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Social Hostility to Polygamy


New Member
Every Jack has his Jill: hostility to polygamy

I am Australian, observing the American way of life. I suggest that America started as a society designed for ordinary people, where everybody was regarded as equal. Equality implies that every Jack has his Jill, and every Jill has her Jack, an attitude that may partly explain hostility to polygamy.
It goes back to when the early Christian (Roman Catholic) Church was influenced by Roman law and culture. Serial monogamy was the Roman way of doing things and the early church adopted the law and culture and eventually codified it into the Catholic doctrine in the late 6th century.

Because the church began to teach it as doctrine soon it became an integral part of society, even the pagans and heathens adhered to it for the most part because they were put to death if they didn't.

But times, they are a changin'

The world aint flat no more, and the sun don't revolve around the Earth either.
Actually the founders of the US did not mean for it to be an egalitarian system where everyone was "equal"
Itsoktobesingle ;) said:
Actually the founders of the US did not mean for it to be an egalitarian system where everyone was "equal"

'Tis true. We're technically a Republic, not a Democracy, and democracy is something the founding fathers were very specifically trying to prevent as it is, by definition, mob rule. And dangerous. Mobs being waaaay to easy to sway in any old direction by someone competent to do so. Remember that old saw? "One mob, one Ranger" (Texas variety).
CecilW said:
Itsoktobesingle ;) said:
Actually the founders of the US did not mean for it to be an egalitarian system where everyone was "equal"

'Tis true. We're technically a Republic, not a Democracy, and democracy is something the founding fathers were very specifically trying to prevent as it is, by definition, mob rule. And dangerous. Mobs being waaaay to easy to sway in any old direction by someone competent to do so. Remember that old saw? "One mob, one Ranger" (Texas variety).

So true ... !

Getting back to the threads heading; my wife and I have found that most Church going Christians see it as a sin and then think that there is something horribly wrong in your relationship with Christ. I have found that for the most part the unsaved respond in two ways most always respond in shock and some careless mostly males (though not always) and females (since all the females have been strongly influenced by feminism) think that it is demeaning of women and that is where there hostility comes from. To some it up I think these verses do a good job.

Matthew 10:22 (New American Standard Bible)

"You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.

Luke 21:16

"But you will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death, and you will be hated by all because of My name.

John 15:18 (New American Standard Bible)

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.
I think that might be a bit of a stretch…if we are persecuted for the sake of the gospel…Christ crucified…then those verses would apply.

When we are persecuted for other things then we are experiencing the typical ignorance that the entire human race has to deal with…until you’ve walked a mile in my moccasins … We often experience the judgmental side of people because of their “lack of knowledge” this is to be expected knowing that "many will perish". There will always be disagreements over theology; it is how we express our difference of opinions that show our character…something most people are in short supply of…
Interesting point, Itsoktobesingle, and CecilW, that the US is technically a republic, but not a democracy. From my perspective, across the big pond (Pacific), it seems that the Founding Fathers were trying to avoid tyranny, and a republic was seen as a good way of doing so, so long as there were checks and balances. Certainly, in recent history, the US strongly supports democracy. Would the founding fathers be turning in their graves?

When in the late nineteenth century, the US Government moved against polygamy in Utah, polygamy was seen as a form of tyranny. I will rephrase what I said:

I suggest that America started as a society designed for ordinary people, where everybody was free from tyranny. Freedom from tyranny implies that every Jack has his Jill, and every Jill has her Jack, and that no Jack has more than one Jill. This attitude may partly explain hostility to polygamy.
Scarecrow said:
I think that might be a bit of a stretch…if we are persecuted for the sake of the gospel…Christ crucified…then those verses would apply.

When we are persecuted for other things then we are experiencing the typical ignorance that the entire human race has to deal with…until you’ve walked a mile in my moccasins … We often experience the judgmental side of people because of their “lack of knowledge” this is to be expected knowing that "many will perish". There will always be disagreements over theology; it is how we express our difference of opinions that show our character…something most people are in short supply of…

I agree to an extent b/c I really don't like when people act like martyrs for a personal preference in marriage unless one was in fact led by the LORD to live PM (like at least 1 family I know of on here). However, as a first wife, I think I am hated by the world (especially the religious) because of Jesus' name. It is my faith in Him that has me live a life I would not choose...it has been the essence of losing my life, submission to a husband, humility and selflessness, etc. (I am not claiming to have these down by any means). Anyway, these are all things the world scoffs at. The world is all about happiness and standing up for your rights, which are both the opposite of the example Jesus left for us. So, I think that any time a person tries to follow Jesus' example and is hated for it, that would equal persecution.

Although I admit that for that particular verse it may be a stretch but I do not think that those that do what is righteous are treated with hostility; it is through out the Bible.
"because of My name"

"because of My name"

"know that it has hated Me"

If we are persecuted because we invoke the name of Jesus or proclaim salvation through him - Christ crucified for our sins - these verses apply.

There are many "good" people that are not Christians yet they are ridiculed by some as "goody two shoes" etc... There are many evil people, and they don't really care if you are a Christian or not. If you claim to be a Christian however you do make an easier target because the hypocrisy taunt and other things are easy for them to use. This has little to do with what Jesus was speaking of, and a lot more to do with those with low self esteem and bigoted ideas toward religion in general. Islam and other religions face this very same type of bullying "persecution" and it is not for the name or sake of Jesus.

Those of us that are persecuted because of our beliefs that polygyny is biblical are being persecuted by those who believe that the practice is perverted and/or adulterous, it has nothing to do with having faith in our Lord and our God Yeshua Messiah. What is the worst part of persecution because of a belief in polygyny is that it usually comes from those that profess to believe in Jesus, yet display little if any of the characteristics He promoted.
"Freedom from tyranny implies that every Jack has his Jill, and every Jill has her Jack, and that no Jack has more than one Jill."

This may have a little to do with it, but most of the one man one woman baggage was carried across the ocean with them when they came here.

The Native Americans practiced polygyny and when the "Christians" came with their religion, they forced them to choose a wife and leave the others. This was not due to an anti-tyrannical attitude, but due to an error in their theology that it is adultery to sleep with another woman besides your (one) wife, and a Christian can not live in unrepentant sin.