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Have you prayed for a wife?


New Member
Shalom everyone! I am just puzzled by the number of mishaps that take place and would like to know if any of you have or plan to pray for the Most High to send you a wife? I personally believe that this is the best way to receive a help mate, if men (& their wives) pray for the next wife SPECIFICALLY (even down to the hair color, if that's your desire). It seems that this would open a channel for the Most High to work on the heart of the woman that's for your family. I have been told many experiences about this and have found that God will bless His people with a soul, faster than material any day! I think that we often times, get so caught up in seeking for a partner that we forget who the #1 matchmaker is! Thoughts please....
I whole-heartedly agree. It's why I'm being friends with everyone and courting no-one. But lots of prayers are lifted. Sometimes for specific people.

But the result is up to God. He know the needs of each member of my family, whether we are ready for addition, what changes He may need to work in us first, who might be a perfect fit, what timing would be right, etc. In the meantime, we got enough to do learning to be better folks and taking care of each other and neighbors, getting acquainted with the wonderful folks here, etc.

What an ADVENTURE! And when/if God wants to bring someone into our family, it will work out. With romance an ongoing byproduct rather than the temporary main event.
Thanks for the response Cecil. I do agree, God has His perfect timing and know your heart, better than you. Taking things slow is best!

I tried to do it once and needless to say that I failed with it. This time I will take more time and make better decisions and it will start by letting God send one to me rather than me find one myself. Truly this is going to be a long journey I must admit, without him helping and being part of it, the challenge may be to hard. I learned so much the first time and now I have moved on and just let be what he wants it to be.

God Bless you and your future family,

Everytime I prayed for my husband to have a wife, someone popped up that he started to pursue, and things got scary. It seemed like God was answering my prayers, but I didnt seem to be too ready. Prayer does work, but be careful for what you ask for, God will put everything in front of you, and it can really show you where your heart is.
I always say if you want to live poly and push for it and manipulate your circumstances to make it happen, but it is NOT in God's plan for your life, then you may end up with a poly situation, but it will always end in disaster.

On the other hand, if God plans for you to live poly and you are not even looking then you could take a trip to the south pole and find the perfect match just hanging out there waiting for you.

The point is it is in God's hands and if it is meant to be then it will be.

I was not actually looking. I certainly did not take B to be someone I would seriously talk to when we first corresponded. Similarly he had pursued this lifestyle to the point where he had given up looking. When he contacted me, it was not to see if we were a match.

We had both prayed to God to send someone into our lives. When the fit was right, it immediately had that peace and calm that you feel when you are truly on a path that God has laid out for you.

So in answer to your initial question....yes there was a lot of prayer involved.
Hey all Hmmm the power of prayer - 3 years back I began ernestly praying for #1 (oh wait I'll fill you in a tab about me first, Born Again 1966 - Single until now in the eyes of the Aust Government as of Dec 12 2012),... However my prayers I guess have been a tab diffrent to most Christians & posibly Biblical Families members, you see I have not only been praying for #1 but also for # 2+ at the same time during the 3 year period, But with a twist! you see I have been praying for not only wife #1+ but also praying and laying myself on the ultar in hope God would give me 1+ wife(s) who are in great need, perhaps even from a poor family in a 3 world country - I have truly fealt God's hand on me in regard to this,... As God opened doors and began putting me in communication with many many ladies several did shine well over the multitude, Before knowing Biblical Families I began Chatting, Meeting, Talking & Praying with these ladies over a 1 to 3 year period, from day One I have told each I am 100% devoted to multipal marriage (this is the term I used back then) Hmmm God directed me to Biblical Families web site via Google recently well Dec 10 2012 = Yep day before Yesterday! :shock: Brothers - Sisters I can tell you this in the name of Jesus, Prayer moves mountains and YES God will answer All Prayer however do be cafeful what is prayed for ok = I now have 4 ladies who are totaly and absolutly committed to form a Family with me as it's human head with Jesus as Head of our Church for the word of God say's when 2 -3 or more are gathered in His name He is amoung them = Us, all 4 are now in regular communication & fellowship with myself and each other weekly or each day, and also visiting each other and camping over at each others houses, I travel to be with them all shortly = Thank you Jesus,... We will buy a farm in a Cebu Philippines Province where a Born Again Jumping for Joy Church will be built, it has been made clear to me by all 4 their families and relations will be members of the Church = Bless the Lord and God Bless all Biblical Families members World wide,...

