I am going to try and summons my alter ego and beg him to write something profound. Those that know me, know that the serious and smart side of me is a rare sight. It is so rare that Cecil W has named this alter ego Lord Pontifical and he has also named the goofy and usual side of me Sir Bubba Von Goofy or something like that, depending how extreme it is. Enough with the introductions to my alter egos. Here goes.
I can not offer any magic bullets or any magic words to say to hasten the coming of a new bride for you. What I can do is give you some steps to take that can hasten contentment, faith and trust in the Lords sovereignty to perform HIS perfect will in your life. You can use these steps in any aspect of your life. This is not one of those “ do as I say, not as I do” things. This is something that I have actually done, and let me tell you it works. Don’t be so desperate for a new bride, that you will try and do anything to get it. I think the longer a person is in the “Looking” stage the more desperate he becomes, and that causes a clouding of your discernment. I have talked to men that if given half a chance they would take the next willing soul walking down the street, and cloak it in righteousness “marriage is a ministry”. If you are in the looking stage I hope what I have to say will get you out of that state of mind. Looking cause an entitlement mentality, and waiting can cause distraction from the Lords work. I like to say you should be in the “Serving“ Stage. Serving is something you do for your Master. You can do this out of duty or love, either way it is your reasonable service.. The Masters satisfaction with your service is all that matters. When you love the person that you are doing this for, it stirs up such a passion in you that it gives the Master something he can actually taste. To give you an analogy of the difference. Imagine you singing in church to the Lord and you are just going with the flow and its all words. Now imagine you meaning every word you are singing, and you actually worship the Lord, Now you have not only given the Master something to hear, but you have now given Him something sweet to taste. Which do you think He craves? Let me just say, the Lord has a big sweet tooth.
If the Lord has called you to take another wife, He did so for his purposes. I know you are saying to your self “ the Lord says it is not good for a man to be alone.” and “ He who finds a wife finds a good thing.” Yes, I am familiar with those verses. Let me ask you something. Is the reason he provides a wife to fulfill your desires or His? Is your wife to be a helpmeet to fulfill your desire or the Lords? Everyone has a Master. The question is, who is your master? Remember the created can never be greater than the Creator. The created is owned by the Creator. Even our pleasure should benefit our creator. I know it is taking me along time to get to the point of this post, So here goes.
Drum roll please.
These steps are not a one time thing. It should be repeated daily. Ok I am sorry to leave you hanging. I said I was going to get right to the point.
Lets have another drum roll please.
1. You must always start off with a clean house. It maximizes the results. Ask the Lord to cleanse your heart and to root out and show you all your imperfections. Your heart is deceitful and desperately wicked you can’t even know it. Would you let a stranger come into your home if it was dirty. You may be courting your next wife right now and you don’t even know it. You don’t want her to see your dirty underwear do you. So do a spring cleaning on every thing in your home, the seen and the unseen. I would start with your families heart. . It is important you have your families heart, if you don’t you need to get it right away. If you don’t do this their will be some serious repercussions down the road. Sure you have the authority the take a second wife, but it would be fool hearty to do so without capturing your wife and children’s heart.
2. Ask the Lord to put his Vision in your heart, and make it your desires. Ask him to make it so real and vivid the your mind you could describe every detail about it. Let me tell you right now, He wont tell you everything. Its going to flustrate (Flustrate is a word. If you don’t believe me ask Cecil W J) you, but trust me its for a reason that only He knows. The Lord is going to start off just by painting the landscape for you at first, but he will fill in the detail only as He has your whole heart. I have had several single ladies contact me through my blog, and almost everyone of them say they are attracted to a man with a vision, it makes them feel safe and secure. Especially if they have children, it triggers their mothering instinct.
3. If the Lord has called you to take a second wife. You must realize you may or may not be effecting the speed in which she comes. If its not only your desires, but the Lords, he will bring her in His timing. In the mean time you and your family should start praying for her everyday. Pray not only that the Lord will put a hedge of protection around her, but he brings her to you in His timing. Pray that he gives you such a servants heart, that you will be content in what ever state that you are in. If you are getting discouraged in not having your second wife yet, even if its been years, you need to step back and not rearrange your priorities, but replace them with the Lords priorities. I think it’s a great idea to give your future wife a name, and use that name in your prayers(The Lord will know who you are talking about, because He already knows who she is), and when discussing her with your family. If you have read my blog you know I named my future wife Ruth. Now I just call her my beautiful bride, Maria.
4. Share the vision the Lord gave you with everyone you know, and do it boldly. It not only keeps you focused, but it keeps you accountable. You can even do as I have and start a blog, its free. I not only started my blog to share my story with strangers. I did it, because the Lord told me to pass my story on to my children as their inheritance and tell them to guard it with their life, and tell their children to do the same. This is what you call a multi-generational vision.
5. Star back at 1.
Lord Pontifical
Typed by Robert