IMHO, God hard-wired women to love and nurture numerous children simultaneously, and hard-wired men to love numerous women simultaneously. How many is "numerous?" That varies from person to person.
For some men, "numerous" equals ZERO. We all know a few guys who are nothing more than adolescent boys in 30-something-year-old bodies, and who are still living with (and being supported by) mommy and daddy...unfortunately (especially for mommy and daddy!) some of these children with beards and chest hair are married and have kids of their own.
Probably for most Christian men in the Western world, and probably more due to cultural bias and having been taught false doctrine all of their lives, "numerous" might equal one.
But for some men, including most who are part of BFF, "numerous" might be at least two, and in some cases, many more. King David set the example, with 18 that we can confirm from the Biblical record. Solomon went way overboard, with 1,000.
And as to how many children a mother can love - I personally know a monogamous man who has 10 children by his only-ever wife, and both of them love all 10. Undoubtedly, should YHWH bless them with more children, those will be loved as well. John and Charles Wesley's mother had 25 children, if my memory serves me correctly. Presumably, she loved all of them.
That's the neat thing about love - YHWH will bless each of us with an endless supply of it IF we give it away in keeping with His instructions. (See the WHOLE BIBLE! That is His love letter to us.)
Also, we men are commanded to love our wives as Yeshua Ha'Mashiach loves the church, but women are NOT commanded to love their husbands (other than the general admonitions that all believers are to love one another) - but rather, to submit to (respect and obey) her husband. (See Ephesians 5:22-33) If we men love our wives as Christ loves the church, it will be much easier for our wives to respect and obey us.
Maybe women are not commanded to love their husbands because it is not necessary that they be told to do so...
...unlike us men.