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Bible passage of the week for the men.

Paul not the apostle

Real Person

Has anyone ever read the Genesis 34 passage where the sons of Jacob acted revenge on those infidels for mistreating their SISTER by killing them all in one day as they were helpless and could not defend themselves?!!!! I just wanted to point out that God did not punish Jacob, or his sons for defending her honor, He just made him move a ways off to a different area. I am not saying it was right. Just sayin' it happens sometimes, you know? ;) It is always a good thing to treat those sisters appropriately.

(I know that none of you are from those forbidden people groups, I was just making a point, and I hope all of you understand)
OK, now that's funny...
And, er, just why were they helpless then?, I forget.
They were weak because they missed the sheaths when they went to put away their swords. All of the swords, all of the dudes, all at the same time. BTW, how does that work anyway, kinda like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours? That dude must have REALLY wanted that girl, and the men that followed him must have been VERY loyal. Of course, the hebrew women might have been THAT beautiful. I should probably stop now.
"missed the sheaths", huh!? THAT's a rather delicate way of saying it!

I've always felt that this was an example of Israelite infamy and spiritual abuse, perhaps one of the worst.

These guys had seen God's blessing upon Jacob and his tribe to the point that they were willing to sorta join up. Jacob's boys were plotting revenge. The men of Shechem were plotting to a) make things right, and b) join the tribe. Even if mrant lining up and getting their tally-whackers whacked!

Jacob, at least, knew that it had been horrendous and that the former favor in which he and his tribe had been viewed by their neighbors would now be turned to horror!

However, Paul, you did do the impossible and manage to tell the story in a truly humorous way! *grin*
Paul not the apostle said:
They were weak because they missed the sheaths when they went to put away their swords. All of the swords, all of the dudes, all at the same time. BTW, how does that work anyway, kinda like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours? That dude must have REALLY wanted that girl, and the men that followed him must have been VERY loyal. Of course, the hebrew women might have been THAT beautiful. I should probably stop now.
