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Poly Themed Podcast Episode

The Revolting Man

Staff member
Real Person
This episode of this podcast is dealing with polyamory and polygamy. It is an avowed feminist podcast that is Christian friendly so this is not in our side it it is a very interesting take.

The entire podcast is fascinating from a certain perspective and I listen to every episode. The host is very critical of the sexual revolution and deeply positive on the moral authority that modern Christianity gave to women, despite not being a believer herself.

In many ways she is our worst enemy, in other ways she holds a number of views we would be sympathetic to. Take her with a grain of salt but she has very interesting opinions.
Suppose I will listen later but I anticipate being irritated in advance.
I see zero connection between the rebranded narcissistic swingers and those who wish to practice plural marriage. Plural marriage is only akin to rebranding a product in the old sales technique of two for the price of one or larger box for same price or buy cheaper in bulk. Degenerate swingers calling themselves poly anything is like claiming sugary breakfast cereal is nutritious food for your children.
Suppose I will listen later but I anticipate being irritated in advance.
I see zero connection between the rebranded narcissistic swingers and those who wish to practice plural marriage. Plural marriage is only akin to rebranding a product in the old sales technique of two for the price of one or larger box for same price or buy cheaper in bulk. Degenerate swingers calling themselves poly anything is like claiming sugary breakfast cereal is nutritious food for your children.
She’s a fascinating woman if you remember that she is not on your side.