I respectfully disagree. On tonight of all nights, we might wish to understand how peace may accomplish more than war. Even taking a moment to reflect on who exactly the oppressors may be, and the best methods to succeed against them now and in the future could prove to be the most efficient use of our efforts.
God Bless every single American on foreign soil tonight. My grandson is on his R&R from Afghanistan until Tuesday, thankfully spending Christmas with his wife and little son, but then he will return to spend 4 more months there before returning to his home base in Alaska. I am proud of the long line of men in my family that have served in the military. I was a military wife for seven years. That does not mean I need to acquiesce to every political whim for war. Or that I cannot question why my son’s blood might be needed to pay for state dinners where my leaders that sent him to war, break bread with the oppressors themselves.
There are many ways to fight for Peace, and rattling swords never seemed to be the first choice of the babe whose birth we celebrate this season. It may sometimes be the final necessary choice, but only after all others have failed.
Yes, I have read and worked at understanding the OT, and how God used human wars for his purpose. But I do also believe that course was meant to change by the teachings of the Gospel. Although I am not wise enough to interpret Revelations, I tend to feel strongly those battles will be under the direction of a wiser General than those afforded us today.
God Bless,