In America's Founding Era, there was a famous set of pastors and preachers who became known as the Black Regiment. In large measure, they framed the Scriptural and moral basis for the Patriots, and what became the successful American Revolution, and War for Independence.
And they understood what has since largely been forgotten, or re-written.
What is 'Rebellion'? And to Whom? and How Can We TELL?
Korah "rebelled" against Moses and against the God of the Bible. The Founders "returned!"
And they understood what has since largely been forgotten, or re-written.
What is 'Rebellion'? And to Whom? and How Can We TELL?
Mark Call – Parsha “Korach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
Parsha “Korach” (Numbers chapters 16 through 18) is – outside of perhaps Genesis chapter 3 – the per-eminent story in Scripture about “rebellion. And it comes during t…
Korah "rebelled" against Moses and against the God of the Bible. The Founders "returned!"