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Modern advantages for women

That’s funny!
Funny and sad that the foundational values, the things an average woman expected and wanted could change so quickly.

it shows the power of propaganda and public conformity programing. The holy grove (hollywood) that worships sex and rebellion, that glorifies sin like fornication, adultery, murder and theft, showing children every unnatural and wrong way to do life, AS IF IT'S NORMAL!?!
And those children in public school are isolated from family and put with other children as young and dumb as they are, and pressured to conform to the humanistic ideas of a bunch of lost people that have no real foundational beliefs.

I'm glad things are shifting back toward parents teaching, or small micro schools like Prenda that let parents find like minded families to work with.

Every day is one day closer to His kingdom being fully manifested here on earth. That is a good thought to hold onto.
There was a funny YouTube video someone posted years ago that had working women complaining that although they were liberated all they wanted was a nap. Does anyone remember that one? I’ve since tried to find it but can’t.
Aaaaaazzzzz yooooooo wiiiiish. @windblown

I just shared it with someone yesterday along with the first in this thread. They are both hilarious!! Note the name of the bank in this one...."Patriarchy and Sons!" LOL
