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Not=So=Private Idaho (from Samuel Chapman)

Me, too. Hope he fights it.
Fascinating article, thanks for posting it.

One of the sources does say he resigned on his own terms; however I can imagine the pressure brought to bear from do-gooders.

Yes I hope he fights it too.

It is also a reminder for me that the chosen vocation for patriarchs should be self-employment or business, not being an employee. As a business owner your clients will know you as an individual, not solely as a polygamist, respect your work, and your good products or services will speak for themselves. You may lose a few clients over the years for your beliefs, but that is not the same as being an employee and being summarily dismissed by someone who thinks they know best.

Hey Ylop, this man did not go out to set himself up as a Patriarch, he fell in love and IMHO that is the best way to go about Poly.

The problem here of course that the new wife was silly enough to write down evidence to her bitter relatives. It could very well be edited to make it seem worse but in it she comes across as a little bit brainwashed also, but of course, she is just in love and is writing in that stupid way we all do when first in love. Unfortunately she has a rather vindictive family, she is 30 years old so what did he hope to do except causing his daughters husband to lose his job so they may need to move and cause a permanent breach in his family. Stupid vicious move....

Hey Isabella.

Yes it reads that way, sure, and falling in love is a nice way to go.

For me the situation still speaks of the vulnerability of employees in a prejudiced society.

ylop said:
Hey Isabella.

Yes it reads that way, sure, and falling in love is a nice way to go.

For me the situation still speaks of the vulnerability of employees in a prejudiced society.


True, but you know, being self employed does not necessarily save you. As business boycotts are routine. You need a finger in many pies really.


I was that silly woman (and yes quite in love). John did resign and we did not fight it.

Sorry if we in any way hurt the ministries at Biblical Families.

- Jana
Hi Jana. Welcome to BF and thanks for posting, you are courageous; and fortune favours the brave. ylop
Welcome Jana, and don't apologise for following where you feel God is leading you. You'll find support here, not criticism. By making the media your case probably got a lot more people thinking about that issue, and that can only be a good thing - and help this ministry, not harm it.

It's great to hear from you. How are you getting on now, a few months down the track?
Welcome Jana,

As already been said, you have nothing to be sorry for, as I wrote, when you are first in love and very keen it is easy to be gushing and that is not wrong but totally normal, the fault lies with the people who let their hurt and intolerance override their common sense and humanity.

And therein lies the proof - if Bels and I agree on something, it MUST be true! :lol: (you'll understand once you know us better!).
Hear, hear!

(Welcome back, Bels. We've been missing you.)
CecilW said:
Hear, hear!

(Welcome back, Bels. We've been missing you.)

Thank you, I have been reading posts but nothing was appropriate for me to comment on.

You did not hurt us at all...when we heard the story, we were wondering how we could best connect with you for support! Seems that God figured it out (as he usually does).


Hi Jana,

Glad to have you here :)

Not many of us have to suffer through what you did for our beliefs.

I totally understand if you cannot share your story, but I am very curious to know if you and your family are doing OK?
Thank you guys for the amazingly kind support! It has been a rough few months now since my Father went to the media with our living situation. The very fortunate thing is that John had a back-ground in farming and ranching, and so we were able to cash out hsi retirement and continue living (financially). Crystal (first wife) was put on a week or so administrative leave as she was a teacher in a neighboring school district. Several months later, just as we needed it the most, the Lord brought me to a job with Mormon bosses who had not heard of our story and when I made it known to them (privately) they were very okay with it.

The reactions from the communities and families has obviously been what is most hurtful. We still receive mean glances, unreturned waves, and live a lot of ways isolated from old friends. Yet, all the same, God has been so incredible! We have begun in a lot of ways a "least of these" ministry. This Sunday we'll probably have ten or so stop by the house for a mini-church service, fellowship, and a chance to get away (we leave out in the country away from the city).

Our immediate families are all but non-existent. John's folks are the only ones who have continued to be family, the rest have done away with us. If there is one great thing we could use your prayers on, it is the loss of children and grandchildren Crystal (first wife) has faced. The younger two went to go live with their older siblings in Alaska, she and John are not invited, and the grandkids are only known through photographs.

All of this is what makes a Biblical Families such a blessing! We just got internet at home, so we hope to be more involved soon. Thank you guys so very much for your prayers and support, you are a hope and encouragement.
Praise be to God that you have fellowship and that despite the blows you took, you have continued to thrive. Facing the worst the world has to throw at us is never pleasant. It does make us stronger and "refines us through the fire". God has a plan for you and your family of that there is no doubt. I am so very glad to have you here with us.
We pray as a family every day and we shall add Crystal and her children/grandchildren to our prayers.
prayin for all-ya-all