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Nuts and Bolts of Christian Polygamy


New Member
Dear friends,

Basically plural marriage is a form of marriage that works best within a patriarchal society. America used to be such a society but now days it has become decidedly matriarchal. The reason that plural marriage is best suited for patriarchy is that without the acknowledged supremacy of the man with in the family unit there is no final authority for women to agree to submit to. In the Old Testament, Sara and indeed all the household reverenced Abraham and submitted to His counsel. In such a situation the inevitable difficulties that arise from having more than one woman to husband at a time can be dealt with fairly and justly.

However, we are faced with trying to live a patriarchal lifestyle in a matriarchal society in which women, generally speaking, have little concept of reverence towards men. This is not their fault for women are social creatures and naturally tend to mold to the societal values hey are presented with. It takes a very strong woman indeed to stand up to the constant barrage of disrespect that society teaches them to show towards males.

I have thought about this a bit and have come up with the rather astonishing conclusion that this turn in America from patriarchal to matriarchal started with the woman’s right to vote. As soon as women became a voting block then politicians started to pander to them in order to secure their support. Today, many politicians are pro-choice simply because they cannot afford to alienate that part of their constituencies. Another step down the slope into matriarchy was the advent of contraceptives. Now, promiscuity became practical for the fear of pregnancy was not as great. The “summer of love” was really just the “summer of promiscuity” because of the pill. Unfortunately, the promise of safe and effective contraceptive was well, deceptive, and even though in theory when used correctly it would prevent conception when not used properly it was not so good. Therefore, you had the rise of births out of wedlock which were highly frowned upon by our society. Therefore, abortion became an issue because both women and men did not wish to pay for their indiscretions and again, because the woman’s vote was something that the politicians felt they must pander to; abortion became law through the Supreme Court ruling and could not be challenged effectively. The proceeding is just a sketch of what I believe has happened to our country. It is also why we find it difficult to find suitable women to marry as plural wives.

So, aside from the theological implications of Christian polygamy I believe it would be profitable to figure out the following:

1. Where are we going to find suitable wives in our present society?

2. How are we going to support them in a manor that is proper and comfortable?

3. Having grown up in a matriarchal society how will men again regain their patriarchal position with balance and fairness?

I believe these three topics would be greatly helpful if we could come together and actually work out the nuts and bolts of them. No matter what your theological framework these basic questions need to be answered or else polygamy is just a academic question for many of us.

God bless,

1. Where are we going to find suitable wives in our present society?

2. How are we going to support them in a manor that is proper and comfortable?

3. Having grown up in a matriarchal society how will men again regain their patriarchal position with balance and fairness?

[31] Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
[32] (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
[33] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
[34] Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

We need not worry about our desires being unfulfilled as long as we continue to keep God as our primary focus. None of us are perfect and we doubt worry and fear about every little detail. What makes us christians different from every one else is our faith. Our unyeilding faith that god allways has our best interests at heart
Hi All,

I know the scriptures that you are talking about and I suppose I think it is a bit trite to quote them as
an answer to my post. The effect of quoting that "God will provide" does little to further discussion on
this topic. When a person is hungry there is of course the promise of God that He will take care of
thier needs as he does the sparrow but still there is the real world question of feeding them that needs to be dealt with. If you quote scripture to them and say "be at peace be filled" and send them away hungry then your faith is without works
and is dead. Likewise, though all these things may be added unto us it is still proper to put legs to our faith
and discuss among those with similar interests and concerns how these questions might be resolved.

