“I have never seen anywhere in the Bible where prophets and preachers prayed for single ladies to get married. The Bible people were polygamous and everyone had a husband,” he says, adding that widows were allowed to become concubines.
He says polygamy was commonly practised by many African traditional communities and the Jewish culture was also polygamous, adding that it only began to fade with the introduction of Christianity. “As far as the Bible is concerned, the number of wives or concubines that one has does not matter and is not a standard of holiness,” he says.
He adds: “I have come out to tell Christians that we must preach the true gospel and allow our men in the church to marry as many wives as they want. Polygamy is not about men needing many wives but it’s about women needing husbands.”
According to the cleric, the Bible has only come out strongly to condemn adultery, which is taking another man’s wife.
However, not all clerics agree with him. According to Pastor George Mutua, a theologian who is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in theology at Daystar University, God’s original plan is that each man gets one wife.
“Any teaching that goes against God’s original plan is a false doctrine,” says Mr Mutua, who is also a psychologist and a family counsellor.
He says Christianity is about going back to God’s original plan. After the fall of man, he says, that is when polygamy and other sins began.
But in Rev Mulwa’s perspective, monogamy was a Roman culture.
The reverend argues that the fact that the missionaries, who mostly came from Rome, began to preach monogamy does not mean that this is what the Bible teaches. “It is unfortunate for the Church that today, when our dear brothers and sisters attend theological schools, they are fed with so much gentile-tilted theology that upon graduation, they are well equipped to vigorously convince the world to buy into the Roman immigration of Christianity,” he says.
He says Christianity is not an American or European culture. Rather, it is God’s way of reaching and dealing with humankind.
The thinking of the West in terms of modernisation, civilisation and capitalisation is slowly and systematically killing Christianity by making it a very loose and unrealistic religion with no moral limits, he argues.