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Horowitz: The sudden decline in birth rates post-vaccination — and the shocking silence


Seasoned Member
Real Person*
Excerpted From: https://www.conservativereview.com/...tion-and-the-shocking-silence-2659015184.html

In 2010, Bill Gates famously articulated a four-part equation to reducing the world’s carbon output. Seemingly bizarrely, his first component was reducing the population — through vaccination. “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion,” bemoaned Gates in his now infamous TED Talk. “Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10% or 15%.” Until recently, I thought this must have been a gaffe. After all, how could vaccines reduce the world’s population? Well, enter the COVID jabs – if you even want to call them vaccines – and we might have our answer.

Questions about fertility issues, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths began to be raised last winter when Scotland experienced a month of higher infant mortality than at any time over the past three decades. Then in the spring of 2022, roughly nine months after most young adults were jabbed with the COVID shots, COVID data analysists began noticing unusual drops in birth rates. The hope was that these numbers were just short-term aberrations due to some unknown transient cause. But months later, the evidence is growing too strong to ignore, suggesting a much longer-term problem, which bizarrely has garnered little concern from policymakers, governments, the medical establishment, or the media. It ranks alongside “died suddenly” both in terms of its magnitude to humanity and the shocking degree of silence in response.

In fact, some media outlets were even celebrating the low birth rates without expressing any curiosity as to the sudden cause. While it’s impossible to prove definitively that the correlation equals causation, it’s stupefying that these shots are not under suspicion given that they are already tied to heart problems, blood clots, massive inflammatory syndromes, and menstrual irregularities and that the lipid nano particles are deposited largely in the ovaries and the testes.

When you are dealing with 1-in-1,000-year anomalies, it takes a civilization-changing event to account for the anomaly. COVID itself cannot be a factor in the sudden drop, because the birth rates were not declining nine months after COVID hit or even in the first year and a half. The other culprit could have been lockdowns, which perhaps disrupted travel, relationships, and cohabitation. But if that were the case, by now we should be seeing a bounce-back effect. Instead, as my friend “Gato Malo” points out on his Substack, the numbers are getting worse.

Sweden is a perfect country to study because it never locked down and should not have been affected socially by the lockdowns. Yet not only did the Swedes experience a sharp decline in births nine months after their vaccination program, the numbers are further deteriorating over time. According to Statistics Sweden, live births are down 8.1% for the year (8.7% per capita), but as Gato observes, the worst month was October 2022 (the most recent month with data), which saw a 13.2% per capita decline. What on earth could explain the fact that this trend is getting worse, other than … you know what? He collated the data from 25 years, and this data, which is in plain sight, raises the question of why there is no policy concern whatsoever.
At least one brave analyst was willing to publically share his concern about the Muslim population boom due to their polygynous culture and willingness in the (ahem) more nefarious groups to engage in the murder/incentivising the suicide of non-productive males. Not much different than lions killing off the weaker male cubs. But this in effect funnels the women to the most aggressive and conservative of Muslims, and causing the much greater number of offspring to then be further indoctrinated into that culture. In but a few generations, the Muslim populace can out-birth a Western nation. Germany and France are already there. I've heard mention that the leaders of some Muslim groups consider out-birthing to be a legitimate form of warfare. Invasion by female troop-carriers via maternity ward. Plenty of other national powers are aware of this trend and are trying to find some polite way of asking the Muslims to stop...

Personally, having spent a couple years of my life with Muslims, I actually like the people. Their culture and approach is more natural and stable as a general rule. Some of the kindest people you'll ever meet! (Mostly) A large part of coming to Torah was seeing that the culture of the OT actually has a good deal of merit. Including, but not limited to poly. Islam does not follow Torah, but they are still much closer than the majority of Christian groups.

In Exodus 34:24 YHWH shows a progressive growth to the people of Israel. More akin to a biological spreading of a populace, than a war. So ladies, don't understimate your capability to conduct war!
Purebloods! It’s up to us! #operationwarpspeedrepopulate
This is the crazy thing though, 'they' are stopping the ones that obey by killing them and stopping them having children. Meanwhile, the ones that don't obey, we're here making an army of kids that are going to grow up knowing what we know and being taught right. Seems a little counterproductive to what 'they' want, surely?
This is the crazy thing though, 'they' are stopping the ones that obey by killing them and stopping them having children. Meanwhile, the ones that don't obey, we're here making an army of kids that are going to grow up knowing what we know and being taught right. Seems a little counterproductive to what 'they' want, surely?
Nothing strange.

It is practically economic law that central planners (people who think they can decide for all population) achieve almost opposite of planned.
This is the crazy thing though, 'they' are stopping the ones that obey by killing them and stopping them having children. Meanwhile, the ones that don't obey, we're here making an army of kids that are going to grow up knowing what we know and being taught right. Seems a little counterproductive to what 'they' want, surely?
They think they can corrupt our children at a high enough rate that we won’t be a problem.
They think they can corrupt our children at a high enough rate that we won’t be a problem.
Exactly. Simply producing the child dies not guarantee success.