God bless,

My son and I had a conversation just this day about how to find a suitable 2nd wife. Where does one look? are there other countries whose culture is more accepting of the idea? The divorce and family law promote matriarchy and give women a club in which to beat men into submission should they try to live in a patriachal manner. Most churches are also so infiltrated with feminist thinking that a man would be ostracised for taking a second wife. In our assembly I came under attack for my position on the subject and one of my daughters said she would never speak to me again if I took a 2nd wife . She even called our other daughters and said "we need to have a meeting about dad". { perhaps they are going to have me committed.} Anyway I have been praying and pondering about the how to. And to the men who have wives that accept a 2nd wife I would say cherish them like the rubies that they are. They must be very spiritual women. Brian P.S. Isa. 3:12 came to mind after the discussion in our home assembly took place.
Very interesting about your observation on family law!! I have much trouble in that area with the father of my children and he seems to have everyone on his side. He is the most NOT patriarchal person I know. he thinks all single moms should put their kids in daycare and make lots of money and pay their boyfriend's way (like his misgiuded girlfriend). Maybe if he started acting like a man then judges, magistrates, police etc. would start taking my side! I need that club you mentioned!! lol
This is for those who say you can't have more than one:

I will put my inexperienced two cents worth in here if I may. This is a great question and deserves prayerful responses because I believe we are in transition to the times of Isaiah chapter 4. As I still have enough trouble with the one wonderful wife that God has blessed me with at this time, I am probably the least qualified to speak here, but I will give you what I believe God gave me. There are women out there who WILL accept this way of life as being from God and WILL walk in the principles of the order of God with the man as the true head of the wife/wives, as Christ is the head of the church. The problem right now is the lack of information and enlightenment in the church at large. Since the majority of Christians do not understand these principles, then God will have to raise up His own people to do the job or He will just do it Himself, as He did with me, (Ezekiel chapter 34). What Sixth said I will have to agree with to a degree, (I think that is a first) since God WILL provide, as it is HIS plan. We will not have to work it out per se. I believe that God showed us that we as the righteous men will need to prepare, just as Noah did for the flood by building the ark. We men MUST get ready to deal with seven wives who will no doubt be, as you so aptly pointed out, products of this modern society of independent women. The independence will of necessity exist since Isaiah chapter 4 says they will have their own stuff. They will largely NOT need the support of the men, only the spiritual and physical covering. This situation will be FORCED upon the earth, since they have mostly believed the lie that polygyny is not of God. However, I believe that there are women with whom God is currently working to receive these things, as is evidenced by the wonderful women on this site. One lady even told me, if I am not mistaken, that she has always felt that polygyny and submission was the right way. That has to be God! Therefore, I am praying that God work this thing out in His time and in His way, just like He did with my first wonderful wife. However, the challenge for the men I believe will be to be able to express themselves properly, in a loving fashion, as Jesus would. We need to know and live the Word of God in such a way that these women will be like Mary and just want to be with us because of the love of God that they see in us. We need to prepare for our positions in such a fashion that God believes that we are ready for such an arrangement. Then, and only then, I believe that God will bring those women into our lives. Therefore my answers to your excellent questions are:

1 - Prepare ourselves as Noah did because when the women come it will be like a flood.
2 - Pray daily and speak out loud those things that God has put in our hearts must come to pass.
3 - Keep our eyes and ears open for the right women, because, (as with Elijah) I believe they are hidden all around us.
4 - When they do start to come, hold as precious ALL the women and children in our lives, keeping the order of God foremost in our hearts and minds at all times.

Great issue, let's get ready!

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Erasmus said:
Hi All,

I know the scriptures that you are talking about and I suppose I think it is a bit trite to quote them as
an answer to my post. The effect of quoting that "God will provide" does little to further discussion on
this topic. When a person is hungry there is of course the promise of God that He will take care of
thier needs as he does the sparrow but still there is the real world question of feeding them that needs to be dealt with. If you quote scripture to them and say "be at peace be filled" and send them away hungry then your faith is without works
and is dead. Likewise, though all these things may be added unto us it is still proper to put legs to our faith
and discuss among those with similar interests and concerns how these questions might be resolved.

God bless,


Couldn't agree more. Heretic's reply was a cop out more or less.

My solution is trying to get onto a piece of land and live off the agriculture and livestock first. This way I am no longer connected to the heathen homeland. Just a start.
Thanks, MD, for putting this important issue back in the "active" queue, for those of us who tend to rely on that browsing tool. :)

I think your input is important, given what I have believed for along time is coming, and is indeed now imminent.

