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Single Ladies...


"Where single women are rare, women marry earlier, researchers reported Aug. 4 in the journal Evolutionary Psychology. The shift may be because the ladies have more men to choose from, while the men have extra motivation to put a ring on it."

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39231835/ns ... -behavior/

Should society ever embrace polygyny they will realize that women will always have all the men to choose from... : )

How much you want to bet they never thought of that!?
stephanie is just looking at the raw numbers. how many men vs the number of women
what she is not looking at is the number of men emotionaly available for marriage, in comparison to the number of women emotionaly available.
i would contend that even when the population numbers show a greater number of men, the number of "available" men is much smaller. with lots of women available, their percieved "value" is low and ther is no pressure on men to "straighten up and fly right" in order to attract one.
society will only see the true value of women when polygeny opens up the field of available men (as opposed to male ;) ) players.
any commodity, from water to women to proven husbands/fathers, is worth more when it is percieved as being in short supply.
her statement about how a shortage of women causes men to have to be better prepared and more attractive (job-wise, financially) for marriage is the secret weapon that women should be allowed to have. married men (who have proven themselves and thus eliminate the russian roulet of "how will this guy turn out") being available will turn any male-female ratio into a winner for the girls. and will cause the remaining males who wish to marry to "double down" about being qualified to win a womens hand and heart.

and an interesting side-note is that it often increases the attention that a man gives his own marriage, knowing that the game is not over now that he has "bagged his limit" :D
no matter how much he flamoozels a girl, she can ask his wife what the truth is about his life behind the closed doors :!: