Can't offer bucks at the moment, as we are in a similar bind. But it isn't new for us, having happened several times over the last 10 years of looking to God for what is next.
This I can offer by way of experience: Plant a prayer carefully. Ask Him to provide all your needs from His wealth and generosity. State your willingness to work and/or relocate and/or change careers as He sees fit.
Be sure to prepare the ground first for your prayer. That involves four conditions to my knowledge and experience:
a) Forgive, as best you know how, everyone against whom you hold a grudge. Ask Him to bring any obstructions to yur mind.
b) Confess your faults and sins to Him, again asking Him to bring any to mind that need dealing with.
c) Claim Jesus/Yeshua as your Master, Savior, and Provider, out loud. Make sure no demons can claim you've not actually SAID it.
d) Commit to following any clear instruction and accepting any clear truth into which He leads you.
Having done these 4, specifically, it is time to plant your prayer, knowing that it WILL be heard, and that once heard, you will receive and already have title to the answer.
My experience is that at this point, you QUIT praying for it. To do so again is to proclaim that you weren't REALLY heard, and answered the first time. It is like pulling up your seed to see how it is doing, then replanting it. Great strategy.
Instead, begin loudly, and frequently, and confidently giving thanks that you have what is needed. It is yours and it is on it's way. I'm not saying to make an idiot of yourself at church. I'm not advocating "Name it and claim it" theology for a new Mercedes 500 SEL convertible. I'm talking about those things which He HAS promised ... that your actual needs will be met. Truthfully, I tend to do it in the privacy of my home office, and tell most others nothing much except that help is on the way.
And I do hereby testify that He does, HE DOES come through.
Oh, 5th condition for preparing the ground.... Pay tithe, no matter whether you can afford it or not. Some disagree, and that's their right. In my experience, if you don't, Malachi 3 gives the devil an opening to jerk your finances around, contrary to God's intent. Ya gotta keep that door slammed shut! And if you do, God is free to start tossing blessings of various sorts out of those heavenly windows!
Ok, that's my 2 cents. *grin*