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'If he hadn't wanted more wives,....'

Well you can tell it is a British paper, it makes zero distinction between LDS and Fundamentalist Mormons which the Centennial Park residents are! That was bound to annoy the mainstream LDS who posted comments seething with indignation (it never stops being amusing). Alas, only a few pro Polygamy comments.

Just take a quick look at the other articles from this 'journalist', it is all silly fluff about celebrities, fashion and diets! Hardly cerebral stuff.

The Daily Mail seems to be a very British, very feminist publication similar to the National Enquirer . Very little journalistic prowess is required of it's contributors. However, they do have a knack for bringing obscure topics to light. Novelty sells, but it can also help open a debate.
Taller on my knees said:
The Daily Mail seems to be a very British, very feminist publication .

LOL, I am sorry but it is so funny, no, it is a female orientated not feminist, tabloid, most of it's articles are very socially conservative and anti feminism, filled with housewife fillers and anti working mothers articles.

Sorry about that. I'm not a tabloid afficianado. The other two articles that I recall had a feminist bent to the writing (though I do recall the author of one of the articles questioning the wisdom of her feminist ideals). ;)