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Hidden Agenda...


I find it interesting that we have a Texas compound attacked by the Federal Government based on the false reporting of an individual, and now the verdict has been unanimously reversed, and all the charges are being dropped and it is unlikely their will be a retrial because the witnesses testimony has come into question and the Judges original instructions to the jury were to consider him an accomplice to a crime that had yet been charged against anyone (and considered guilty by association without a trial). All making National Headlines with a negative slant against polygamy which was never even a charge filed against anyone in the matter...

THEN we have this guy who is not a polygamist doing the very thing all polygamists are assumed to be practicing and it hardly even makes the local papers where it happened! I wonder if there is any bias whatsoever in our NEWS reporting system.

http://jonathanturley.org/2010/08/02/ma ... more-25446
And now ......drum roll please... yet more perversion outside of the "compound", but wait! He isn't a polygamist! What you say? This happens outside of polygamous compounds, even outside of polygamous families? We must keep this hushed up...we only want people to think this could happen inside the perverted polygamous compounds. Yes I am being sarcastic. When the media hypes polygamy to sell its "NEWS" and defames the practice of Biblical Marriage which had nothing to do with it I get VERY upset!!! Ignorance spreading ignorance, how wonderful.

http://jonathanturley.org/2010/08/16/oh ... more-25825
I've been following a lot of the Texas stuff since it happened, and I've got to ask, how is the agenda hidden? They would fail at hide and go seek :) :twisted:
What were the parents thinking letting the priest spend large amount of time together with their daughter alone in their basement?

I agree about the media. It is really all about the money. A large polygamy compound is a lot more exciting than some guy molesting a girl even though that is where the real crime happens.
I think this will probably be my last update to this topic...I am becoming completely disgusted by my own topic...as I read this article I became nauseous.

The intent of this topic was to point to the glaring sensationalism applied to any type of criminal activity that is promoted by the NEWS media as polygamy related and show the depravity outside of polygamous relationships. I think I have more than accomplished this at this time.