Biblical Families if your hearts are rite God's heart is with you = Ask and you shall receive

Note - If you have thoughts of helping a lady from a 3 World Country crosses your mind / heart, is God moving you in this direction? Do chat to me about it ok - who knows God may call / move me to assist you, however the first step must be Committed :) PRAYER in Ernest
If a wife is a gift from our Heavenly Father, then I would deem it appropriate to ask Him to bless with that gift.

If He puts the desire on our heart for more than one, is it wrong to ask Him to fulfill the desire that He gave us? I know that He brought me kicking and screaming into this truth. And I have been kicked at and screamed at a little bit since I have understood plural marriage from the viewpoint of the Scriptures, as opposed to my own culture and upbringing.

I have prayed and will continue to do so... however, I'm also going to play the contrarian. :-)
If we look to the Bible as our instruction manual then it seems we must ask the question, how many times in the Bible do we see men praying about bringing them the right woman.

To be honest, I need to go research it, though it must be quite rare because I don't remember many, if any. So then the follow on question, is why not?

Something to consider.

I can't either recall a specific instance of a man praying for a wife in the scriptures. We see the patriarchs choosing wives for their sons, especially of the children of promise (Isaac, Jacob). My patriarch is dead, and he didn't understand the responsibility that he had when he was alive, as it had not been revealed to him. I understood it too late for my own children, at least for the oldest two.

There are many instances of women desperately praying for children, and it took a husband to provide that for them. Or their wombs being opened.

We however see many, many instances of praying for that which sustains life--rain during drought, for protection from enemies, for blessings from above. A helperless man I believe would surely fall into the category of a drought-striken land.

James 1: 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning. 18 Having purposed it, He brought us forth by the Word of truth, for us to be a kind of first-fruits of His creatures.

Matthew 7: 11 “If you then, being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in the heavens give what is good to those who ask Him!

Prov 18: 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those loving it eat its fruit.
22 He who has found a wife has found good, And receives favour from יהוה.

James 4: 1 Where do fightings and strivings come from among you? Do they not come from your pleasures that battle in your members? 2 You desire, and do not have. You murder, and are jealous, and are unable to obtain. You strive and fight, and you do not possess, because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask evilly, in order to spend it on your pleasures.

I believe that asking in faith from a pure heart may indeed realize the blessing from the Father of lights.

If we are asking for life with our powerful tongue, don't you think a loving heavenly Father sends life?

And thanks for making me think about this!

Personally weighing in:

"My God shall supply all your needs..." Phil 4:19

Is a wife a need? God apparently thought so, and Personally got involved in Gen 2. He says a wife is a blessing from the Lord in Prov 18 & 19. He reiterates His Personal involvement in Ps 68, when He says that HE sets the solitary into families.

And finally, He promises, with a mild condition in Ps 37:4, that if you will delight thyself in Him, something that we OUGHT to do anyway and many find absurdly easy, He WILL GIVE you the desires of your heart.

Some interpret that to mean "He will give you what you desire." Others interpret it to mean "He will give you the desire for what you ought to have/get."

Either way works for me! It is so easy to cover both bases by asking Him to EITHER provide what you desire OR change the desire, so that it will no longer interfere with your life making you and others miserable or angry.

Having said that, I know of no practical instances of God or a Holy Angel saying to a single (or married, for that matter :lol: ) woman as she walked past a random stranger, "See that feller that you've never laid eyes on before? You are 'posed to marry him and become his 2nd (3rd, 4th, ...) PM wife! Shocked? DEAL with it." :o Not that He couldn't ... :roll:

Instead, He seems to establish human relationships and some sort of human involvement in the process. Eg. Ruth & Boaz, and my 2nd wife & myself.

( In our case, a woman with no particular knowledge of or interest in PM met one of my friends (and, at that time an admirer, tho the relationship later went awry :cry: ) on the internet. He taught her about Biblical PM and she accepted it, although there were reasons why she was not a good match for his family. Then he sicced her on me, :o :lol: telling HER that I'd be a good husband for her, and telling ME only that she needed someone to talk to and he didn't have time. We have had a marriage with good times and bad, but I remain convinced that it was ultimately at God's direction. And while the marriage is on hiatus at present, who knows what God will accomplish in future? :D Prayers continue on both of our parts. )
Just wanted to clarify, I believe it's prudent to pray for wisdom when seeking another wife, and even pray that God would pick one out. My primary point is that we don't have a record of the patriarchs praying for or praying before marrying another wife. So, I'm just wondering why we don't see it. I recognize that the Bible doesn't record every nitty-gritty detail and that this may be why we don't see this recorded.