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Should President Trump ignore the orders of usurping judges? The judiciary has created a Constitutional crisis.


Seasoned Member
Real Person*
Federal judges are clearly undermining the Constitution of the United States. This attack on the rule of law can no longer be tolerated. They are usurping the authority of the Executive and Legislative branches.

The Constitution clearly grants Executive power to the President, and designates him alone as the Commander in Chief of the military.

The Constitution does not permit the Judicial branch to micromanage the Executive branch of the government (or manage it at all).

Judges are trying to undermine this rule by doing things like denying the Executive the authority to hire and fire employees, and undermining his control over the military.

This should be stopped.

It probably isn't possible to impeach these usurpers due to the 2/3 requirement in the Senate.

There are however other actions that can be taken.

1. The President can simply point out that these judges have no Constitutional authority for what they are doing and ignore all their orders. Presidents have done this before.

2. Congress and the President could abolish the courts of individual rebellious judges. This would only require a simple majority.

3. I believe the Justice Department could also investigate these judges under Federal anti raccatteering laws, as they seem to be conspiring together to undermine the office of the President.
1. Disregard judges. Tell them to f...

2. Impeach them if possible. Highly unlikely since 2/3 votes in Senate needed

3. Constitution says only supreme court is must. Pass laws to reduce scope or even better fire them all.

4. DOGE them till infinity

Real issue is cleansing them all without causing civil war. Remember, Brits still haven't give up on colonies.

It's simple in the end. We live together for better protection, life standards etc...... In another words, we form associations. Horewer, somebody needs to be in charge of such associations and such positions are most irresistible to characters who prefer self-service rather than community service.

Off course, such characters prefers making themselves unaccountable as much as possible. This is eternal fight, people.

So it comes in end between people and self-serving rulers.

This is why I'm anarchist. I vastly more prefer leaving such narcissists to rule each other in their own community rather than doing dominance fight because we "need" government.
1. Disregard judges. Tell them to f...

2. Impeach them if possible. Highly unlikely since 2/3 votes in Senate needed

3. Constitution says only supreme court is must. Pass laws to reduce scope or even better fire them all.

4. DOGE them till infinity

Real issue is cleansing them all without causing civil war. Remember, Brits still haven't give up on colonies.

It's simple in the end. We live together for better protection, life standards etc...... In another words, we form associations. Horewer, somebody needs to be in charge of such associations and such positions are most irresistible to characters who prefer self-service rather than community service.

Off course, such characters prefers making themselves unaccountable as much as possible. This is eternal fight, people.

So it comes in end between people and self-serving rulers.

This is why I'm anarchist. I vastly more prefer leaving such narcissists to rule each other in their own community rather than doing dominance fight because we "need" government.
Those are good comments in general, but anarchism 🤣 is an atheistic utopian fantasy. Well ordered liberty under the rule of Christ is the way to go. Maybe that makes me a liberty leaning Christian nationalist. 😁
1. Disregard judges. Tell them to f...

2. Impeach them if possible. Highly unlikely since 2/3 votes in Senate needed

3. Constitution says only supreme court is must. Pass laws to reduce scope or even better fire them all.

4. DOGE them till infinity

Real issue is cleansing them all without causing civil war. Remember, Brits still haven't give up on colonies.

It's simple in the end. We live together for better protection, life standards etc...... In another words, we form associations. Horewer, somebody needs to be in charge of such associations and such positions are most irresistible to characters who prefer self-service rather than community service.

Off course, such characters prefers making themselves unaccountable as much as possible. This is eternal fight, people.

So it comes in end between people and self-serving rulers.

This is why I'm anarchist. I vastly more prefer leaving such narcissists to rule each other in their own community rather than doing dominance fight because we "need" government.
I do think the FBI and DOJ could be set loose on these punks, not for impeachment, but for criminal prosecution. Judges can't rule from prison.
Those are good comments in general, but anarchism 🤣 is an atheistic utopian fantasy. Well ordered liberty under the rule of Christ is the way to go. Maybe that makes me a liberty leaning Christian nationalist. 😁
Christendom testify against you.
Christendom testify against you.
Christendom (especially Protestant Christendom) worked fairly well (better than anything else in history) until the Faith was largely abandoned over the last two centuries.

Sure, the 30 years war was bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to the destruction caused by the current globalist regime, the Marxist delusion's democide, and the two world wars.
There are however other actions that can be taken.
There is another. (4) President Trump, having seen this before, issued an EO requiring that those filing the (obviously frivolous) lawsuits put up the legally-required (but ignored) bond to cover costs in the event that they LOSE; otherwise, the administration will ignore the suit.

Which helps to make the real point:

the 'law' has nothing to do with this BS, or the TROs, or 'injunctions' - or orders to bring back the gangbangers and release 'em, or rehire the morons...

it's really, ultimately nothing more than PR, and trying to convince the public that "democracy" somehow amounts to unelected judges playing god over the only nationally-elected executive.

