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Larry Solomon is a pen name. He doesn’t reveal his real name. He was actually influential in helping me understand and search out polygyny a couple years ago. I have posted a couple things here from him from time to time. Probably the one that got the most attention was this.

I agree much of his stuff is very good but he is “over the top” with some things.

one thing from him that I highly recommend for both men and women to listen to is:

Pacman- I agree much of his stuff is very good but he is “over the top” with some things.

I love the discernment... I have not read through his writings thoroughly. Thank you for looking out:)
I came across this website quite some time ago and have only glanced at it.

As far as the video shared, I've only made it through about 30 minutes of the video, I'm tired it's time for bed, been up since 3 a.m. will rewind and finish it tomorrow. So far I would say the majority of the church will have a problem with this message, women love their power, they love being in charge.
Should be sexual roles as words have a gender and people do not but then I enjoy whistling in the dark.
Should be sexual roles as words have a gender and people do not but then I enjoy whistling in the dark.
Well if you're going to bring up nonsensical modern made-up controversy for no reason, let's just check the dictionary to be pedantic.

Oxford Dictionary, latest most "woke" online version:
Gender: the fact of being male or female, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences, not differences in biology
  • issues of class, race and gender
  • traditional concepts of gender
  • gender differences/relations/roles
  • She examines the interplay between changing gender divisions and urban change.
  • The government is working on tackling gender inequalities in employment.
Emphasis is actually in the original, I didn't add that. Even according to Oxford, "gender roles" is the correct term to use, they even highlight it for you. It's actually even more clear than my old printed version. Carry on everyone...
See a dictionary that is old enough to not include the modem made up blather. I would not have failed to know what drivel is being published currently before making a statement like I made. This is far from my first rodeo.

Is is sexual roles. Don't play into the linguistic manipulation that allows cultural degeneracy an easier paths to destroy the culture.
I’m the short one.
Cap was played by Arnold
I was represented by Danny DeVito