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Polygyny as a cure? Reddit discussion

I don't have an account. What do the comments say? What's the survey result so far?
I don't have an account. What do the comments say? What's the survey result so far?
Results of the survey won't be in for a couple of more hours. There is some lively debate in the comments and I had to add to that. and the top comment:

level 1

18 points·1 day ago

It is nothing but a fulfilment to the carnal & fleshful desires of a divided heart. Paul warns about having a single wife or don’t marry at all. Lust of the flesh & all sorts of wickedness will increase as The Day draweth nigh.
The Apostle Paul spoke to a 'single wife' being either a woman or the church. That's why the Catholics have single men as priests and they refer to the church as their bride.
Haven't read comments yet, but grabbed screenshot of closing poll.

After it runs through Dominion software, the results may change significantly. .. lol.
I didn't participate in the survey because I didn't like the options / some did not make sense to me. Roughly 1/4 support is not too bad.

Polygyny is not biblical

Soft polygyny is practical in 2020

Harems are biblical and perpetuate biblical patriarchy

Real polygyny or nothing
When the non christian knows that polygyny not being biblical is a total lumphead take...

What the hell is soft polygamy? Sounds like some sort of swinger blather that involves keys in fishbowls, the spread of disease and disolution of good morals. Also why do I get the impression that perpetuate the patriarchy is being framed as a negative? They get that women created patriarchy don't they?
Funny how a group of 'red pill' thinkers goes full on blue pill the moment polygamy comes up. That's one of the problems with that movement, too often it's just about "building better beta's" for women in order to deal with the perennial shortage of native alpha men.

What the hell is soft polygamy?

Based on the comments it sounds like that is decriminalized polygamy (as opposed to legalized). In other words 1 legal wife and other wives with religious ceremonies only (no government approval).
Few random thoughts here that I will just throw out without trying to make any sort of cogent narrative.

- that feel when the normie types still believes that the government has a say in my marriage be it one wife or bloody dozens
- deepest possible red pill is realizing that our ancestors were smarter than us. I tend to think of this issue in terms of evolutionary strategy (from macro to nano) and while our predecessors may not have thought in those terms, they knew well enough that not all genes need to be passed on. The fact that there are so many more mothers in the genetic record rather demonstrates this pretty clearly. So very much more to say here but the salient point being that polygyny is literally the natural state of humans and our ancestors managed to understand this obvious fact where we modern people struggle with the idea no matter how much we have learned in the interim.
-I image that the proffered theory @rockfox has for us in re defining soft polygamy is probably correct, it still sounds like cheating or worse like the bloody swingers when I consider the term. Insert vomit gif here
- the term poly... I can't be the only one that despises the fact the those creepy maladaptives are associated with polygyny in Any Possible Way. Talking about the swingers having rebranded themselves as polyamorus several years ago obviously.
- @FollowingHim shows us all that he is one of nature's optimists by telling us this is a silly topic not worth discussing. Buddy... don't bother with silly-ass topics devoid of actual meat? Heh...ok
I image that the proffered theory @rockfox has for us in re defining soft polygamy is probably correct, it still sounds like cheating or worse like the bloody swingers when I consider the term. Insert vomit gif here

So when he says 'soft polygamy' I assumed somewhat along the lines you did; probably something like spinning plates. But what I stated about the meaning is simply restating what he later clarified in the comments what the term meant. Whether that is how others took it in taking the poll or if he was trying to muddy the waters I cannot say.

All that said and duly noting it's an unscientific poll, 20% supporting some form of polygamy is actually pretty high for a Christian group. And this from a group that takes a MUCH harder stand against extra-marital sex than is taken in this forum.
I wonder what the legitimate number is in the population as a whole.
On a personal level I have never experienced any pushback from people on the topic. Fair amount of (geeze I could never do that while looking titillated... well no worries love, I was not trying to recruit you) questions and curiosity out of some and a large dollop of shrugged shoulders.