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Please pray I can get some peace after this


I was just ministering to this family! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmO9bjEPJGE I shot this vid after I found out that the family I was talking to got killed. Just pray I get some peace out of this. I was tore up when I shot this! The mom, her 19 year old son, and his 3year old daughter just taken. It hurts cause the 19year old didn't want to get saved till he decided to leave a gang he was in.
Lord, please give your servant peace and clarity of thinking, and new ways to reach out to the people in his community that are inspirations of your Spirit who knows the only way out for them from their lifestyles, so he can show the light from the end of the tunnel, and be the light along the way for the ones who will really come out of it and belong to You. In Jesus... Amen.