speaking to all of us regarding these issues, and calling us to stand for the truth as well as encourage others to understand what it means to be God's man on the scene and in the family. 1 Corinthians 16:13 ends with the following word of encouragement to the men in that city "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love" Let us be those men and call our fellow brothers to join us in the upperward call.

I wish to thank all who have replied to this topic. For some reason, the Lord keeps on impressing upon me to keep this topic alive. I know there are a lot here who have taken this topic to heart, but feel greatly that there are some, both men and women, who have read this before and who need to read it again and again in order for them to realize where they may need to make some changes in their lives as well as for the benifit of our newer members. Please bare with me as I am just trying to share that what the Lord has impressed upon me to share.