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Martin Madan on prayer against poly...


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Thelyphthora by Martin Madan is an amazingly well argued book. I'm past the basic and into his advanced stuff... waiting to back away from the gate and too much to quote... see pic of page. Re: praying against natural desires should not expect intervention from the Almighty since He gave the desires lawfully...


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This right here! When I got to this part of the book, it reminded me of a conversation I had with my hubby when we had our first discussions on this topic. He had carried so much false guilt and prayed for God to take away his "sinful" desires. His mind was in bondage. How many more men live with this falsehood!!
I am done with book one, but have not had the time to start book two. If you get to it before the rest of us, please continue to post your commentary.
I am done with book one, but have not had the time to start book two. If you get to it before the rest of us, please continue to post your commentary.
Slowly working through book one while reading other material. Hardly commentary... :D

Standing boarding line in Rome. Next stop, Tel Aviv.
I really wish somebody would do a modern-worded rewrite, almost a translation. It's so hard to read, although the content is excellent, and the script they choose to print it in is an eyesore lol.

But the content is amazing!
I really wish somebody would do a modern-worded rewrite, almost a translation. It's so hard to read, although the content is excellent, and the script they choose to print it in is an eyesore lol.

But the content is amazing!
Keep going.. you'll get used to it til you can't 'see' the style.
A professionally done conversion to modern font while including all the footnoted material, some of which has different spellings today and is somewhat cryptic, names of bishops, cardinals, etc, would take about 750 hours total for all three volumes including the time for layout and republication. Since I live in a third world country and I'm disabled by severe deafness and familiar with the subject matter I would be happy to do it for 250 x 5 bucks an hour per volume and provide it at cost plus a buck per book thereafter. That's $1250 per volume converted to modern font. This is only if someone takes me up on it now. If a business book I'm writing does well then never mind I can't work for that. haha Going once? Going twice? Ah, I guess you'll learn to read the old font. The project properly priced out would be closer to $10,000 for the three volumes but the problem would be there would be no clarification of the footnoting by someone who was simply a transcriber. There is not just the problem with the obscure names but latin, french, and greek footnotes that must be corrected for today's readers who don't know those languages as was required of University, i.e., Seminary students in Madan's day. In addition to that, translators of the latin, greek, and french often in Madan's footnotes would apply their bias to the translation no being familiar with the subject matter which would make things even worse because once a modern font version is produced, it will be the only one anybody ever uses.
A professionally done conversion to modern font while including all the footnoted material, some of which has different spellings today and is somewhat cryptic, names of bishops, cardinals, etc, would take about 750 hours total for all three volumes including the time for layout and republication. Since I live in a third world country and I'm disabled by severe deafness and familiar with the subject matter I would be happy to do it for 250 x 5 bucks an hour per volume and provide it at cost plus a buck per book thereafter. That's $1250 per volume converted to modern font. This is only if someone takes me up on it now. If a business book I'm writing does well then never mind I can't work for that. haha Going once? Going twice? Ah, I guess you'll learn to read the old font. The project properly priced out would be closer to $10,000 for the three volumes but the problem would be there would be no clarification of the footnoting by someone who was simply a transcriber. There is not just the problem with the obscure names but latin, french, and greek footnotes that must be corrected for today's readers who don't know those languages as was required of University, i.e., Seminary students in Madan's day. In addition to that, translators of the latin, greek, and french often in Madan's footnotes would apply their bias to the translation no being familiar with the subject matter which would make things even worse because once a modern font version is produced, it will be the only one anybody ever uses.
Hey, we totally appreciate this as is.... it is a veritable goldmine.
Well nobody has taken me up on it so I doubt it will happen. Time is an expensive commodity. Look at this Latin I translated a few years back but which by years end I ought to have many pages like this translated... wow, 2012 and I still haven't had time to proceed on the remaining 600 pages. The following translation is
Copyright Don Milton 2012
"It is neither contrary to the law of Nature, nor in any way to that of the Gentiles, but rather, most fitting, that if indeed we see the man by nature obtained thus: that he may for extended years, beget children, when by one woman such is not the case. Let us remember; God and Nature do nothing in vain. It is clear therefore that this is a talent to be a male, therefore entrusted with the task, not for the purpose of storing away in the earth, to make use of the language of Scripture, but in order to gain, and him to that end; to whom by God and nature, begetting is meant to consecrate."
If I had a stipend I could translate that entire 600 page book and make it available at one dollar above the cost of printing as well.
Well nobody has taken me up on it so I doubt it will happen. Time is an expensive commodity. Look at this Latin I translated a few years back but which by years end I ought to have many pages like this translated... wow, 2012 and I still haven't had time to proceed on the remaining 600 pages. The following translation is
Copyright Don Milton 2012
"It is neither contrary to the law of Nature, nor in any way to that of the Gentiles, but rather, most fitting, that if indeed we see the man by nature obtained thus: that he may for extended years, beget children, when by one woman such is not the case. Let us remember; God and Nature do nothing in vain. It is clear therefore that this is a talent to be a male, therefore entrusted with the task, not for the purpose of storing away in the earth, to make use of the language of Scripture, but in order to gain, and him to that end; to whom by God and nature, begetting is meant to consecrate."
If I had a stipend I could translate that entire 600 page book and make it available at one dollar above the cost of printing as well.
What if a couple of us got together and pooled money for you to do so? I would consider that a task worth my tithe funds.
When I first came across MM's Thelyphthora (have I spelt that wrong or hasn't it made it into the site dictionary?), I did wonder whether a readable copy might be useful. I loaded it into Excel, and made a search and replace macro. It was a complete waste of time as there were an unimaginable number of one-off exceptions and variations in the resulting computer text. The macro honed for chapter 1 was useless for any other chapters, because the high number of one-off corrections required for chapter 1 differed from a totally new set of one-off exceptions found in chapter 2, (to say nothing of the order of changes where a short exception word could be part of a longer exception word that didn't need changing.) It also took me so long to edit the best result I could obtain that I quickly realised a decent copy typist could get a result far more quickly.

More relevant to this proposal is my second reason for giving up on my attempt. Unsurprisingly, a high number of pages are more relevant for the age in which MM wrote than for us. These make the task of translating the "whole" book (and then what about those footnotes?) considerably greater than a translation of several amazing chapters/sections which could be really useful to have in a readable form.

So how about splitting the project up, and as it progressed, the various chapters/sections of the greatest relevance to us today could be put up for discussion and comment? It would not take any longer to complete the three volumes if it was not started from volume 1 page 1, but if it for any reason it was not in fact completed, the best parts would at least have been prioritised and made available for discussion.

Come to think of it, would an unabridged version not warrant some careful consideration? MM was hardly politically correct by today's standards, and hardly needed to consider Shariah law in the England in which he lived. Christ's arguments were very short and to the point - the less said, the less chance opponents have to introduce irrelevancies which detract from the main point.