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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

Daniel DeLuca

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Sure, it won't be particularly satisfying for the reader.

As I am bright enough and we'll read enough to not belie that everything we can observe and the vastly larger amount that we are incapable of observing is all just a big coincidence and the like.
Beyond that, having read a fair amount of religious material and done a fair amount of thinking on the topic, none have touched me to date.

Oddly, rather than being either a mouth foaming mad at sky daddy as a proxy for my parents and having never gotten over toilet training atheist or a shoulder shrugging dunno bro I am too busy to think of that stuff agnostic...I am a guy that beats the drum louder than most on the topic of faith and it's value. Surprisingly big advocate for a community be it large or small to be as close to homogeneous of faith as possible. Vastly more viable and cohesive community.
Collapse of faith is the harbinger of doom for all empires and we can all see the erosion of faith, traditional sexual roles, the family, sexual mores, fertility, trust...I could go on a bit.

So, there you go. Anticlimactic

(Should have said voodoo and completely confused the hoards of woman teetering on the edge of sliding into my DMs to profess their deep interest....hoards...hoards I tell you)
Did you ever investigate the Hydroplate Theory?
Did you ever investigate the Hydroplate Theory?
Would not say investigate. I am aware of it though.

I certainly believe in certain cycles that effect the planet and by extension us. The polar shift and axial tilt cycles certainly come to mind.
Would not say investigate. I am aware of it though.

I certainly believe in certain cycles that effect the planet and by extension us. The polar shift and axial tilt cycles certainly come to mind.
This has nothing to do with cycles. What do you know about the theory?
This has nothing to do with cycles. What do you know about the theory?
I was not saying it did have anything to do with cycles. I am saying that I personally am aware of cycles that are significant to how we understand the world and how it works etc. Likening one not well notion to another one.

It is a creationist(? or perhaps swinging on geological explanatory) hypothesis that the Earth once had huge chambers of water sandwiched between the Earth’s crust and its mantle. Had to check the web to make sure I remembered that correctly when you initially asked as I only read a thumbnail about it in the past and have not read into how it theoretically progressed to the current state.

Are you an advocate of the theory?
I was not saying it did have anything to do with cycles. I am saying that I personally am aware of cycles that are significant to how we understand the world and how it works etc. Likening one not well notion to another one.

It is a creationist(? or perhaps swinging on geological explanatory) hypothesis that the Earth once had huge chambers of water sandwiched between the Earth’s crust and its mantle. Had to check the web to make sure I remembered that correctly when you initially asked as I only read a thumbnail about it in the past and have not read into how it theoretically progressed to the current state.

Are you an advocate of the theory?
I am. I investigated it thoroughly and I have found it to be a sound theory, and not just a hypothesis. It is apparent that you have only scratched the surface on this theory. Read the online book. It is free.
I am. I investigated it thoroughly and I have found it to be a sound theory, and not just a hypothesis. It is apparent that you have only scratched the surface on this theory. Read the online book. It is free.
Really not even scratched the surface
The difficulty is that I have a bit of positional skepticism.
In this case it was because I was raised by an irascible old man with two PhD in different areas of geology. One of them being hydro-geology. I am aware that he didn't know everything and for that matter it is possible that he was unaware of the thesis entirely but him not being aware seems unlikely as he subscribed to a few magazines that fell into the skeptical observer category. Was the type to delight in debunking various theories that fell into his ballywick. For example the earlier global cooling clsims in the 70s and some other theories about oil and its scarcity...peak oil maybe? Anyway, he regularly gave talks at conferences as the guy there to debunk various notions.

As I mentioned, entirely possible it was something he never knew about or could not have disproved or potentially something he actively lectured me on multiple times...that could be the case as well. As a young boy and a teen, I learned to tune a lot of it out as he did not have an off switch. Constantly in lecture mode.
Likely where I get it myself.
Only I am half lecturer and other half lecherous...ladies? Eyebrow wiggling going on over here.

Anyway, I end up with a bit of a bias on topics related to geology.

