• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Finding (?) a sister wife or joining, starting a family.


we did not enter monogamy lightly or too quickly

Who didn't? I agree with lightly but I proposed to my girlfreind three days after we started dating :) I tend to think that our culture deliberates extremely too long concerning marriage. There isn't much more to ask other than is she\he\they known to be Godly and do you all naturally get along well. And naturally getting along well is optional. Common faith, common purpose, and commitment is all we really need.

It may take time to discern the quality of a person, but as soon as that can be confidently ascertained then waiting is just waiting. Frankly I'm sick of the culture that puts off marriage until the mid 20's to 30's or even too the 40's, and puts off kids until even later. I want as little to do with its endless search for the perfect match and quite a lot of appreciating someone for whoever they are and who God made them.

I agree there is no reason to assume the transition will be difficult for its own sake. Full disclosure is certainly the best policy, and I'm happy you had a good report about it in that case.

1. I completely agree, and also find that reactions are not always as bad as would be expected.

2. I would say don't assume very much about the views of someone who calls themselves a Christian period. There are a wide variety of orthodox and heterodox views out there in the heads of a wide variety of people. No need to assume Christian means any more than 'someone who belies in Jesus for their salvation' sometimes it doesn't even mean that to the person that says it, but in general we can assume that common and important ground.

3. I generally agree, but discretion is the better part of valour. We have a mixed bag of people that know outright and people which we have never brought it up too. There are several cases where it seems better to me to plant ideas in their heads gradually and let them think it out rather than pushing my views directly.

4. Do what you like to do? Nice advice :)

5. Good idea.

6. I don't understand this one. I guess with us her friends are my friends and my friends are her friends in the first place, so there isn't really anywhere to expand this way.

7. Generally a good idea within its bounds.

8. Look in every way available too you, I agree there is no need to rely on or neglect any medium.

9. Many good churches have things they put on for the community at large. We met families from other churches via our VBS for example. Its good advice, but for those that take it I would recommend looking into that kind of gathering rather than just popping in on a random Sunday.

10. This may or may not conflict with being forthright. Either way I'm not sure why a Christian singles group is better than any other given Christian group, unless you're recommending this to find a second wife, in that case it seems like good advice.

11. Its a good idea, but its a longer term one that really needs a developed local poly community of at least a few families.

12. I have not thought of that, though I have though of posting some of the Biblical Families materials on open community bulletin boards. Newspaper ads are not a bad idea if they will take them.

13. I suppose tracts have their place, but I generally consider it a big step down from getting to know people 1:1 and working person by person. It might be a good idea to get together a printable 'Poly Tract' though, what do the site admins think of it?

14. We have the problem when we risk censorship, loss of jobs, or legal action. Discretion is the better part of valour here again.
"when the disclosure was appropriate" In that context its good advice though

15. LOL

16. Quite a few,myself included, do do a short testimonial in their introduction. Others do one latter. The more that do the better I say.

17. Yeah

Not a bad list, a lot of it is just promoting polygamy stuff, which is more important than finding a sister wife in any given case.
Tlaloc said:
It might be a good idea to get together a printable 'Poly Tract' though, what do the site admins think of it?

I think a poly tract or booklet explaining the Biblical basis for polygyny would be a great idea...and very useful when discussing the topic with non-poly people.
I think this is a little like having the cart in front of the horse…

Anyone that understands “Biblical Marriage” should be joining forces with others of like mind and pushing to have the (unconstitutional) bigamy and anti-polygamy Federal laws overturned. Then we need to find a State or States (Utah, Massachusetts, and others come to mind) that will “license” Biblical Marriage.

http://www.houstonlawreview.org/archive ... forbes.pdf
This is an exceptional analysis of the Constitutionally of the laws that were passed making bigamy and polygamy illegal...and the fact that they are not neutral and will not stand a legal challenge in today's courts.

With Biblical Marriage “legal” and “licensed” it will be much easier to talk to anyone about it, even if they disagree with it.

Many people do not understand Biblical Marriage and consider it as perverse as homosexuality or even worse due primarily to ignorance. They have underage and arranged marriage in mind as well as all the other stigmas associated with all the negative influence of the media biasing them against it.

When Biblical Marriage is no longer a target of the Federal or State Governments, people will be willing to openly discuss it in a mature manner. I suspect that many will consider Biblical Marriage when it is legalized that otherwise would not have given it a second thought.
I met with Sen. Bingaman and Udall last week purposing getting some laws passed although they kind of looked at me like I was crazy they did agree to meet with me for two hours each next month to try and see what they should cover. Not a 100% deal but hey who knows?
Scarecrow said:
I think this is a little like having the cart in front of the horse…

Anyone that understands “Biblical Marriage” should be joining forces with others of like mind and pushing to have the (unconstitutional) bigamy and anti-polygamy Federal laws overturned. Then we need to find a State or States (Utah, Massachusetts, and others come to mind) that will “license” Biblical Marriage.

http://www.houstonlawreview.org/archive ... forbes.pdf
This is an exceptional analysis of the Constitutionally of the laws that were passed making bigamy and polygamy illegal...and the fact that they are not neutral and will not stand a legal challenge in today's courts.

With Biblical Marriage “legal” and “licensed” it will be much easier to talk to anyone about it, even if they disagree with it.

Many people do not understand Biblical Marriage and consider it as perverse as homosexuality or even worse due primarily to ignorance. They have underage and arranged marriage in mind as well as all the other stigmas associated with all the negative influence of the media biasing them against it.

When Biblical Marriage is no longer a target of the Federal or State Governments, people will be willing to openly discuss it in a mature manner. I suspect that many will consider Biblical Marriage when it is legalized that otherwise would not have given it a second thought.
Would you like some company when meeting with them? There are probably a number of individuals that would accompany you to meet with them, me being one of them.

I would think the recent ruling against the DOMA should be very encouraging to the individuals you are meeting with.
Tlaloc said:
we did not enter monogamy lightly or too quickly

Who didn't? I agree with lightly but I proposed to my girlfreind three days after we started dating :) I tend to think that our culture deliberates extremely too long concerning marriage. There isn't much more to ask other than is she\he\they known to be Godly and do you all naturally get along well. And naturally getting along well is optional. Common faith, common purpose, and commitment is all we really need.

It may take time to discern the quality of a person, but as soon as that can be confidently ascertained then waiting is just waiting. Frankly I'm sick of the culture that puts off marriage until the mid 20's to 30's or even too the 40's, and puts off kids until even later. I want as little to do with its endless search for the perfect match and quite a lot of appreciating someone for whoever they are and who God made them.
i must disagree with this line of thought
It may take time to discern the quality of a person,
this statement i agree with
yes, many play at a relationship for years while "getting to know each other" and although there is much disagreement on this subject, i take the position that if they have "slept together" that they are in fact married in the sight of heaven. they should quit fooling themselves and act in a married manner.
the biggest concern that i have about a quick marriage is whether or not the husband-to-be is stable(is he righteous, a good provider, does he drink to excess, is he honest,...etc) as the leader in the fam he will either lead toward righteousness or away from it. this is the very reason that women need the right to be able to choose from among the whole pool of men, not just the single ones. of course if he is already married, and his first wife is honest, these questions can be answered very quickly. :D some men should not be trusted with a wife until they are older and settled down. to trust that a family will settle a young feller down is often a disastrous mistake.

otherwise, some really good points are being made in this thread
@ Scarecrow

It depends on to what extent you believe opinion changes law and to what extent you believe law changes opinion. Remember we don't have the same belligerence the homosexual lobby has to shove change down peoples throats kicking and screaming. We also don't have the decades of working subtly behind us yet, nor do we have the contacts in power to spread propaganda like the homosexual lobby does and has. Working person by person is a good idea to both the ends of gaining support and legalization. Anyway, its best to work both ways, neither is the cart or the horse.

@ Steve

these questions can be answered very quickly

That's pretty much my point :)