Most of this was, IMHO, right on. particularly with respect to the 'prosperity gospel megachurches' and what I would call the Stony Ground Gospel: no Scriptural roots allowed.
Evangelicalism doesn't need a bailout. Much of it needs a funeral...
He's right. Let the dead bury their dead.
Where I might add that something was left out was in the area of the State-Approved Church (i.e., Caesar's 501(c)3 Creature), and what goes with it. He correctly noted that
...massive majorities of Evangelicals can't articulate the Gospel with any coherence...
...Evangelicals have failed to pass on to our young people an orthodox form of faith that can take root and survive the secular onslaught...
but I contend that there is a bigger reason than the author suggests:
such a faith cannot survive the 'secular onslaught' because it is INCONSISTENT with Scripture -- it has a "form of godliness but denies the power thereof," and has replaced God's commandments with man's [paganized] traditions.
What God actually WROTE about marriage is an obvious example; how can people who argue with idiotic sincerety that "if we ALLOW homosexual marriage, why, even POLYGAMY may be next!" claim to have a Biblically-consistent message? Or how can one accept government's authority to rewrite God's Law, take Caesar's license, and then object when Caesar takes the next logical steps?
Ultimately, I guess the author is on the right track, but stops short of what God has already revealed. "Come out of her, My people," didn't seem like a mere suggestion to me...