You will probably find that your wife is in the majority. It is few and far in between the women who embrace the concept. However, as Joe said you are in the right place because there are ladies on the site who have 'been there and done that'. They can help. As he said the retreats may be helpful, (though I have never been to one and am not likely to be able to go, as I am in South Africa). I would also echo Joe's advice to pray and be patient. God Himself spoke to my wife about the subject in 2005. However, she has yet to embrace it, though she is warmer to the idea now more than ever. It does often take time and there are numerous reasons that the women are resistant. Most of them are rooted in the spirit of fear and the spirit of control, (Jezebel). We have discussed this elsewhere on the site and no one has a simple answer. Even when women hear it directly from God, as some did in our home church when we were in Kansas, (my former home) they will often reject it outright. All the women in our group did. Then they turned on us and persecuted us as a result, even though they heard it from God and not man!
Women live in the shadow of the ‘fairy tale’ concept of how things should be, regardless of what God says. They would rather believe Hollywood and Disney than the Word of God. Anything that differs from the fairy tale life does not sit well with them. God is going to change things worldwide, but it will take time and we just have to be patient, pray and prepare ourselves spiritually for the changes. For example, the new President of South Africa is a practicing polygamist. I am interested to see how it will change things here. There are many countries in the world where people openly practice polygyny, though not necessarily in a Biblical sense. It is going to come, but no one knows when. Be patient and walk in love and obedience to God and He will act on your behalf.
Be blessed,
Dr. Ray