it explains, for one thing, why something like 30% of children born to married women are fathered by alpha males with whom women cheat on their beta male husbands.
That figure seems a might high.
Reference please @Keith Martin.
It's funny; I'll have to beg y'all's indulgence while I wait around for the next time that that research shows up. The funny thing is that, in between when I wrote that here and when I came back here just a little while ago -- sometime during late morning -- I ran across yet another reference to it and
almost appended a link to my earlier post.
But this is nothing new, and, despite how shocked I was when I first encountered it myself, looking into it inspired me to accept and embrace it. No doubt: it includes a truth that most men are bound to find appalling, and I don't even think it's a matter of
conscious intent on the part of women -- to cuckold their partners. Instead, it's mostly just biology that translates into natural selection passing along the DNA and traits of the kind of mates women yearn for when they're ovulating -- whereas, in the
post-ovulatory phase, women are (a) most likely to accept marriage proposals and also (b) most likely to have sex with non-alpha men they perceive to be more boring in bed but more stable and dependable (and also more easily controlled).
My 30% going from beta to alpha was probably a bit of hyperbole, but not by percentage; instead, it's probably the case that I'm over-emphasizing the extent to which women cheat with
alphas (especially given that men are not just alphas and betas -- I refer everyone to my earlier Meat thread entitled "WHY SOME PEOPLE GET MORE SEXUAL PRACTICE THAN OTHERS, or What the H E Double Hockey Sticks Kind of Alpha Males
Are These Biblical Families Patriarchs?," which, oddly enough, doesn't show up in results anymore when
I search for it) but not at all over-emphasizing the extent to which women's actual cheating leads to fertilization being accomplished by non-marital sexual partners. It's in that range, and what has been taught in the past (before the Mormons unleashed on the world, which was augmented by 23-and-me) has been turned on its head; in fact, I believe what I was reminded of this morning was that it's actually 30-
something %.
This doesn't mean that married women have 30% of their sex with extramarital partners, but it does mean that married women have 30% of their most wild, deeply-penetrating sex that is most likely to lead to conception while they're ovulating and with non-husband lovers.
This should be a wake-up call to all of us to not rest on our laurels in bed just because we believe we own our women.