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Prayer request Prayer advice

I pray "The Lord's Prayer" almost every day. I don't merely repeat it from memory. I carefully go through each statement, thinking about it, and what it means. I will often stop and expand upon certain lines.

"Our Father who is in Heaven"

As Christians, we have God as our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ as our older brother. He loves us, provides for us, protects us, and teaches us. Our Father in Heaven is God, not a mortal man. He is altogether good. He is eternal. He is all powerful, sees all, and knows all. We call Him Father both because He created us, and more importantly because we have now been adopted and given new hearts in Christ. He really is our Father. We are already starting to resemble Him, and reflect His divine character in this world.

"Thy Kingdom come"

God has a Kingdom, and has given us a King. That King is Jesus Christ. We want that King to rule over us. We want Him to rule over everything. Jesus is not my buddy or boyfriend, He is my Master. I want to learn the ways of this Kingdom. Our King will establish true justice and righteousness. We are already citizens of that Kingdom, because it is the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven.

" Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"

God's Kingdom is not merely ethereal, hypothetical, and spiritual. It is real. It affects this earth. We want to obey our Father, and we want everyone else to learn to obey Him. In Heaven, He is obeyed instantly, perfectly, and with songs of praise. We desire all people on earth to do the same.

Speaking for myself ...I think other than praying for others, the Lord's prayer and the serenity prayer are all I need. I try to regularly express thankfulness back to Him for all my blessings too.

Today I prayed with our younger children who were home for my sisters nephew on the other side of the family. Axel is about 8 and Dr's after using their poison to try and kill cancer have given him up to die. I believe supporting the body with specific things might heal him. Those things have been offered (through my sis who I reached out to)....we prayed that his parents (divorced with different views) might (if it be within His will) believe it is possible for Axel to live and hope enough to try.

She says they have the information...and will let her know what they decide.
I also like to pray about the Bible passages I'm reading. I will thank God for the particular things I'm reading, and agree with Him about His instructions. If He tells us to do something, I will pray for help in doing it. If the passage tells us things about God's character, and/or His works, I will praise Him for them.