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(BAD) Polygamy Advice

Make sure that everyone is equal and that everyone has the same vote in all matters.
Comparing the ladies with/against each other helps create understanding.
If you have questions about polygamy, be sure to talk to your pastor. He studied this in seminary and knows the Scripures inside and out and will be true to them.
Just compile a list of pro poly and wife submission verses from your favorite version of the bible before you bring home your second wife. Seeing that you as the man have authority to take another wife is all your first should need to accept her brand new surprise sisterwife. :p:D:rolleyes:
Polygamy is an excellent solution to the problems in your first marriage.
If your wife show's resistance, just show her your list of pro-poly verses proving it's not sinful and she'll quickly be on board.
You should also talk to your pastor about poly so he can help convince her since he's her primarily teacher of spiritual matters.
Tell your first wife all of the areas she is failing in and how the second wife will fix that. This method will surely help her see the benefits.
Tell your first wife all of the areas she is failing in and how the second wife will fix that. This method will surely help her see the benefits.
Excellent point! By tapping into the woman’s psychological presuppositions about herself you will, in fact, short circuit her brain’s jealousy center and she will instantly realize how much better life will be having a sister wife. Because science yo :cool:
The primary reason to be a Christian, rather than a Muslim, is that the Quran limits men to only four wives while the Bible places no such restrictions whatsoever.
This makes polygamy an excellent tool for evangelising Muslims. Find a Muslim man with four wives, show him your most attractive daughter, and say he can only have her if he converts to Christianity.
Which means that the more wives you have, the more daughters you can breed, and the more Muslims you can convert through sexual bribery.
@Sean Davidson: That was posted as a joke in this "bad polygamy advice" thread because I thought it was so insanely ridiculous as to be laughable. But it turns out people have actually done far, far worse. TFI were being "prostitutes for Jesus". That's just so disgusting I'm not going to joke about it.
You think that's really bad. I encountered a preacher in a certain denomination who took 1 Cor. 7:20 completely out of context and taught that people should continue doing what they'd been doing when God saved them. He actually encouraged a stripper who said she had become a Christian to continue in her work and to strip for Jesus!

Maybe for bad poly advice one might tell a potential additional wife to make sure she'll want to have 3sums.