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Hostility and the Holy Spirit


Seasoned Member
Romans 8:7-8
7 For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. 8 That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.

Who had the Holy Spirit? King David:

Psalm 51:11
Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.

Was he hostile to God's laws - the Torah of YAH?

Psalm 119:97
Oh, how I love your torah! I think about it all day long.

Psalm 119:103
How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.

Even to this day - many Christians that claim to believe in the Messiah - are hostile to his instructions. They'd rather cling to the ways of the world, instead of being sanctified by the Word of Truth. Yahushua (Jesus) the Messiah told us that the world hates him. James wrote that friendship with the world means enmity with YAH. If people don't know how their Creator is - the Word made flesh - then they become easy targets for deception. The adversary's greatest weapon is someone's ignorance of the Scriptures, and we have plenty of toys and distractions to keep us away from the Word. So spend time in the Word like his beloved servant King David.
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Excellent point. Too many people, for too many years, have said, one way or another, 'I don't have to study or obey His Word, because the 'holy spirit' tells me what matters in that Book.' And what can evidently be ignored.

I tend to think, they have a 'spirit' guiding them, but is sure as hell ain't Holy.
Excellent point. Too many people, for too many years, have said, one way or another, 'I don't have to study or obey His Word, because the 'holy spirit' tells me what matters in that Book.' And what can evidently be ignored.

I tend to think, they have a 'spirit' guiding them, but is sure as hell ain't Holy.
People say that if you have the spirit in you, then you don't need the law to tell you to do the right thing.

But the Apostle Paul disagrees with those people...
Who are you going to believe?
Rom 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

Paul just said that he had not known sin but by the law. The LAW is how he knew what sin was. That is PAUL telling you that the law defines sin and without the law, Paul would not even know what sin was.

The Holy spirit will NEVER defy scripture!
Torah requires animal blood and a high priest descended from Aaron.
Genesis 22:8

And Abraham said, God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt-offering, my son: so they went both of them together.

John 1:29

29 The next day he saw Yahushua (Jesus) coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!


Hebrews 5:10
And God designated him to be a High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Genesis 14:18
And Melchizedek, who was king of Salem and also a priest of the Most High God, brought bread and wine to Abram

The point is many things in the Torah, the writings, and the prophets pointed to Yahushua the Messiah. The Father in Heaven does nothing without first announcing it to his servants - the prophets (Amos 3:7).

Including the time period we are living today:

Hosea 3:4
For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an altar, and without a priesthood, and without manifestations.

Future fulfillment (Greater Exodus):
Hosea 3:5
5 And afterward shall the children of Israel return, and shall seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall be amazed at the LORD and at his goodness in the last days.
Genesis 22:8

And Abraham said, God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt-offering, my son: so they went both of them together.

John 1:29

29 The next day he saw Yahushua (Jesus) coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!


Hebrews 5:10
And God designated him to be a High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Genesis 14:18
And Melchizedek, who was king of Salem and also a priest of the Most High God, brought bread and wine to Abram

The point is many things in the Torah, the writings, and the prophets pointed to Yahushua the Messiah. The Father in Heaven does nothing without first announcing it to his servants - the prophets (Amos 3:7).

Including the time period we are living today:

Hosea 3:4
For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an altar, and without a priesthood, and without manifestations.

Future fulfillment (Greater Exodus):
Hosea 3:5
5 And afterward shall the children of Israel return, and shall seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall be amazed at the LORD and at his goodness in the last days.
What time period is Hosea speaking of?
What time period is Hosea speaking of?
Hosea is speaking to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. They were given a certificate and kicked out of the land. The 10 lost tribes. The time period varies between his present day and far in the future (the last days).

Paul references the prophet Hosea and makes the connection to the gentiles:

Romans 9:25-26

25 Concerning the Gentiles, God says in the prophecy of Hosea (chapter 2),
“Those who were not my people, I will now call my people. And I will love those whom I did not love before.”
26 And, “Then, at the place where they were told, ‘You are not my people,’there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’

Here's the thing - if you go back and Hosea Chapter 2 (that's what Paul is quoting) - the entire chapter is about the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The word gentile is never mentioned. It ends with a future prophecy of Israel (Paul says these are the gentiles) returning back to the desert (as in the days of Egypt a long time ago), and there being an everlasting peace covenant. This re-gathering has not happened ever in human history. There is no peace in the land, either.
Hosea is speaking to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. They were given a certificate and kicked out of the land. The 10 lost tribes. The time period varies between his present day and far in the future (the last days).

Paul references the prophet Hosea and makes the connection to the gentiles:

Romans 9:25-26

25 Concerning the Gentiles, God says in the prophecy of Hosea (chapter 2),
“Those who were not my people, I will now call my people. And I will love those whom I did not love before.”
26 And, “Then, at the place where they were told, ‘You are not my people,’there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’

Here's the thing - if you go back and Hosea Chapter 2 (that's what Paul is quoting) - the entire chapter is about the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The word gentile is never mentioned. It ends with a future prophecy of Israel (Paul says these are the gentiles) returning back to the desert (as in the days of Egypt a long time ago), and there being an everlasting peace covenant. This re-gathering has not happened ever in human history. There is no peace in the land, either.
But even right now we have a King and a Prince, and a Sacrifice, and an Altar, and a Priesthood, and manifestations.
What time period is Hosea speaking of?
He was obviously speaking to that northern kingdom (Aholah, Ephraim, Israel, Samaria, et al) that was later 'lost'.

But why would anyone assume - especially since Yahushua made it clear when He walked among them the first time, and did NOT restore them then - that Hoshea was ONLY speaking to an single time period?

Here's the thing - if you go back and Hosea Chapter 2 (that's what Paul is quoting) - the entire chapter is about the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The word gentile is never mentioned. It ends with a future prophecy of Israel (Paul says these are the gentiles) returning back to the desert (as in the days of Egypt a long time ago), and there being an everlasting peace covenant. This re-gathering has not happened ever in human history...
True. But the word often translated as "gentile" is almost universally "goyim" in the Hebrew, which literally means 'strangers', or 'others,' or 'nations.' Often, in context, they are people who have "lost their identity" - or forgotten it. When they became pagans, after exile, in that context, rendering as "gentile" may be appropriate, since it includes that pagan context, in that they were exiled for that very reason.

We just completed an in-depth study of the Book of Hoshea (Hosea) on the 'Torah Teachers' Round Table Show' (Hebrew Nation Radio network) and I think it is clear that so much of his warning is at least as apropos now -- to 'scattered Ephraim' -- as it was long before the destruction of even the second temple.