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Pastor Kenneth Copeland

I used to be critical of Copeland like everyone else. However my opinion changed substantially during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. There were many Christians stranded there, the US government did next to nothing to help them - but Copeland lent his private jet to Glenn Beck, and Beck used it to fly all around the Middle East arranging private evacuation flights for Christians to various countries. How many lives were saved then by the fact that Copeland had a private jet? I have no idea. But it showed me that the Kingdom of God needs all people - and there are even times when you need a hyper-wealthy pastor with a private jet. I'm not defending Copeland in any way, I'm sure he's done many things that are wrong, as have we all. But I'm not going to be the person who is condemning him either.

We spend too much time fighting against other Christians instead of working with them to bring the world to Christ. There's a reason Christendom is in decline - the Kingdom is divided against itself, and thus cannot stand.
I used to be critical of Copeland like everyone else. However my opinion changed substantially during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. There were many Christians stranded there, the US government did next to nothing to help them - but Copeland lent his private jet to Glenn Beck, and Beck used it to fly all around the Middle East arranging private evacuation flights for Christians to various countries. How many lives were saved then by the fact that Copeland had a private jet? I have no idea. But it showed me that the Kingdom of God needs all people - and there are even times when you need a hyper-wealthy pastor with a private jet. I'm not defending Copeland in any way, I'm sure he's done many things that are wrong, as have we all. But I'm not going to be the person who is condemning him either.

We spend too much time fighting against other Christians instead of working with them to bring the world to Christ. There's a reason Christendom is in decline - the Kingdom is divided against itself, and thus cannot stand.

You're far more charitable than I am.

I don't trust people who act like he does.

I used to be critical of Copeland like everyone else. However my opinion changed substantially during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. There were many Christians stranded there, the US government did next to nothing to help them - but Copeland lent his private jet to Glenn Beck, and Beck used it to fly all around the Middle East arranging private evacuation flights for Christians to various countries. How many lives were saved then by the fact that Copeland had a private jet? I have no idea. But it showed me that the Kingdom of God needs all people - and there are even times when you need a hyper-wealthy pastor with a private jet. I'm not defending Copeland in any way, I'm sure he's done many things that are wrong, as have we all. But I'm not going to be the person who is condemning him either.

We spend too much time fighting against other Christians instead of working with them to bring the world to Christ. There's a reason Christendom is in decline - the Kingdom is divided against itself, and thus cannot stand.
Yeah, I'm not necessarily condemning him, I don't know enough about him. But his behavior is off, I've often wondered if he's unwell or has something else going on?
I used to be critical of Copeland like everyone else. However my opinion changed substantially during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. There were many Christians stranded there, the US government did next to nothing to help them - but Copeland lent his private jet to Glenn Beck, and Beck used it to fly all around the Middle East arranging private evacuation flights for Christians to various countries. How many lives were saved then by the fact that Copeland had a private jet? I have no idea. But it showed me that the Kingdom of God needs all people - and there are even times when you need a hyper-wealthy pastor with a private jet. I'm not defending Copeland in any way, I'm sure he's done many things that are wrong, as have we all. But I'm not going to be the person who is condemning him either.

We spend too much time fighting against other Christians instead of working with them to bring the world to Christ. There's a reason Christendom is in decline - the Kingdom is divided against itself, and thus cannot stand.
Broken clocks are right twice a day, but that doesn’t make them trustworthy.
Samuel never advocated trusting him, from what I saw.
We spend too much time fighting against other Christians instead of working with them to bring the world to Christ. There's a reason Christendom is in decline - the Kingdom is divided against itself, and thus cannot stand.

I think Copeland is an agent of the other team. He teaches false things, seems greedy for material gain, and genuinely appears to be demonically influenced.

Treating agents of satan as brothers is probably a bigger problem than quarrels between believers.

Perhaps Christendom is in decline because it is divided against itself, with some trying to serve Christ, and others (I believe including Copeland) serving the flesh.

I appreciate that his plane was used to save lives.

I don't regard Glenn Beck as a believer either (Mormonism), but do appreciate that he does some beneficial things.