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Of Teddy Bears and Marriage


Real Person
... well, families in general, I guess....

This morning, I lay upon my bed having a conversation with my Freddy Teddy. He's about 18" tall, sitting. A very cute golden brown bear, wearing a red sweater appliqued with a red and purple heart. He's got a red nose. Claims it's stuffed up!

Admittedly, the conversation was a bit one-sided. He just sat there on my chest, looking down at me with big eyes, and an even bigger smile. Didn't say a word. Just listened with an attitude of pure personal approval. Whether he agreed or not. Let me get it all out. Still didn't say a word. Just sat there smiling all over me until I'd said all I needed to say. Then smiled some more.

Upon reflection, it seemed like a pretty good technique for moms and dads and spouses and friends. Well, maybe not the sitting-on-the-chest part, though if you got teenagers it might be an overwhelming temptation ...

Anyway, I got to thinking about all the people we encounter on a daily basis, all wrapped up in their own problems or wanting something from us or supremely indifferent. How often does someone sit down to listen to us and smile all over us in pure personal approval the whole time? Prolly nowhere near enough.

So maybe the secret ingredient to happy marriages is to truly turn into a Teddy Bear from time to time? :roll:
I think that this is absolutely true, when I listen to DeeAnn in order to understand and truly KNOW her situation without trying to fix it, she feels truly loved. The art of listening without trying to fix or present my side is one that I would like to improve on.

Amen to that truth Brothers! Thanks Cecil for always offering all of us here, and countless others I'm sure a thoughtful/caring "Hand Up in Christ," and not the old stand by of Condemnation in Christ! As there are however times to hold one another accountable in Christ, speaking the Truth in Love of course. But I think we'd all find more peace and joy for our journey on this earth, if we all tried to develop the "Teddy Bear Mentality and heart!" As I'm sure you're that loving teddy bear that Cindy needs you to be in her life! Not that you're perfect mind you, as none of us are, but that I'd like to believe that you do make the effort to be her teddy bear! ;) " Oh won't cha let me be, your teddy bear," in the words of Elvis! :lol: He has left the house, and someone Bigger, Better, more Loving & Powerful lives in the house of my heart - Christ Jesus!

Warm Wishes,

P.S. The whole "Teddy Bear Mind Set," should work both ways! Husbands & wives. ;)