To your proposal regarding how we are to "come out of her", I would add a few more "nuts and bolts" from the economic elements of the Bible:

- Come out of debt; be not a partaker of the plagues that are now destroying the world's system of dishonest weights and measures, fraudulent money, and of contracts, treaties, and 'licenses' based on lies.

- The only "money" ever described as acceptable before Him were standard, consistent weights of precious metals, primarily gold and silver. They even formed the supports and elements of His tabernacle. Their "prices" are now being manipulated by the "rich men of the earth" -- at least in terms of paper. There is precedent for our response to this from Egypt -- let them give it to you for less than it is worth, as you prepare for the greater exodus.

- Learn to give true "value for value" in your exchanges with your brothers, and teach others to do so. Begin to deal with one another using those same honest measures of gold and silver, wherever possible. Many people have much to learn in preparation for what is to come.

- Be ready, in season and out, to speak "boldly", as we ought to speak, concerning the Truth of His Word. Not just about marriage, of course...
...but how can we expect to be heard in even the smaller things if we are afraid to speak His truth as Written?

Blessings in Him,

Interesting thread that I thought I would revive for continued discussion!

Erasmus said:
Dear friends,

Basically plural marriage is a form of marriage that works best within a patriarchal society. America used to be such a society but now days it has become decidedly matriarchal. The reason that plural marriage is best suited for patriarchy is that without the acknowledged supremacy of the man with in the family unit there is no final authority for women to agree to submit to. In the Old Testament, Sara and indeed all the household reverenced Abraham and submitted to His counsel. In such a situation the inevitable difficulties that arise from having more than one woman to husband at a time can be dealt with fairly and justly.

However, we are faced with trying to live a patriarchal lifestyle in a matriarchal society in which women, generally speaking, have little concept of reverence towards men. This is not their fault for women are social creatures and naturally tend to mold to the societal values hey are presented with. It takes a very strong woman indeed to stand up to the constant barrage of disrespect that society teaches them to show towards males.

I have thought about this a bit and have come up with the rather astonishing conclusion that this turn in America from patriarchal to matriarchal started with the woman’s right to vote. As soon as women became a voting block then politicians started to pander to them in order to secure their support. Today, many politicians are pro-choice simply because they cannot afford to alienate that part of their constituencies. Another step down the slope into matriarchy was the advent of contraceptives. Now, promiscuity became practical for the fear of pregnancy was not as great. The “summer of love” was really just the “summer of promiscuity” because of the pill. Unfortunately, the promise of safe and effective contraceptive was well, deceptive, and even though in theory when used correctly it would prevent conception when not used properly it was not so good. Therefore, you had the rise of births out of wedlock which were highly frowned upon by our society. Therefore, abortion became an issue because both women and men did not wish to pay for their indiscretions and again, because the woman’s vote was something that the politicians felt they must pander to; abortion became law through the Supreme Court ruling and could not be challenged effectively. The proceeding is just a sketch of what I believe has happened to our country. It is also why we find it difficult to find suitable women to marry as plural wives.

So, aside from the theological implications of Christian polygamy I believe it would be profitable to figure out the following:

1. Where are we going to find suitable wives in our present society?

2. How are we going to support them in a manor that is proper and comfortable?

3. Having grown up in a matriarchal society how will men again regain their patriarchal position with balance and fairness?

I believe these three topics would be greatly helpful if we could come together and actually work out the nuts and bolts of them. No matter what your theological framework these basic questions need to be answered or else polygamy is just a academic question for many of us.

God bless,


Where you ask? Look around. Its not about finding one who beleives but finding one who will beleive.

How to support them? Sorry, but this is a day and time where women work as well. Everyone is equal in the house. So its not just you but everyone who supports each other. And financial is not the biggest support needed. Its emotionaly that is needed. Again, thats for everyone involved to do it. Not just one.

Men do not need a patriarchal position in the house. Just like the last answer. Everyone is equal. In my house we talk and discuss and go with that we all think is best to do. Not just MY opinion. Though my wife will go with it if I say but I dont say. Her view point is just as important as mine along with what may soon be my second wifes view of it. And it will be discussed untill we can all come up with a comfortable solution to a problem.

