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Reassuring your wife...

Paul not the apostle

Real Person
I am interested in hearing how a man can reassure and build up his wife, not necessarily regarding plural marriage, but just in general what your husband does that shows that he loves you and how you recognize it. I would like to hear the warm fuzzy stuff and also the spiritual stuff of headship and nurturing. I know that this is important to a marriage even if there are no talks or realities of PM involved and I would like to hear what is done, or is desired in this area. If the men can add what they do or have done, or what they see is productive with their wives, I would appreciate that as well.

Notepad in hand.

Just the fact that you asked the question tells me that you are going to do fine. But here goes...

Remember when you were dating? You opened doors for her, told her how beautiful she is, you took her out and spoiled her? Remember kissing her for no reason? Remember a gift just because? Remember all the things you did to court her to get her to say yes the first time? Well, that is the stuff. Of course we can't have romance all the time, but us girls like to know we are special.

The post about how wonderful her cooking is was a great start. Read Chaplain's tribute to Rose. That is pretty spectacular. Think about her. Go out of your way to make her laugh. The way you make her feel is what she will respond to. If you make her feel like the joy of your life, then she will love you forever. (she probably already does.)

And after 10 years, if you can still make her blush, you are doing well.

Praying together is wonderful. Bible study together is good. But most of all listen to her and let her know that you value her input.

And pray for her. Lots. Ask her to pray for you.

Hmmmm...how unfortunate that no men responded to this. I'm posting to bring it back to the top to see if there are any takers.

I tried to make my wife blush, but she just punched me instead. Is that a bad sign?
Love her, no matter what stage of life she or yourself is in.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
This is an old post but D thought it was worth reviving and I have one suggestion for those whose wives work outside the home. The day before last St. Valentine's day {disclaimer-I have no idea of the the roots of this possibly pagan holiday- it is probably a Hallmark conspiracy- I just use it as an occasion to say "I love you"} I brought flowers and chocolates (Dove truffles) with a thank-you card to my wife's work for her co-workers. The note said "Thanks for making my wife's working environment so pleasant". Boy, was that a home run! We are told to love are wives as Christ loves the Church, to lay our lives down for her. $30.00 of flowers and chocolate are a small thing. What am I going to do this year? Help me again, Lord! God bless.
Also, finding something she HATES to do around the house (like stripping the leftover chicken meat off the carcass) and doing it for her works for me.
YES!!! Stripping the chicken is a great one! In fact, Paul did that for me last week when I cooked 6 chickens to make chicken & dumplings for the BF retreat. It was a huge deal for me. (now somebody hint to him about washing the cloth diapers) J/K! I wouldn't want to put him through that.

I'll tell you what has been great lately, even though you asked the question and obviously don't need my answer if you're already doing this. The past few weeks of you truly listening to me and desiring to understand me have been great. Your patience with me when I am struggling with this whole concept of PM has allowed me to feel like you want to please me, too, not just explaining away my fears with logic to get me over the fear so that you go can on with whatever else you are doing. You have been constant about reminding me of my value and worth to you, your children, and as a daughter of the King, and for that I am truly grateful. It has allowed me to open my heart to myself and believe that I am special to you and Him and other people in my life.

I have so much security now, knowing that you are my headship and that you fully submit yourself to our Creator and His perfect will, even if it means going through trials to make us more like Him. I want to follow you anywhere through anything because I know that you are following the Holy One.

Oh, and unexpected gifts at unexpected times are great, too! And feeling your hands on my face as you are listening to me. It doesn't get any better.
DeeAnn said:
YES!!! Stripping the chicken is a great one!

Now I really feel like a bad husband. I am not even sure what stripping the chicken means. I think ours come naked.
Here is what I feel makes the biggest impact for DeeAnn:

Pray with your wife,
Tell her you love her constantly,
Tell her she is beautiful constantly,
LISTEN to her and truly care about her feelings, don't try to explain them, just understand and your wife will get through it with God by herself,
Live a Godly life.

