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Hi Pastor Randy-Whats the Name of Your New Church?

Greetings Pastor Randy & Sweetlissa!

Just popping in to say that I'm keeping your new home church that you're hoping to grow in prayerful support! :D I do think it's so awseome that you're being faithful to the call in this area that Yeshua has put on your hearts! I've been looking through the old posts/threads here, to find the web-link for the church as I've breifly seen it here before. I was able to check into it once, but I can't seem to remember the exact web-site/address. Could one of you share that information again with us here, as I'm sure others would love to check into it also. Go forth in His Might, Power, Love, & Wisdom! Being a blessing of support, & sharing God's love & direction for His family on the path He's place you on. God Bless! :D

Thanks much Sweetlisssa for sharing this valuable info with us! I just checked out the site, and am looking forward to when it's complete. Great, valuable shared info thus far though! The site looks great, thanks again for your familie's faithfulness to the call of starting this new church family. :) Go forth In His Name, Might, Power, Love & a Sound Mind!

Yeshua's Best,
F.S. :)
I wish you all the best of luck with your church. When will the website be finished? My husband is in the process of getting one done. A member of our church is doing one for him.