I will track down an audiobook though as I spend a lot of time on the road and I go nuts without constant mental input, so new topics are always welcome.
Really not even scratched the surface
The difficulty is that I have a bit of positional skepticism.
In this case it was because I was raised by an irascible old man with two PhD in different areas of geology. One of them being hydro-geology. I am aware that he didn't know everything and for that matter it is possible that he was unaware of the thesis entirely but him not being aware seems unlikely as he subscribed to a few magazines that fell into the skeptical observer category. Was the type to delight in debunking various theories that fell into his ballywick. For example the earlier global cooling clsims in the 70s and some other theories about oil and its scarcity...peak oil maybe? Anyway, he regularly gave talks at conferences as the guy there to debunk various notions.

As I mentioned, entirely possible it was something he never knew about or could not have disproved or potentially something he actively lectured me on multiple times...that could be the case as well. As a young boy and a teen, I learned to tune a lot of it out as he did not have an off switch. Constantly in lecture mode.
Likely where I get it myself.
Only I am half lecturer and other half lecherous...ladies? Eyebrow wiggling going on over here.

Anyway, I end up with a bit of a bias on topics related to geology.

I will track down an audiobook though as I spend a lot of time on the road and I go nuts without constant mental input, so new topics are always welcome.
In that case, watch the videos put out by Bryan Nickel. Also, Bob Enyart has a podcast called Real Science Radio. He subscribes to both HP Theory and I believe C-Decay as did the late Chuck Missler. Take some time to explore this theory. Dr. Brown has charts in his free online book that detail multiple theories, including YEC theories, and stacks them up against HP theory, where he weighs numerous points of evidence discovered by noncreationists, and gives an assessment of each explanation and detailed reasons for those assessments. You might also be interested in some of the alternate theories to Einstein's assertions as well. You might look into debunkings of time dilation. Look into what the ZPE is all about, and how the Kasimir effect could very well be a legitimate scientificc explanation for gravity and the strong force. Ray Fleming has a lot of good videos about that, and he wrote a paper about how there is no need for muons and gluons, and he agrees with this notion that the effect of gravity is the result of the ZPE. Einstien's theory on gravity is pure bunk, and has set the scientific community backward 100 years. Barry Setterfield has some great videos on the C-Decay theory. Take some time to look into this before you go flirting with women who belong to Christ.
Stephan Wolfram has interesting theory. He was able to both reproduce theory of relativity and quantum mechamism theory.

I haven't followed his blog for some time, so I don't know current status.

This article should be good intro:
In that case, watch the videos put out by Bryan Nickel. Also, Bob Enyart has a podcast called Real Science Radio. He subscribes to both HP Theory and I believe C-Decay as did the late Chuck Missler. Take some time to explore this theory. Dr. Brown has charts in his free online book that detail multiple theories, including YEC theories, and stacks them up against HP theory, where he weighs numerous points of evidence discovered by noncreationists, and gives an assessment of each explanation and detailed reasons for those assessments. You might also be interested in some of the alternate theories to Einstein's assertions as well. You might look into debunkings of time dilation. Look into what the ZPE is all about, and how the Kasimir effect could very well be a legitimate scientificc explanation for gravity and the strong force. Ray Fleming has a lot of good videos about that, and he wrote a paper about how there is no need for muons and gluons, and he agrees with this notion that the effect of gravity is the result of the ZPE. Einstien's theory on gravity is pure bunk, and has set the scientific community backward 100 years. Barry Setterfield has some great videos on the C-Decay theory.
I will look it up and see what I can find to listen to in the car. Thanks for the references

Take some time to look into this before you go flirting with women who belong to Christ.
I likely will find it interesting. However I would be very surprised if it alters my path in any way. My priorities with respect to lesser known geophysics have been pretty locked in by learning about the issue of the acceleration of the shifting poles in conjunction with out weakening magnetosphere and the increased vulnerability to future Carrington event level CME's. There is more and worse to that but those are enough to put any sane person onto an urgent path. That has rather focused me a tad more on practical concerns than intellectual interests.
Practical concerns involve getting the family away from cities and building more familial infrastructure. If another wife comes along in the meantime, be she Christian (preferred) or atheist (would be weird being the oddball trying to talk down an atheist) or otherwise, then all the better.
The flirting in the context of plural marriage just happens as a matter or course and requires no additional energy happily.
I will look it up and see what I can find to listen to in the car. Thanks for the references

