I answered them. If you had not thrown in the towel, you would have received your answer. You thought that the theory purports that the rocks came from the ridge, when they came from the crust. I'm not sure how you got so confused, but again, that language barrier could be the culprit.
You answered them zero.
1. Europe mountains: Himalayas aren't in Europe
2. Mathemathical proof water can launch rocks into space
3. Mathematical proof that loss of Earth mass didn't cause issues with Erath orbit
4. Why amino acids on asteroids have right chirality?
It's not just one issue. It's about dozen of them.
I am not sure what you mean.
Austrian school of economics isn't mainstream and theory of information forbids Darwin theory of evolution.
That word was used when speaking about the Colorado plateau, in the chapter on the Grand Canyon. The word you may be thinking of, is "Plate", as in Hydro plate. The continental plate is not a plateau. Big Huge difference. See you are going to have to be a bit more patient and less dismissive in your studies, if you are ever going to come to the truth.
Whatever. It's lowland, then mountain.
Again, what about European mountain chains? Himalayas aren't in Europe. This is great example of you NOT answering question.You are more Euro centered. He covers it more from an American perspective. That is why he discusses the Appalachians and the Ozarks. Yes they all formed during the compression event. Look more closely at where the ridge comes to a stop, to the West of India. That is what formed the Himylayas. The equator has nothing to do with the angle of the mountians. They were formed by compression. Obviously the American plate moved further and faster than the Eurasian and African plates.
Again, you misunderstand where the rocks came from to begin with. They did not come from the ridge. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. They came from the eroding crust! HPT purports that the cliff was 60 miles high, and that 5 miles is the most that can be sustained before collapse. The fastest flowing water came at the outset of the bursting forth, when the erosion began. Recall the gun that Germany used to fire shells at Paris, which was not even one mile in length.
I did get than rocks were launched from below ground from "inside" of Earth.
That is on you then.
I can spend time on this or can spend time on activities whose lack I will regret at end of my life. Tough choice.
I am saying that HPT is better than those competing theories. HAve you got one that is better than HPT. You can criticise it all you want, but it explains far better than anything you have proposed.
I have already said I don't have better theory and don't have competence to create one. Nor I do care enough to fix this.
Since you don't really want to do the reseasrch, just go ahead and reject the competing theories, read your Bible, and accept what IT says! Don't worry about the science, since it appears to be over your head. When you come across an atheist or agnostic who believes all that nonsense, refer them to me, and let me work with them.
Why would I recommed them something I'm unhappy with?
Into the flow of water jetting up? You are still not getting it. Observe a water fountain. Where does the water go? Does it go straight up and then back down, or does it spray in 360 different directions?
Force vectors. Unless rock in flying directly vertical, force which influence rock will have horizontal component moving rock away from water. When is rock far away enough from water, gravity will pull it down.
I am not sure what you mean by "Material science". I get it. Some of this stuff seems to be a bit out of your league. Hold your criticism of it though, since you seem to not be able to grasp it.
Branch of science. Useful one actually.

What is Materials Science and Engineering? | Michigan Technological University
Materials scientists and engineers work at the forefront of technology, applying physics, chemistry, and biology to compose new products—many of which have the potential to reduce our environmental impact and greatly improve our quality of life.
I'm out. This conversation doesn't have anymore sense for me.