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prayer for Cecil


New Member
Real Person
As many of you know, Cecil has had an ongoing problem with his foot for almost 2 yrs. He was pretty sick the last few days and finally agreed to go to the ER. They did admit him, not sure how long he will be in. Please keep him in your prayers.

Cecil and Cindy
Just a reinforcement of this message for Cecil and Cindy: Cecil's diabetes-related foot issue is fairly serious right now - please, please keep him in daily prayer, and for the doctor's decisions. We'll let you know (or Cecil will!) when things improve, and when he comes home.

"Lord wrap your healing hands around Cecil's leg and foot right now. We believe You want him fully restored, and we ask and believe for that, right now. Thank you Jesus."
Prayers from Michigan.

praying for healing
Asking God to restore that foot....
Wishing him all the best with health and healing.

Prayers going up from the Rez.
Praying here as well! Being a Diabetic myself I know how long it takes to heal so I will be in prayer for healing also. Please keep us all posted about Cecil and how he is doing.
Chaplains Rose
Thanks for all the prayers. Very much appreciated. He is still in the hospital and will be at least through the weekend. Got the test results back today and he has a staff infection in his foot and a fairly big abscess. He still has a fair amount of pain but isnt running high fevers all the time anymore.
We should find out tomorow if they will have to do any surgery .

Thanks again ,

Cecil and Cindy
Cecil and Cindy,

I want youto know you can add Lacey and I to the loads of people who are sending up there prayers for you and your family. I am sure this is just as tough on CIndy. If there is anything Lacey and I can do to assist you during this hard time, please don't hesitate to ask. Cecil you are one of our leaders on the site that we love to see and hear from. Hang in there and I pray God works a mircle in your life. We miss you and wish that we could visit but for now you are in our prayers.

God Bless You,

James & Lacey
Thanks for the update. I will continue to be in prayer for healing. At least his high fevers have subsided. I will also be lifting you up in prayer. Again , Thanks for the update.
Thanks James and Lacey and Chaplains Rose. I know you understand to the complications from diabetes .Its finally starting to heal over and the doc is thinking that maybe he needs to stay in until it does heal over completely.Hope God allows that to happen quickly because it has been tough.
This song has been going through my head today. Its been a long long day.

God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain

But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

God hath not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;
He hath not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.

God hath not promised smooth roads and wide,
Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;
Never a mountain, rocky and steep,
Never a river, turbid and deep.

thanks everyone for your prayers,
Prayers from Montana. :) We know how serious issues can become when diabetes is involved. I am glad to see things are starting to heal. Much love to you both!
Re: prayer for Cecil - Update and request

All: please note that Cecil is still in the hospital, the foot is slowly getting better, but some of the antibiotics (apparently) they are giving him are really harsh, and perhaps giving him an ulcer - he's throwing up regularly. It's really tough, and things are hard for Cindy right now, trying to run kids to and from school, be there for Cecil, and find time to work a bit.
If you would like to help them out, we've set up a way for you to do that thru PayPal:


We'll see they get 100% of what you give thru this link, and it will be much appreciated. In fact, Biblical Families will match the first $250 given to help them thru this tough time.

Please keep them in prayer each day, also.
Thank you all for the prayers. Thay HAVE helped.

The good news is that I have escaped my keepers and am once more running loose in my natural habitat -- in front of a computer monitor. *sigh*

The ulcer on the foot is NOT entirely healed over as yet, but looks the best and closest to "healed over" that it has since the original injury 1 yr and 9 months ago.

Just to keep things interesting, it seems I had some sort of gall bladder stones attack. Fortunately, calmed down at present.

Frankly, I don't remember much about the last 2 weeks, but I seem to have lost about 21 lbs. That part would be the Silver Lining. :)

Finally, a special thanks to those who sent some practical (financial) help along with the prayers. That is a true blessing as well. I'm out of the hospital, but pretty weak. Still sleeping a lot. Hope to get some sort of work started in the next coupla days, but in the meantime, ... thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Cecil & Cindy