I likely will find it interesting. However I would be very surprised if it alters my path in any way. My priorities with respect to lesser known geophysics have been pretty locked in by learning about the issue of the acceleration of the shifting poles in conjunction with out weakening magnetosphere and the increased vulnerability to future Carrington event level CME's. There is more and worse to that but those are enough to put any sane person onto an urgent path. That has rather focused me a tad more on practical concerns than intellectual interests.
Practical concerns involve getting the family away from cities and building more familial infrastructure. If another wife comes along in the meantime, be she Christian (preferred) or atheist (would be weird being the oddball trying to talk down an atheist) or otherwise, then all the better.
The flirting in the context of plural marriage just happens as a matter or course and requires no additional energy happily.
From his FAQ page https://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/FAQ224.html#wp16506849, which corresponds to page 500:

Problems frequently arose in geology classrooms. One very experienced geology professor of that time, Dr. Douglas A. Block, frequently told me how embarrassed he and other geology professors felt walking into class knowing students would ask obvious questions professors could not answer. [See Dr. Block’s endorsement of the hydroplate theory on page i.] So when the plate tectonic theory was finally proposed, it was greeted with great fanfare, because Earth’s features might be explained by exciting new mechanisms: seafloor spreading, subduction, mountain formation, mantle circulation, hot spots, transform faults, and flipping magnetic poles—none of which has ever been seen or measured—only inferred with vivid imaginations. (emphsis mine) PT advocates assure us these mechanisms operate too slowly to see—over billions of years. Students seldom questioned these claims; questioning might show disrespect or a poor understanding, jeopardizing their degrees.
Also note this from the same page:

Seafloor Data Finally Released. One U.S. Navy scientist, N. Christian Smoot, an evolutionist, spent 32 years precisely mapping the ocean floor. His book, Tectonic Globaloney: Closing Arguments (Author House Press, 2012), describes discoveries on the ocean floor that falsify plate tectonics. Smoot, a veteran of 67 cruises, was responsible for declassifying some of this data for use outside the U.S. Navy. He says he “devoutly believed” the plate tectonic theory, but now knows it is “baloney” or “tectonic globaloney.” Based on features he sees on the ocean floor, Smoot concludes that subduction does not occur, and the seafloor is not spreading. (emphasis in original)

Also, investigate this claim found halfway down this link https://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/Trenches5.html:

No Seafloor Spreading​

Notice that if plates cannot subduct, as shown in Table 4, seafloor spreading at oceanic ridges is not occurring. If seafloor spreading is not occurring, the magnetic anomalies on the ocean floor are not the result of the Earth’s magnetic field flipping every several million years. Nor can theoreticians explain how Earth’s magnetic poles could reverse.

It was only after the discovery of the magnetic anomalies in the 1950s, and their false plate-tectonic interpretation in the late 1950s and early 1960s, that the plate tectonic theory became popular. Prior to that interpretation, plate tectonics was considered as doubtful as the discredited continental drift theory of Alfred Wegener.

The geoscientific community accepted the theory [of plate tectonics] after the concepts of seafloor spreading were developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s.109 [See “Does Recently Declassified Data Falsify The Plate Tectonic Theory?” on page 500.]
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From his FAQ page https://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/FAQ224.html#wp16506849, which corresponds to page 500:

Also note this from the same page:

Also, investigate this claim found halfway down this link https://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/Trenches5.html:
Something tickled a memory when I read your links the other day so I had to go look it up.

Genesis 11-12
“And it came to pass in the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.”

Sounds like it fits each of our pet theories.
Vast oceans of underground water bursting forth as caused by polar shift or potentially a polar shift and axial tilt in close conjuction (alternating cycle). I imagine it depends on how far back you are willing to consider pushing Noah back in history. You are apt to have a firmer opinion on the topic. I sm just impressed that the passage was still bumping around in there to be brought to the surface
Something tickled a memory when I read your links the other day so I had to go look it up.

