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Looking for definitions

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I have been looking for a good descriptive definition of Biblical marriage. I may not know where to look, because I haven't run across it yet. So I have been working on one of my own. I would like to submit it for discussion. Go ahead and discuss, won't hurt my feelings. :cry:

Biblical Marriage

1. Does not require government and/or religious authority or pronouncement to be valid in God’s eyes.
2. Reflects the relationship of Christ and His churches, not contemporary social partnerships.
3. It is organized by God with the husband being the head of the relationship, with the wife being his helper in his calling and tasks.
4. Allows for the man to husband more than one wife at the same time without mandating plural marriages for each man.
5. The husband’s authority is rooted in loving, Christ-like leadership.
6. The wife’s glory is in her loving, submissive support of her husband, as her service to God.
Those points are great. Perhaps adding a reference to the "be fruitful and multipy" command would be useful.
I would agree with you Katie, but does that mean if I don't have children (not by choice) that I am not in a biblical marriage?

I like the definition as well... However Lissa I don't think if you don't have children that your marriage is not of God. I am an adoptive mother. I cannot have children of my own... that doesn't make my marriage any less biblical!
Thanks for the input ladies. How about if we add one.
7. It is the platform designed by God to fulfill His instruction to "Be fruitful and multiply".

I think this gives the structure without imposing performance that is beyond one's control. What do you think?
sweetlissa said:
I would agree with you Katie, but does that mean if I don't have children (not by choice) that I am not in a biblical marriage?


Absolutely not! God's command to be fruitful and multiply is certanly applicable to all His people, but God alone controls the womb, and if He chooses not to give children to someone, that is by His divine wisdom. Certainly Abraham and Sarah were in a biblical marriage for the decades that they went childless!
Excellent description! In total agreement with the list you have compiled. So many blessings await us ladies, when we are fully able to completely surrender our will to His. Not an easy thing to do and it is not a one time thing we do and do no more! I believe it must be a continual thing! I am completely convinced by His truths that when we serve our husbands we are serving Christ! I also am fully persuaded that we should arise each morning with the intent and thought of planning our day around him. Ask yourself, "What can I do to make his day better for him?" Plan ahead for his arrival home, then make him the center of your attention. His life and leading becomes the very thing we should embrace and follow with contentment. Pamperimg him really is OK and should be done joyfully!!
withfresheyes said:
Excellent description! In total agreement with the list you have compiled. So many blessings await us ladies, when we are fully able to completely surrender our will to His. Not an easy thing to do and it is not a one time thing we do and do no more! I believe it must be a continual thing! I am completely convinced by His truths that when we serve our husbands we are serving Christ! I also am fully persuaded that we should arise each morning with the intent and thought of planning our day around him. Ask yourself, "What can I do to make his day better for him?" Plan ahead for his arrival home, then make him the center of your attention. His life and leading becomes the very thing we should embrace and follow with contentment. Pamperimg him really is OK and should be done joyfully!!

Excellent points ! I agree completely but we can't stop there.
It is also important to do whatever we can to seek harmony with the other wives / women in his life. More than one husband has been vexed by his women not getting along with each other. Doing our part in keeping the peace shows respect for his choices and authority.
Fairlight said:
More than one husband has been vexed by his women not getting along with each other. Doing our part in keeping the peace shows respect for his choices and authority.

Which is why it is so important that we know and understand what Scripture teaches about marriage, and completely throw out society and culture's definitions. In my book "I Am My Beloved's" (http://stores.lulu.com/mrscottyl) one of the main points I bring up is how we need to go and follow His blueprint since He and He alone created marriage, and so He is the one that we need to go to in order to understand how a marriage is suppose to work. If I wanted to learn how to ride a horse, for example, I would not go and learn from a bull rider or an elephant rider, but from someone who is knowledgeable in riding horses. Society and Culture do not teach people how to seek His kingdom and Righteousness, but rather teaches everyone to do what is pleasing in their own eyes, in total disregard to what He says. Marriage is something that it is so important to get it right or else we heap great misery on ourselves. Great discussion John.
