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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

I answered them. If you had not thrown in the towel, you would have received your answer. You thought that the theory purports that the rocks came from the ridge, when they came from the crust. I'm not sure how you got so confused, but again, that language barrier could be the culprit.

You answered them zero.

1. Europe mountains: Himalayas aren't in Europe
2. Mathemathical proof water can launch rocks into space
3. Mathematical proof that loss of Earth mass didn't cause issues with Erath orbit
4. Why amino acids on asteroids have right chirality?

It's not just one issue. It's about dozen of them.

I am not sure what you mean.

Austrian school of economics isn't mainstream and theory of information forbids Darwin theory of evolution.

That word was used when speaking about the Colorado plateau, in the chapter on the Grand Canyon. The word you may be thinking of, is "Plate", as in Hydro plate. The continental plate is not a plateau. Big Huge difference. See you are going to have to be a bit more patient and less dismissive in your studies, if you are ever going to come to the truth.

Whatever. It's lowland, then mountain.

You are more Euro centered. He covers it more from an American perspective. That is why he discusses the Appalachians and the Ozarks. Yes they all formed during the compression event. Look more closely at where the ridge comes to a stop, to the West of India. That is what formed the Himylayas. The equator has nothing to do with the angle of the mountians. They were formed by compression. Obviously the American plate moved further and faster than the Eurasian and African plates.
Again, what about European mountain chains? Himalayas aren't in Europe. This is great example of you NOT answering question.

Again, you misunderstand where the rocks came from to begin with. They did not come from the ridge. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. They came from the eroding crust! HPT purports that the cliff was 60 miles high, and that 5 miles is the most that can be sustained before collapse. The fastest flowing water came at the outset of the bursting forth, when the erosion began. Recall the gun that Germany used to fire shells at Paris, which was not even one mile in length.

I did get than rocks were launched from below ground from "inside" of Earth.

That is on you then.

I can spend time on this or can spend time on activities whose lack I will regret at end of my life. Tough choice.

I am saying that HPT is better than those competing theories. HAve you got one that is better than HPT. You can criticise it all you want, but it explains far better than anything you have proposed.

I have already said I don't have better theory and don't have competence to create one. Nor I do care enough to fix this.

Since you don't really want to do the reseasrch, just go ahead and reject the competing theories, read your Bible, and accept what IT says! Don't worry about the science, since it appears to be over your head. When you come across an atheist or agnostic who believes all that nonsense, refer them to me, and let me work with them.

Why would I recommed them something I'm unhappy with?

Into the flow of water jetting up? You are still not getting it. Observe a water fountain. Where does the water go? Does it go straight up and then back down, or does it spray in 360 different directions?

Force vectors. Unless rock in flying directly vertical, force which influence rock will have horizontal component moving rock away from water. When is rock far away enough from water, gravity will pull it down.

I am not sure what you mean by "Material science". I get it. Some of this stuff seems to be a bit out of your league. Hold your criticism of it though, since you seem to not be able to grasp it.

Branch of science. Useful one actually.

I'm out. This conversation doesn't have anymore sense for me.
You answered them zero.
Oh I did! Now you have a couple of new ones. I'll see how best to answer them as well.
1. Europe mountains: Himalayas aren't in Europe
That's nice. The division of the Eurasian continent into two separate continents is rather arbitrary. As I said. The ridge curves around the horn of Africa, and intersects with itself west of India. That would cause the Himylayas. You did ask about the Himylayas, so I felt it necessary to answer that. Dr. Brown mentions that the Ozarks and Appalachians run parallel to the ridge. Same goes for the Urals and Carpathians. The leading edge on the American plates have the highest mountains and longest mountain range, much like what would be observed in a train wreck. The Asian plate dives into the mantle, since that is where the lac of mass was.

2. Mathemathical proof water can launch rocks into space
Dr Bown provides proof. 60 mile long turret. Not just ordinary water either. Supercritical water has different properties.

3. Mathematical proof that loss of Earth mass didn't cause issues with Erath orbit
Dr. Brown has given indications that it certainly may have. HPT holds that the oribit was 360 days prior to the flood, that the axis was vastly different, and that the orbit of the moon around the earth was exactly 30 days.

4. Why amino acids on asteroids have right chirality?
They came from earth. There is no mystery there.

It's not just one issue. It's about dozen of them.
Bring it on!

Austrian school of economics isn't mainstream and theory of information forbids Darwin theory of evolution.
Cool! We are on the same page there.

Whatever. It's lowland, then mountain.
Yeah, plateaus were involved but that was secondary. The weight of the mountains forced magma under adjacent land, causing the Colorado Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau to uplift. Fascinating stuff!

Again, what about European mountain chains? Himalayas aren't in Europe. This is great example of you NOT answering question.
Same as the American mountain chains. Go check out some pictures of what a train wreck looks like.
I did get than rocks were launched from below ground from "inside" of Earth.
Yeah, well what part of the inside of the earth is where the confusion came from.

I can spend time on this or can spend time on activities whose lack I will regret at end of my life. Tough choice.
Fine! It's not your thing. Just know that when you make statements about the theory being broken or that it doesn't work, you can expect a response.

