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She gave her blessing.


Seasoned Member
Real Person
so after reading the post from @Paulsen https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/prayer-for-relational-healing-and-understanding.14357/

I talked with my wife about it last night. I decided when I came to the conclusion that poly wasn’t wrong that I would not pursue it unless my wife gave her blessing. This is because I made a vow to her on our wedding day that included “keep thee only unto her” She gave her blessing because she doesn’t want to stand in the way if God leads me to take an additional wife. That is a major step for her. She did say that she understands and accepts it intellectually but emotionally she does not want it. So we will see where God leads. I do think she is sensitive enough to Gods leading that He will change her desires if in fact He wants this for our family.
So glad to hear this! May I suggest that along with all the great things I am sure you are doing to encourage her, you might want to start talking about coming to a retreat next year. Talking with other women who have walked the same path is usually a huge help.
so after reading the post from @Paulsen https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/prayer-for-relational-healing-and-understanding.14357/

I talked with my wife about it last night. I decided when I came to the conclusion that poly wasn’t wrong that I would not pursue it unless my wife gave her blessing. This is because I made a vow to her on our wedding day that included “keep thee only unto her” She gave her blessing because she doesn’t want to stand in the way if God leads me to take an additional wife. That is a major step for her. She did say that she understands and accepts it intellectually but emotionally she does not want it. So we will see where God leads. I do think she is sensitive enough to Gods leading that He will change her desires if in fact He wants this for our family.
Amein! The key is, if HE decides. He will lead both of you. He didn't bring you here to not take you further. Continue to wait on Him, let her grow and see how He now magnifies Himself and uses you for His greater glory.
I would advise you to examine all of your vows while you are at it. Educate yourself on what Biblical vows should contain and what they should not. This is a very special moment in your walk together and should be treated with the same solemnity as your first occasion of vows.

Done right, this will become the foundation for many years of following Him in step.

@Well loved wife and I have experienced this same moment. If you’d like to know more you can PM me.
Just to be clear. Polygyny isn’t my goal. Being in the center of Gods will is. Whatever that means. Mono or poly I want Gods will. There’s no better place to be!
Booom shakalaka! Praise God! Praise the God who breaks the bonds of monogamy! Lol jk

Stoked for you brother! Blessings to you and your clan as God continues to guide you!

Thank you! Praise God!
So glad to hear this! May I suggest that along with all the great things I am sure you are doing to encourage her, you might want to start talking about coming to a retreat next year. Talking with other women who have walked the same path is usually a huge help.

Thank you and yes I spoke with her about a retreat and we would like to attend one. Hopefully there will be one within a reasonable distance soon...
Amein! The key is, if HE decides. He will lead both of you. He didn't bring you here to not take you further. Continue to wait on Him, let her grow and see how He now magnifies Himself and uses you for His greater glory.

Absolutely! I don't want it unless God wants it!
I would advise you to examine all of your vows while you are at it. Educate yourself on what Biblical vows should contain and what they should not. This is a very special moment in your walk together and should be treated with the same solemnity as your first occasion of vows.

Done right, this will become the foundation for many years of following Him in step.

@Well loved wife and I have experienced this same moment. If you’d like to know more you can PM me.

Great thought. I just might take you up on that. Thank you.
I'm praising God that your wife respects God more than her feelings. No matter where your family heads, it is a good witness!

Thank you!
That is such wonderful news to be able to share and encourage so many others with who are in that battle. May God continue to strengthen and uphold you both for what's ahead. Shalom

Thank you
Great news!
Now don't do anything about it.
Probably excellent advice. God will work it all in His time, and it will likely go south if He is not behind what happens.

It is wonderful that she is willing to let that be a possibility! I hope you are both blessed in your journey, and that you grow closer as your understanding of marriage changes and grows.
Great news!
Now don't do anything about it.
The biggest mistake men make at this point is to jump straight into looking for number 2. But she's still nowhere near ready for that. This is a very important milestone, and to thank God for. But only one milestone in a long journey.

Great advice! And I don't plan on doing anything about it... I told her last night that it's not up to her, or me. It's up to God. If he wants it he will make that clear. Our job is to be submitted to His will.
so after reading the post from @Paulsen https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/prayer-for-relational-healing-and-understanding.14357/

I talked with my wife about it last night. I decided when I came to the conclusion that poly wasn’t wrong that I would not pursue it unless my wife gave her blessing. This is because I made a vow to her on our wedding day that included “keep thee only unto her” She gave her blessing because she doesn’t want to stand in the way if God leads me to take an additional wife. That is a major step for her. She did say that she understands and accepts it intellectually but emotionally she does not want it. So we will see where God leads. I do think she is sensitive enough to Gods leading that He will change her desires if in fact He wants this for our family.

Praise God that the Paulsen family growth has encouraged growth in the Pacman family. I love how God works.