Reassuring DeeAnn becomes easier for me everyday. She is so beautiful, so wonderful, so smart, so witty, so discerning, so diligent, so giving to others....reassuring her is so easy when all I have to do is tell her what I feel in my heart for her.

I pray for her everyday, three times minimum, that God would let her reap the harvest from the work of her hands, and that she would be encouraged by seeing the fruit of her labor, with the children, the household duties, and with her emotions and thoughts regarding plural marriage. I think that these things are the best way for her to be reassured because the reassurance comes from God.

For me, each morning i try to wake her up by kissing her face and telling her that she is gorgeous and I don't stop telling her every few minutes until we actually get out of bed, and I purposefully make time in the mornings to spend the first part of our day together. I pour out my heart in humility in prayer to God in front of her and I hug her just about every time that our paths cross during the day. I tell her constantly that nothing will or can separate me from her, and I make a point of telling her whenever I feel led to do so. I am also not ashamed or afraid to embarrass myself to her by letting my emotions be known.

I stop everything that i am doing when she speaks, I turn toward her physically and look at her in the eyes during the conversation, and I make every effort to listen to her without interrupting until she is finished expressing herself. I ask God to help me understand what she is feeling, and to give me memory and compassion toward the things she needs or would like, and I ask Him to strengthen me so that I can provide those things for her, whether they are physical, material, emotional, or spiritual. No job is too small or too belittling for me to do, trash, sweeping, etc., everything is my opportunity to show her that I want to take care of my family. She loves that.

Most importantly, I cast myself on my Saviour, asking HIm to keep me on a straight path, in purity and righteousness of heart and mind. For DeeAnn, knowing that I am following God in everything that I do is the biggest, most important, and most impactful way that she is reassured.

She is a wonderful wife that would make any man proud and I am so blessed that God has entrusted this particular daughter of his into my care. She is special, unique, and deserves a husband that is fully submitted to God in his service to her as her husband. I love her like a fat kid loves cake and i hope that I make her feel safe, loved, appreciated and cherished.
cnystrom said:
DeeAnn said:
YES!!! Stripping the chicken is a great one!

Now I really feel like a bad husband. I am not even sure what stripping the chicken means. I think ours come naked.

ROFL :lol: Hilarious!

And Paul, DeeAnn is one blessed woman. Your post was very sweet. If you do take another wife, be sure to keep all that up. Unfortunately, no matter how many times a husband says "you're beautiful" and tells you how much he needs you and can't imagine his life without you, a wife has a whole other host of insecurities in PM. I think it is just so we learn to cleave to the LORD and not our hubby...so as you said, the best is knowing her reassurance comes from the LORD.
seekHim1 said:
so as you said, the best is knowing her reassurance comes from the LORD.

This is so true!!!! When I see Don studying God's Word, have him lead in prayer, see Him seek God == that give me assurance that He is submitting to God, as I am to Him........ but, when all is said and done, it is my assurance that God is ulitmately the one who will never leave me, forsake me, or relax His hold on me in any way (as it says in the Amplified Version) that gives me an unshakable faith!!

And, Paul, although it sounds like you are doing an awesome job already........just in case anyone else would like some help (not just the men, either - but us women in showing love to our husbands)..... there is a great book called "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, that helps us understand that different things say "I love you" to different people, and gives us ideas on how to do that.

Paul & DeeAnn - you are both very blessed -- and so are all of us who have had the chance to get to know you & your family!

(btw, Don does the chicken, and turkey, stripping, too :lol: )

Just wanted to re-iterate what Shari said in that "The Five Love Languages" really is a great book in helping to understand your mate. I loved it!!!
Call me crazy, but the words "Don" and "stripping" don't bring me any reassurance.

Just kidding, I very much admire Don and his family, and DeeAnn and I very much value our friendship with them. I have learned so much from hearing Don speak at the retreats, and DeeAnn is so thankful for her friendship with both Shari and Ginny. Seeing you guys and your family reassures us that this can be done in a Godly manner. Your commitment to each other is such an encouragement to us.

God bless.