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Movie > Bitter Honey: Polygamy in Bali (Sundance Film)


It offers a dynamic, inti­mate, and emo­tion­ally charged por­trait of three polyg­a­mous Bali­nese fam­i­lies. Shot over a four-year period on the island of Bali, Indone­sia, this feature-length film draws atten­tion to the plight of Bali­nese women in polyg­a­mous marriages—which are fre­quently char­ac­ter­ized by psy­cho­log­i­cal manip­u­la­tion, eco­nomic hard­ship, infi­delity, and domes­tic violence.

Due to a soci­etal struc­ture where men pre­dom­i­nate in many domains, these women are left with lit­tle voice. Bit­ter Honey: Polygamy in Bali draws atten­tion to their strug­gle, doc­u­ments those mak­ing coura­geous efforts to bet­ter pro­tect and empower them, and aims to trig­ger a wider con­ver­sa­tion about con­tem­po­rary polygamy and women’s rights. Sundance Film Festival pre-screening Oct 29, 2013 at UCLA: http://international.ucla.edu/asia/even ... ntid=10254

Trailer at http://elementalproductions.org/portfol ... y-in-bali/
Lets make a similar show showing all the monogamous women around the world being beaten up and mistreated by their husbands!
But Eternitee, if I show monogamous women getting mistreated what would that mean??! Could it mean all people (maybe even people like me?!) are capable of doing really bad things, not just those "other weird people?!" And if I'm capable of doing bad things, then maybe I need help. Maybe I need Jesus. I don't want that! Nope. Better to focus on some part of the world far, far, far away from me....

Kidding aside, if this film compared the mistreated women of Bali to our local mistreated minimum wage farm workers in our 1st world countries I'd be more impressed.
Well said, JAG. The eternal, infernal "bait and switch..." It 's always designed to create a diversion, and prevent one from mucking one's own stall, or be "salt and light" in our culture!