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Meat Politically incorrect yet Biblical view of sex...


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Real Person
This really deserves a second thread, but because it was part of the comments and context of the previously linked article, I thought I'd add it here for additional fodder.


Multiple other opinions on this audio quote abound. This was just the first I could grab... Not promoting the source or coverage.

What is ringing in my brain is how absolutely vital BF is as one ministry that is seeking and standing for some of the truths that are most unpopular in today's culture war. My hat is off to each of you, men and women, who are seeking and wrestling with hard truth even if it is crazy uncomfortable. Having watched @Judgemenot ride the rollercoaster of anger, hurt, rejection, acceptance, etc... as she (and I) work through the cultural indoctrination to seek a more Biblical perspective of marriage, I know what each of you goes through. Women and men. It is easy for us to forget that on the other side of the computer screen are other real live human beings in this same wrestling match. I pray particularly for the lurkers seeking truth and understanding that is Biblical even if exceedingly hard. Remember, Messiah did not promise us a rose garden (unless you remember it is full of thorns...), what He promised was a sword and a cross.

The truths of patriarchy and Biblical marriage are a sword and a cross. Daring to speak truth will get you crucified, but who are we here to please? Mortal men that are fickle sinners? Or, are we here to please the Living Elohim who can save us forever and promises a future and a hope?

I bless each of you and encourage you to boldness and fearlessness in the face of a dead and dying world.

From one warrior to another, "Shalom!"
Well...because of jetlag, I'm up as the sun is starting to peek over the western horizon. And it's way too COLD to get outa bed so I guess I'll lay here and dig in lol! @PeteR and @Judgemenot, had a very blessed week after parting ways with you in the land. Hopefully see you soon!
Well...because of jetlag, I'm up as the sun is starting to peek over the western horizon. And it's way too COLD to get outa bed so I guess I'll lay here and dig in lol! @PeteR and @Judgemenot, had a very blessed week after parting ways with you in the land. Hopefully see you soon!
Haha. Jetlag... yeah, didn't get hit so badly this time, but still tough to battle through. Hope y'all had a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Well now that I've had the appetizer, on to the main course (audio podcast). Beth Moore gives me the creeps BTW...
I thought I was the only one... I’ve never been able to hit play on YouTube or open one of her books. I don’t know much about her though
I thought I was the only one... I’ve never been able to hit play on YouTube or open one of her books. I don’t know much about her though
I feel she's gotten worse over the years. The last time I listened to a few sentences (because one of my friends shared it on social media), she was loud and obnoxious. I didn't listen long enough to actually critique her "sermon".
I feel she's gotten worse over the years. The last time I listened to a few sentences (because one of my friends shared it on social media), she was loud and obnoxious. I didn't listen long enough to actually critique her "sermon".
Many years ago when I was a boilermaker and always on the road. One particular Sunday I was visiting a church and my wife was visiting another church, both of us just happened to pick a church that had women preachers LOL. My wife informed me that she actually gathered up all the children and told women there that she cannot sit and listen to a woman Pastor it goes against the Bible. Me on the other hand I decided to listen only because I've been hearing all this Rave about women preachers when I have left she reinforced my beliefs on the scripture that teaches wives are to remain silent in the church and that a woman is not to teach nor usurp authority over a man.
For instance, a woman claiming she is equal is un-Christlike. Christ had a valid claim to equality with God, yet humbled himself. So the “You-go-girl” girl power moxie that all the rage in churches and culture is teaching females to not be like Christ. Seems it was Lucifer that wanted more authority and power than God gave, so perhaps instead of Christ-like we should call the girl-power culture “Luciferain”. Instead of condemning this female arrogance as sin the church has validated and even cheerleads women into Lucifer-likeness and comforts them; concomitantly blocking their sanctification. Another example is when a wife resists sex and feels no guilt, she has most likely imbibed the “its my body” philosophy thereby rejecting that she is not her own and has been bought with a price, In other words if her husband is not Lord of her body then Christ is not Lord of her totality, she has like Saphira held back a portion for herself and lied about it.

I can't tell, did the church reject the lordship of Christ first or did they reject the lordship of husbands first. Seems to me both rejections arose around the same time in American history.
I can't tell, did the church reject the lordship of Christ first or did they reject the lordship of husbands first. Seems to me both rejections arose around the same time in American history.

They are one and the same. Our human relationships are supposed to be a reflection of Messiah and the assembly. Women’s rejection of their human masters authority is indicative of the loss of that understanding. Isaiah 4:1 is definitely a supporting passage for Polygyny but it’s even more telling that these women at some point recognize the shame and danger of being uncovered and beg for a man to cover them.
They are one and the same. Our human relationships are supposed to be a reflection of Messiah and the assembly. Women’s rejection of their human masters authority is indicative of the loss of that understanding. Isaiah 4:1 is definitely a supporting passage for Polygyny but it’s even more telling that these women at some point recognize the shame and danger of being uncovered and beg for a man to cover them.

So the same self-will that leads to one also leads to the other?
It just seems a general moral decline.

I love his comment about plumbers! I am not completely on board with everything he says here, but he gets it, to an extent.
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