Success = produce child PLUS protect, provide, inculcate, etc for 25+ years!. .. yeah, that's a serious uphill battle.
This is the crazy thing though, 'they' are stopping the ones that obey by killing them and stopping them having children. Meanwhile, the ones that don't obey, we're here making an army of kids that are going to grow up knowing what we know and being taught right. Seems a little counterproductive to what 'they' want, surely?
That's why it looks to me like the harvest of the world has begun. I do not attribute good motivation to the actions of the people pulling strings that  appear to be driving this, but I do believe YHWH will accomplish His purposes through it all. The Pharaohs of today will seek to maintain and expand their control, but YHWH is the one who has put them there and they are actually accomishing His will. Some who blindly trust the untrustworthy will die by injection, some will be killed by the priests of baal we call police...... just like some that did the bidding of the first King of Babylon did not survive the orders they were given to cast three men into the furnace. Serving a selfish human king is a bad idea. Serving the living Elohim is wisdom at all times.. ..even when you're a harlots named Rahab in a doomed city called Jerico.

Creation groans waiting for ....the sons of Yah to be revealed!

The tares get harvested first. That doesn't mean everyone deceived was a tare....but I believe it means some that live by faith should live to see the end of the figureheads of Babylon.....and the controlling forces behind the scenes too!

Our God is an AWESOME God!!
Made me think of the song!
I like the song ...and thought if it too. He rules over the kingdoms of men and puts on their thrones the basest of men.
In other words, a position of power doesn't mean the most High thinks much of you. ;)
That's why it looks to me like the harvest of the world has begun. I do not attribute good motivation to the actions of the people pulling strings that  appear to be driving this, but I do believe YHWH will accomplish His purposes through it all. The Pharaohs of today will seek to maintain and expand their control, but YHWH is the one who has put them there and they are actually accomishing His will. Some who blindly trust the untrustworthy will die by injection, some will be killed by the priests of baal we call police...... just like some that did the bidding of the first King of Babylon did not survive the orders they were given to cast three men into the furnace. Serving a selfish human king is a bad idea. Serving the living Elohim is wisdom at all times.. ..even when you're a harlots named Rahab in a doomed city called Jerico.

Creation groans waiting for ....the sons of Yah to be revealed!

The tares get harvested first. That doesn't mean everyone deceived was a tare....but I believe it means some that live by faith should live to see the end of the figureheads of Babylon.....and the controlling forces behind the scenes too!

Our God is an AWESOME God!!
I'm not certain. Standard description of end times includ power centralization which isn't happening. Today's elite is desperately trying to stop avalanche of decentralization. Dam is slowly breaking, Twitter as example.
I'm not certain. Standard description of end times includ power centralization which isn't happening. Today's elite is desperately trying to stop avalanche of decentralization. Dam is slowly breaking, Twitter as example.
We are seeing centralisation, but it is completely different to the past. Policies are aligning in most countries - everyone did the same nonsensical policies on covid in complete unison. There is the effect of power centralisation - but it does not look like power is centralised as on paper every country is independent. That is a smokescreen.

The end times will involve the rise of the final "beast" empire. But we are told that this beast will be different to all the empires that have come before (Daniel 7:7). I take this to mean that there will be something that exerts power over the whole earth - but it will not look like a "country", a "state" or an "empire" that we are used to. It will be something else. Maybe the UN, maybe a shady group like the WEF, maybe a collaboration of wealthy businesses that attain more real power than the governments.

Importantly, we are told in Revelation 17:12-13 that there will be "ten kings" who give their power to the beast. Not one king who rules the beast system, but many different kingdoms that appear to be separate kingdoms, yet collaborate by giving their power to the beast. This would look a lot like what we are seeing today - separate kingdoms all happening to do the same thing.

We are also told, symbolically, that it will come out of the sea (Revelation 13:1). I take the sea to be symbolic of mystery and hiddenness, as well as pervasiveness (it goes everywhere in the world). The beast will, at least while it is being prepared, be as invisible as if it were underwater - we may see the effects of it, but won't see the beast itself until it reveals itself, and by that stage it will be fully formed. At present, if it is in operation, it will be a mystery - we will see the individuals who are carrying out its plans (e.g. governments working in lockstep), but not the organisation pulling their strings.

Twitter is either an anomaly or an intentional distraction, and Musk is an unpredictable and unreliable loose cannon. He is doing as much against God's Kingdom as for it (Neuralink for a prime example). Don't see that as evidence of the dam breaking, it's a distraction for the media to argue about while the real agenda continues under the surface.
Is you were paying attention it was known fact last year. Anyway, nice to see it's getting official info.
Last year?
It was predicted widely to have these and other effects as the poison was first being proposed. Lots of the tinfoil had brigade who listened to a bunch of doctors and researchers as well as doing their own research were beating that drum. They turned out to be wearing tinfoil crowns. Shame that so very few listed to the supposed conspiracy theorists.
We are at the point where so many conspiracy theories are being revealed as real but nobody seems to notice or care. They are all numb and emotionally punchy. They don't want to know, they don't want to think about it as it is scary as hell to consider how badly the evil in this world have hurt us and what is still coming.
The Chinese curse with respect living in interesting times absolutely sucks.