I have already said I don't have better theory and don't have competence to create one. Nor I do care enough to fix this.
Physical sciences are not your thing. Can we agree that Plate Tectonics is not occurring?

Why would I recommed them something I'm unhappy with?
Awww! Don't be so sore! Recommend it because it may be the only way for some people to see the light and receive the message of the gospel.

Force vectors. Unless rock in flying directly vertical, force which influence rock will have horizontal component moving rock away from water. When is rock far away enough from water, gravity will pull it down.
Exactly! So the water is coming from where the ridge will eventually form, and as it erodes away, the flow of the water likewise broadens rain, dirt and rocks come down, creating a killing field for mammoths, that instantly freezes their bodies. The horizontal component moves them away from the flow of water, not directly back down onto the ridge! If enough of them had landed on the ridge, there would not have been enough of a wieght imbalance for the ridge to form in the first place! The ridge formed because there was so much weight pressing down on both sides of the ridge, from what was left of the crust.
Branch of science. Useful one actually.

OK. Got it!

I'm out. This conversation doesn't have anymore sense for me.
It has been an interesting conversation. I am hopeful that someone like @paterfamilias can follow along. I would like to get his perspective. Scripture clearly indicates that a flood occurred and that every creature that has the breath of life in its nostrils, i.e. creatures that were not designed to sustain life without a substantial amount of time on solid ground, perished. I would even put crocodiles or caymans or whatever the common ancestor is, in that category, since they are required to spend time on dry land. The only safe place for non aquatic creatures and for the eight souls that survived, was the ark. Likewise, Christ is the ark, and those who have not received the forgiveness offered through His shed blood on the cross, will not have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and will perish. The invitation is for all to hear the message and receive it and be saved.
Oh I did! Now you have a couple of new ones.
These were same from "my big post".
Dr. Brown has given indications that it certainly may have. HPT holds that the oribit was 360 days prior to the flood, that the axis was vastly different, and that the orbit of the moon around the earth was exactly 30 days.
My calculations in big post show opposite.

They came from earth. There is no mystery there.
This is impossible. Biological organisms only create left-chirality proteins, never right chirality.

Only in laboratory you get right chirality. Btw, just taking right chirality proteins can kill you.

Physical sciences are not your thing. Can we agree that Plate Tectonics is not occurring?
Awww! Don't be so sore! Recommend it because it may be the only way for some people to see the light and receive the message of the gospel.
I'm not sore.
It has been an interesting conversation. I am hopeful that someone like @paterfamilias can follow along. I would like to get his perspective. Scripture clearly indicates that a flood occurred and that every creature that has the breath of life in its nostrils, i.e. creatures that were not designed to sustain life without a substantial amount of time on solid ground, perished. I would even put crocodiles or caymans or whatever the common ancestor is, in that category, since they are required to spend time on dry land. The only safe place for non aquatic creatures and for the eight souls that survived, was the ark. Likewise, Christ is the ark, and those who have not received the forgiveness offered through His shed blood on the cross, will not have their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and will perish. The invitation is for all to hear the message and receive it and be saved.

I as the lone heretic will naturally come to the topic with different priars. So keep that in mind.

I won't claim an opinion on plate tectonics pro or con. I will say though that it would be interesting to see some sort of modeling done on what sort of effects an unlocking of the crust (cyclical solar micro-nova roughly synced with the geomagnetic excursion on a 6 and 12k year cycle) and axial tilt of 90°...that puts greenland at the equator in about a day by the by the by of context...and then snapping back every second cycle. Could it have the effect of breaking up the supposed pangaia super content? Not a stretch I imagine...getting the current configuration? Who knows.

What I do know is that the flood legends seem to gird the world. All nations and peoples. There is likely a simple explanation...because they happened. Repeatedly.
Lots of people like the big object from space notion and certainly that happened multiple times but being a tad more blackpilled by nature, I have always expected something big and ugly on the horizon in my time.
Turns out it is a cyclical thing and we chose the wrong time to stomp the planet and likely save for a few the wrong location to settle.

While the broad concept stuff is interesting, the big concern in my mind is the more immediate concern of when the lights go out (geomagnetic excursion weakens our defenses and flair destroys all electronics everywhere in the next few years) and all trappings of civilization are gone.
Makes for a real page turner of a post apocalypse science fiction novel chock full of brutal violence and tragedy bit makes for an absolute pile of suck in real life.
So, my own interests have been more focused on getting moved in time to the right high ground and learning additional skill sets to ensure my families survival.

So...is this a bad time to throw out my normal come on line only modified for the topic? You know, the eyebrows waggling gif and a hey ladies, who wants to survive the apocalypse and help repopulate the planet?
I as the lone heretic will naturally come to the topic with different priars. So keep that in mind.

I won't claim an opinion on plate tectonics pro or con. I will say though that it would be interesting to see some sort of modeling done on what sort of effects an unlocking of the crust (cyclical solar micro-nova roughly synced with the geomagnetic excursion on a 6 and 12k year cycle) and axial tilt of 90°...that puts greenland at the equator in about a day by the by the by of context...and then snapping back every second cycle. Could it have the effect of breaking up the supposed pangaia super content? Not a stretch I imagine...getting the current configuration? Who knows.

