I was glad to see his disclaimer, especially after reading the article. As we are all aware, patriarchy is a practice almost everyone who regularly visits here subscribes to, at least in theory. And while I don't personally know anyone on this forum, I would find it hard to believe that anyone here is using patriarchy as a tool of abuse.
I find articles like this to be troublesome, and sadly it mirrors the way the modern media reports news (One example of something hanous or appearing to be hanous is found, it fits the script of what I want folks to believe, I blow it out of proportion and tie everyone together who has a common bond with the root cause of this hanous event, and all the sheep in the world fall in line with my thinking because they are too lazy to look up the facts themselves.)
@Verifyveritas76 said, the link never even defines what "abuse" is. One can assume, but assuming is dangerous. That discredits the article even more in my eyes, as abuse to some might be spanking, and abuse to others might be any punishment at all. Sadly, I know examples of both of these. One family I used to occasionally see believed in no punishment at all for their children. Last I heard, their children were adult hellions.
To build a bit on
@Sonny Chancelor last two sentences: someone can commit terrible acts (i.e., sexual abuse) in the name of biblical patriarchy, but that is no more biblical patriarchy than attending church makes someone a believer. It could be called patriarchy, but it cannot be rightly called patriarchy as designed by God.