PS> For those that know the "Secret Code" - check out my news show yesterday; this was the entire focus:

"You've got to get MAD!...and say, 'I'm as MAD AS HELL, and I'm not going to take this any more!"
- Howard Beale - Network

If you don't know the secret code, I'm not allowed to tell you, because, while people can post stupid leftist crap, anti-polygyny videos by ignorant 'preachers,' and probably cat memes, if you do a show YOURSELF - that's verbotten.

But you can find it on HebrewNationOnline.com if you look for Wednesday's news show.
Christendom (especially Protestant Christendom) worked fairly well (better than anything else in history) until the Faith was largely abandoned over the last two centuries.

Sure, the 30 years war was bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to the destruction caused by the current globalist regime, the Marxist delusion's democide, and the two world wars.
I means medieval type.
Those are good comments in general, but anarchism 🤣 is an atheistic utopian fantasy. Well ordered liberty under the rule of Christ is the way to go. Maybe that makes me a liberty leaning Christian nationalist. 😁
I did little thinking. This makes you part of problem.

I know my ideals are unachievable. For now. Horewer, situation can change in coming years and decades. Just take look at corona, Trump reelection to novice possible fast changes.

You, by assuming it will never happen, instead of ideal towards we have to work, assures it won't happen.
I did little thinking. This makes you part of problem.

I know my ideals are unachievable. For now. Horewer, situation can change in coming years and decades. Just take look at corona, Trump reelection to novice possible fast changes.

You, by assuming it will never happen, instead of ideal towards we have to work, assures it won't happen.
The more closely we follow Christ, the less government we will need.
I think Trump is trying to work within the system and right the ship without it becoming a constitutional crisis.
Newt says that there is an option;

I’m wondering if Roberts will still have a job or be replaced within the next 3 years.
I think Trump is trying to work within the system and right the ship without it becoming a constitutional crisis.
Newt says that there is an option;
View attachment 10339

I’m wondering if Roberts will still have a job or be replaced within the next 3 years.
I agree Trump is trying to work within the system. The trouble is that these judges have already created the constitutional crisis.

It's like Aragorn said to Theoden in the Two Towers,
"Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not".

The Jefferson option mentioned by Gingrich sounds good.
I agree Trump is trying to work within the system. The trouble is that these judges have already created the constitutional crisis.

It's like Aragorn said to Theoden in the Two Towers,
"Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not".

The Jefferson option mentioned by Gingrich sounds good.
Make no mistake, Trump is fully engaged in this war.
How he will win it and how much of the country will be on his side when he does is the main consideration. If the judges simply get delegitimized, it avoids the constitutional crisis.
Engaging the enemy using their own rules of engagement is unnecessarily messy.
These unelected anti-constitutional black-robed priests of Satan deserve nothing but contempt.

There is only one nationally-elected US official, he is the Article II executive head of those (even unconstitutional) executive-branch agencies. So to hear these self-impressed fake gods prattle about "democracy" while they tell the electorate 'F-U" is an insult to the intelligence even of mask-wearing MSNBC ignorami.

Many, if not most Americans have realized that the FBI is not only incompetent, and corrupt, but an Enemy Domestic of the rule of law.

I have reluctantly concluded that Trump has decided to "wait it out," and let these 'judges' show the people of this country that they are even more worthy of contempt than those who hid Hunter's laptop-from-hell and almost make J Edgar Hoover look honorably in retrospect.

Then we'll see what happens next.

"You've got to get MAD. You've got to say, 'I'm as MAD AS HELL, and I'm not gonna take this any more!!!"
- Howard Beale, "Mad Prophet of the Airwaves," Network (1976)

Jim Kunstler gets it.
1. Disregard judges. Tell them to f...

2. Impeach them if possible. Highly unlikely since 2/3 votes in Senate needed

3. Constitution says only supreme court is must. Pass laws to reduce scope or even better fire them all.

4. DOGE them till infinity

Real issue is cleansing them all without causing civil war. Remember, Brits still haven't give up on colonies.

It's simple in the end. We live together for better protection, life standards etc...... In another words, we form associations. Horewer, somebody needs to be in charge of such associations and such positions are most irresistible to characters who prefer self-service rather than community service.

Off course, such characters prefers making themselves unaccountable as much as possible. This is eternal fight, people.

So it comes in end between people and self-serving rulers.

This is why I'm anarchist. I vastly more prefer leaving such narcissists to rule each other in their own community rather than doing dominance fight because we "need" government.
It’s #3

It’s 3 coequal branches. These district courts still answer to the Supreme Court, not themselves. They also don’t have jurisdiction over the Executive. There will be appeals by Executive.

It’s all by design. Trump is looking for a showdown with the SC. The final result will help to distill the true powers of all 3 branches. Right now it’s all based on assumption and tradition.