What I do know is that the flood legends seem to gird the world. All nations and peoples. There is likely a simple explanation...because they happened. Repeatedly.
Lots of people like the big object from space notion and certainly that happened multiple times but being a tad more blackpilled by nature, I have always expected something big and ugly on the horizon in my time.
Turns out it is a cyclical thing and we chose the wrong time to stomp the planet and likely save for a few the wrong location to settle.

While the broad concept stuff is interesting, the big concern in my mind is the more immediate concern of when the lights go out (geomagnetic excursion weakens our defenses and flair destroys all electronics everywhere in the next few years) and all trappings of civilization are gone.
Makes for a real page turner of a post apocalypse science fiction novel chock full of brutal violence and tragedy bit makes for an absolute pile of suck in real life.
So, my own interests have been more focused on getting moved in time to the right high ground and learning additional skill sets to ensure my families survival.

So...is this a bad time to throw out my normal come on line only modified for the topic? You know, the eyebrows waggling gif and a hey ladies, who wants to survive the apocalypse and help repopulate the planet?
The prophecied apocalypse will not come about because of any supposed reversals. That has never really happened, and if you think about it, there is no such mechanism that would ever cause it to happen. There is only one way to survive the coming apocalypse, and that is to escape it. Objects from space never struck the earth prior to the Flood of Noah, because all those objects in space, came from planet earth after the rupture event. It wasn't just a supercontinent that broke apart, as if it were all located in one place and drifted. What is today known as the Pacific Ocean, was at the time dry land mixed with seas and lakes prior to the rupture. It subducted when the ridge formed, due to missing mass, and all the magme that drained into what is today, the outer and inner core. The friction caused the melting. The magma below 220 miles went to the center, while the magma above the 220 mile crossover depth came to the surface in the form of volcanos and tablemounts. The earth did indeed rotate on a different axis, which allowed the growth of vegetation in the arctic and antarctic circles, that could support mammoths. The big roll was caused by an imbalance when the mountains formed at the compression event. There is a huge scar south of India that marks the direction of the roll. I cannot say that this would explain Joshua's long day. That event did involve a miracle, as did the shadow in Hezekiah's time, so an economization of miracles doesn't necessarily apply to those two events, since the Scripture clearly portrays those two events as having been miracles. I could postulate about Egypt's hailstones, Elijah's sacrifice, and Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction having been the result of a meteorite, but there was clearly some divine direction that affected the time and location, or perhaps God in His foreknowledge ordained those events to coincide with Pharaoh's refusal to release Israel, Elijah's challenge, and the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah. What we do know, is that Scripture foretells of the stars falling from heaven. Jude refers to "Wandering stars", which we think of as planets, but it is more likely the Revelations was referring to asteroids and comets, which have been known to reek havoc in the past. You can also look forward to violent earthquakes and much of the earth being burned up and the waters being poisoned, but your current wives won't have to deal with any of that, and that is not because of anything you will be able to provide them. They will be with me :), and we will be with Christ! Hopefully you will also be with us, but the ball is in your court on that .
OK - I don't have "a dog in this hunt," I'm not an expert on geology, and it's not really among my major areas of interest. (Physics and 'Tesla technology' - I built Tesla coils in my 'garage' lab before I was in junior high - are a different matter.)

But this raised my eyebrows, because I am familiar with Velikovsky, and his 'catastrophism' ideas about a potential highly-eccentric "long-period" large, low-albedo planet with an orbit out of the ecliptic (you've all heard the names, "Planet X," Nibiru, Wormwood, et al) that was involved in at least one or more Biblical-level events, particularly Joseph/Pharaoh's seven lean and seven fat years, via its passage through the inner solar system. And that it was electrical effects, rather than gravitational, that dominated its effects on approach to the sun.

I could postulate about Egypt's hailstones, Elijah's sacrifice, and Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction having been the result of a meteorite, but there was clearly some divine direction that affected the time and location,
I haven't seen any mention in here of Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision," or other theories. Any comments?
OK - I don't have "a dog in this hunt," I'm not an expert on geology, and it's not really among my major areas of interest. (Physics and 'Tesla technology' - I built Tesla coils in my 'garage' lab before I was in junior high - are a different matter.)

But this raised my eyebrows, because I am familiar with Velikovsky, and his 'catastrophism' ideas about a potential highly-eccentric "long-period" large, low-albedo planet with an orbit out of the ecliptic (you've all heard the names, "Planet X," Nibiru, Wormwood, et al) that was involved in at least one or more Biblical-level events, particularly Joseph/Pharaoh's seven lean and seven fat years, via its passage through the inner solar system. And that it was electrical effects, rather than gravitational, that dominated its effects on approach to the sun.

I haven't seen any mention in here of Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision," or other theories. Any comments?
Walt Brown made a prediction that Planet X would not be found by 2021, as had been predicted by cosmologists, His prediction is based on the notion that Planet X does not exist. I have never heard of Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision".