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Catholic.com Article admitting the Bible promotes Polygamy


The point of the article is to show that Catholics are more right than Protestants because they use extra-biblical sources to make their rules. :rolleyes:
Personally, I understand that to mean they are wrong.

The point of the article is to show that Catholics are more right than Protestants because they use extra-biblical sources to make their rules. :rolleyes:
Personally, I understand that to mean they are wrong.

Thanks. That's an interesting article to point Roman Catholics to who are staunch advocates of MO.
The conclusion of man in the end is, I know it’s wrong, so even though God says it isn’t, I will make it so... forbidding to marry
I like his understanding of the position from a biblical perspective. "So much for arguing against Polygamy using the Bible alone. Indeed, not only does the Bible not provide very good reasons to reject polygamy, it might be seen to argue for it."

Wow, how bad is that! *face palm*
Most catholic 'priests' recognize also that the Sabbath of Yah was never changed to sun-god-day. As James Cardinal Gibbons wrote - proudly - over a century ago, it was the RCC alone that claimed the 'authority' to change what Yah Himself Wrote. And - by accepting sun-god-day, 'protesting catholics,' he said, acknowledge their authority to DO so.

This article seems to take the same stance. Polygyny (they don't get the word right anyway!) is, in fact, Biblical. But it's their 'holy tradition' that got it right, since God evidently didn't.
Most catholic 'priests' recognize also that the Sabbath of Yah was never changed to sun-god-day. As James Cardinal Gibbons wrote - proudly - over a century ago, it was the RCC alone that claimed the 'authority' to change what Yah Himself Wrote. And - by accepting sun-god-day, 'protesting catholics,' he said, acknowledge their authority to DO so.

This article seems to take the same stance. Polygyny (they don't get the word right anyway!) is, in fact, Biblical. But it's their 'holy tradition' that got it right, since God evidently didn't.
Stupid council of Laodicea!
Religion is always ready, willing, and able to help Yah out.

I had to.. lol!
Maybe, but I encounter RC people who think their religion is biblical. This shows them it's not. And that the RC religion is not consistent with the Bible was a key issue God used to draw me and then my second wife out of the RC religion.
Sorry, I didn't mean to disagree. I think this is an excellent article to show to both Protestants and Roman Catholics. Since I'm Protestant and am mainly around Protestants (and disagreeing with them about polygyny) I would tend to show it to them.
Sorry, I didn't mean to disagree. I think this is an excellent article to show to both Protestants and Roman Catholics. Since I'm Protestant and am mainly around Protestants (and disagreeing with them about polygyny) I would tend to show it to them.
Hey no problem @Bartato. It's a good article to show. Shalom
It is an excellent article. The Catholic anti-polygamy position that is based on tradition actually makes more sense than the Protestant anti-polygamy position that is based on a lack of understanding the obvious.
The fact that the RC's have to draw from tradition to support their position, rather than relying on the Bible alone, demonstrates the absurdity of the Protestant position. But I'm so very thankful God prompted me, a Protestant, to study the Scriptures and see what He said.
What find fascinating is Messianic and Torahkeepers who claim 'the Torah has not been done away with' while clinging with a death grip to the Protestant anti-polygyny position... talk about cogdis!

Or, Protestants who find the unchanged Torah to validate polygyny while clinging with white knuckles to Sunday/Christmas/Easter all of which the Roman Catholic Church openly claim to be their changes 'by divine right.'.. more cogdis!.