Genesis 11-12
“And it came to pass in the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.”
OK yes. That is exactly what is going on in Gen 7:11-12.

Sounds like it fits each of our pet theories.
Vast oceans of underground water bursting forth as caused by polar shift or potentially a polar shift and axial tilt in close conjuction (alternating cycle). I imagine it depends on how far back you are willing to consider pushing Noah back in history. You are apt to have a firmer opinion on the topic. I sm just impressed that the passage was still bumping around in there to be brought to the surface
Correct on what is occurring, wrong cause. The cause given, is tidal pumping by the moon, but the reason this process went into effect was that God allowed it when He decided to wipe out all flesh. If He had not found Noah to be pleasing in His sight, He would have just started over with a new creation. Now the axial shift did occur, BUT it happened as a RESULT of the new land formations such as the Himalayas, which spun the earth's axis into what it is today.
OK yes. That is exactly what is going on in Gen 7:11-12.

Correct on what is occurring, wrong cause. The cause given, is tidal pumping by the moon, but the reason this process went into effect was that God allowed it when He decided to wipe out all flesh. If He had not found Noah to be pleasing in His sight, He would have just started over with a new creation. Now the axial shift did occur, BUT it happened as a RESULT of the new land formations such as the Himalayas, which spun the earth's axis into what it is today.
The 6k year cycle of polar shift is pretty easily confirmed. The 12k axial fandango is tougher but explains a lot that doesn't and never has made sense.
Good example is that bit we have always been told about megafauna being wiped out by amerinds in a really as in Really short period of time. Uh-huh...OK
So about the mammoths found with food in its mouth and belly flash frozen in what had to have been a frozen tundra. Hmmm
A quick search tells me that mammoths...which traveled in family herds of about 15 ate on average 400lbs of of grass per day. On a frozen wasteland.

You see my point. Mass extinction event that causes mass floods. 12k years ago the waves got over the rockies but caused by an axial tilt. There is a carbon layer in parts of America where below you get extinct animals...largely megafauna and above extant species. The carbon is basically ash and smoke from massive fires that were part of this potential event.
Some would claim that the time syncs up pretty well with the theoretical Younger Dryas impact event which could account for mass extinction and the carbon layer...presumably in chunks of the planet but certainly not all. But getting over the rockies and reshaping the land masses with entire new inland seas? Doubious. Same goes with others extreme flood evidence like dry falls in Washington, disproportionate riverbeds for the amount of water flow all over, sedimentary deposits all dated for 12k years ago all over the planet...deep sediment (I have my own notion about iodine in the soil as well but that is something I don't know if the people looking at samples are looking at that. Should ask Nick if he knows about resources for iodine maps from wide ranging assaying).

Thumbnail sketch the moons tidal issues which could spread that level of volume and cause climate to change so dramatically thst animals are flash freezing and shrink the land surfaces for years as the water recedes if you would. I have not consumed your links yet. Busy weekend
The Hydroplate conference part 1 is to be held tomorrow evening in Houston at 7:00 PM. https://hydroplate.org/conf-2023 If Noah had not entered the ark, his family would have still been saved, but he would have perished. So you too must enter the ark, in order to escape the coming wrath. Here is a must watch video from last year's conference
The Hydroplate conference part 1 is to be held tomorrow evening in Houston at 7:00 PM. https://hydroplate.org/conf-2023 If Noah had not entered the ark, his family would have still been saved, but he would have perished. So you too must enter the ark, in order to escape the coming wrath. Here is a must watch video from last year's conference
Cool. Will listen this afternoon.
You will also be intrigued with the videos about the formation of the Grand Canyon, because that addresses the inland seas that you referred to.
You will also be intrigued with the videos about the formation of the Grand Canyon, because that addresses the inland seas that you referred to.
Hope so as to date the Younger Dryas theory doesn't remotely cover it by my lights. Only seeing the 90° axial tilt managing to cover all bases and that is worryingly cyclical