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Books on courtship and dating for children?


I was wondering if anyone knew any good resources for teaching about dating/courtship for your children. I know of a few titles, but I haven't read them so I don't know what their bent is.

I don't think I'm ready to go teaching the kids that poly is a great thing (I'm really not there yet....), but I also want to give them the idea of what it can be like either way, and to teach my kids the proper ins and outs of marriage in general, whether it's mono or poly. I have 5 boys and a girl, so I'm mostly looking for my boys, but there are some things I'd like to teach my girl about being a good wife as well.

"I married you" and "I Loved a Girl" are both good, if you can find them. Author escapes me at the moment. He was a missionary in Africa, and tries to deal with the issue of PM as well, but seemed to me to be proving a case FOR it, when I was a teenager.

Walter Trobisch. Actually, I believe I've got both as Word documents -- scanned back about 2001 -- if you are interested. May have added a comment or footnote of my own, of course. *wink*
For children, a good book for boys is "The Squire and the Scroll" by Jennie Bishop. It is more about purity as a whole and doing what the Bible says. For girls, "The Princess and the Kiss" also by Jennie Bishop which is about a princess whose parents give her a precious gift...a kiss...when she is born to keep until she finds who to give it to her and my favorite part is her mother tells her it is her choice to keep it for herself her whole life if she wants (celibacy)! These books are really great - our children love them. I bought ours off CBD.com.

For teens, I would highly recommend "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and "Boy Meets Girl" by Joshua Harris. "Boy Meets Girl" is about courtship.

Hope this helps!
I did want to check out the Joshua Harris book, I've been hearing about it for years but just never got around to it :)

I worry about going with a princess themed book, we have enough to fight against with the fairytale romances portrayed by Disney et al, so I'd like to stay away from that theme if possible. We've tried to avoid it as much as possible here, though it's not easy.

Cecil, I would be interested in those documents if you have them available. PM me and I'll send you my email.