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One Roll


Real Person
I have a very simple job. I splice fabric together. Essentially, I take 2 rolls of fabric, splice them together, and make one larger roll.


I may repeat the process many times.


Anyway, it seems like an analogy, if not a precise one...
Nice analogy, I'll remember that one. No analogy is precise, the whole point of an analogy is to explain something complex in simple language, so some details will always be missing.
that is good.

i would state it;
I had an interesting thought the other day: One man joins with one woman (2) and they produce a child (one flesh). Interesting how that same man can go to another woman and the TW0 of them can have a child (1). Yet, the two women couldn't get together and nor could the three of them get together and as three produce one. I haven't really studied how the verse(s) on two becoming one flesh might read this way, but it did make me think.