Dont look for a second wife or third wife or anything of that nature. Look for love. And friendship. And you will find what you want. Just takes time sometimes. And be open and honest. Dont hid anything. The woman who might become my second knew from the start of how my relationship with my wife is and what we beleive. I never hid it from her. I was open and honest the entire time and let love and God take over. Good luck everyone and well wishes to all.
Hello my friend, and welcome to the board.

Where you ask? Look around. Its not about finding one who beleives but finding one who will beleive.

This is a very good point. A teachable and open heart towards the "Whole counsel of God's Word" is certainly needed.

How to support them? Sorry, but this is a day and time where women work as well. Everyone is equal in the house. So its not just you but everyone who supports each other. And financial is not the biggest support needed. Its emotionaly that is needed. Again, thats for everyone involved to do it. Not just one.

Men do not need a patriarchal position in the house. Just like the last answer. Everyone is equal. In my house we talk and discuss and go with that we all think is best to do. Not just MY opinion. Though my wife will go with it if I say but I dont say. Her view point is just as important as mine along with what may soon be my second wifes view of it. And it will be discussed untill we can all come up with a comfortable solution to a problem.

The Whole Counsel of God's Word certainly supports equality of sexes, but it does not support equality in decision making. Not that a wise husband would not seek the counsel of his wife/wives for major decisions, but there can only be one bus driver who makes the final decision - the Head of the House. There can only be one bus driver. Try driving a bus with three steering wheels! This is not to say that a woman cannot work outside of a home under certain circumstances, but just to say that God has established Biblical order in the home!

Dont look for a second wife or third wife or anything of that nature. Look for love. And friendship. And you will find what you want. Just takes time sometimes. And be open and honest. Dont hid anything. The woman who might become my second knew from the start of how my relationship with my wife is and what we beleive. I never hid it from her. I was open and honest the entire time and let love and God take over. Good luck everyone and well wishes to all.

This is some very good advice as wel. Blessings!
Thanks for the welcome DaPastor. And I see and agree about the bus driver part. With me I guess, I realize that if I make a major decision with out consulting my wife/wifes then there may something to pay from it if you catch my drift. lol. Now if its a big decision that has to be made immediatly, then theres no question. Just in my experience so far I have to say an equal home is a happy home. And if you keep mom(s) happy, then dad stays happy. ;) lol. A lot of decisions should be made by the man, and a lot made by the women. And then theres some that need made together. Theres no Man only decisions is all I am saying with it. Sometimes you have to rotate bus drivers. And another one I guess will work is even the captain of a ship has a navigator to help out.
You go straight to where my heart is on this matter Erasmus. We have to become patriarchs before we get to be polygynists.
Where are we going to find suitable wives in our present society?
Erasmus...This may come as a shock to you but many women are asking the same question in respect to finding husbands !
Unfortunately, Many men have chosen to just sit back and watch, as their God given "patriarchal role" has been reduced to non-existence in our society.
From a female perspective, it's very difficult for women to follow men who simply refuse to lead. ;)
Very good Fairlight...

I know there are many women who desire to find true leaders today, for sure. Our socieity pushes so hard against it that idea that many men have just "shot themselves", laid down, and given up the ghost.Ok, maybe just laid on the couch! lol I sincerely believe that the call of God is for men to take their God given place, not as some sort of caveman, but as those who embrace the vision God has given to them, and press toward the High Calling in Christ Jesus. Anyway, thanks for saying that!!!
Erasmus said:
I have thought about this a bit and have come up with the rather astonishing conclusion that this turn in America from patriarchal to matriarchal started with the woman’s right to vote.

Wrong! (I am being emphatic not mean spirited.) :)

Physically, it began when man abandoned his home for the work place. Leaving wives to rule the roost.
Spiritually, it began when man abandoned his God given duty to lead his home.

The right to vote came much later, to a generation that had turned from God. A woman in a godly home will vote her conscious. A voter that rejects God, will never please God, nor can they, with their vote or in any other way.

Men who should have been patriarchs shirked their duty to God, and surrendered their stewardship to the hand that rocks the cradle.