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A very powerful film worth seeing

Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the "Father" of the sexual revolution has always been a topic of great controversy. Here is a film that I recently came across that exposes the broader view of the impact his "research" has had on our society.

You can purchase it at here. http://www.adullamfilms.com/Kinsey%20Syndrome.html

I plan to purchase a copy or five for my church so that they can have a resource to loan out and also use in Men's groups. I will warn you, the subject material is very hard to watch and can be quite expicit, but it is presented in the most decent fashion possible. It is certain to leave the viewer changed.

If you wish to view the film before buying, you can find it here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSa2Z4kWX6Y

I am not affiliated in any way with the publisher of this video...I just know that the truth must be told about the destruction of our society. If you watch it and agree, I suggest donating a copy to your local congregation as well. Also, many public libraries will purchase copies if you request it. Let's help spread the Word!
Just watched this -- WOW!!!
Interesting comment at the end (2:42 time)
"Islamic Writer, Sayyid Qutb cited the Kinsey Reports as proof of American debauchery. His writings helped to fuel the fires of Islamic hatred against the United States. Qutb is considered the father of Al-Qa-ida and the modern terrorist movement."

Very good video...long, but worth the time.
Hi TOMK. Thanks for posting the link. Interesting movie. I must admit I only made it to the 20 minute mark before other duties called, but got the gist of it. Kinsey used biased data to produce an inaccurate report designed to skew public opinion in favour of libertine sexual behaviour. Now if that was revealed at the time (1947 from memory?) it may have had an impact. But now?

The thing is, most people are HAPPY with their current lifestyle and sexual practices. They dont want to change. Kinsey's view became all-pervasive and has triumphed. The movie records a historical issue and will be watched by the already-converted and not the unwashed masses.

Sexual behaviour is a moral issue and will not be won by science, logic or the law. Only a complete change of heart through the blood of Christ will save someone and draw them out from a corrupt world.

Hi Ylop,
I'm glad you got a liitle of it down. I strongly suggest that you watch the rest. I understand the point you are trying to make, however, watching the rest of the film will show why it is pertinent to today's world.

To stop a perpetual lie from doing further damage, it must be exposed for all to see. Those who do not know God and have chosen a lifestyle that is unholy, or are considering such, may have a greater chance of accepting Truth if they can see where the "I was Born this way" mentality and other such lies come from. A person who struggles with a behavior, and is concious of a force who manipulates them to indulge in that behavior, may be more inclined to further seek the truth of why there are strings tied to their arms and legs.

The strongest reason that I feel this film needs to be in the hands of every church and men's group is the latter section of the film which deals specifically with pornography. Porn addiction destroys the mind, spirit and homelife and perpetuates a mindset that desensitizes and dehumanizes both genders, eventually making sexual brokeness the norm.

The greatest victims in this destructive mindset is our children because they absorb what is "normal" in the culture around them and their thought processes and developments use "normalcy" as the standard guidepost.
Hi again TOMK. Okay okay point taken I will try and locate another 2 hrs 22 minutes to see the rest!

Re children absorbing what is "normal", I certainly agree with that. I have often thought that scenario is what happened to Lot when he was living in Sodom. I think he may have been corrupted by the culture hence offering his daughters and later the cave incident.

But how to balance the issues of separation from the world with still trying to live an effective life for practical and kingdom purposes?

But how to balance the issues of separation from the world with still trying to live an effective life for practical and kingdom purposes?

Living separate from the world in the way that the Amish and some others do seems to be the easy way out (not that I blame them for wanting such peace). We are called to spread the Gospel to all the nations...including our own. We are also called to "be in the world, not of it".

By actively engaging the lost in our daily activities and planting the seeds of Truth, we can live a practical life filled with Kingdom purpose. This requires us to know the difference between "in" and "of". Knowing the Truth about Satan's many snares helps us to discern the differences.
Having very small children of our own, I must say, "THIS IS A VERY DISTURBING VIDEO TO WATCH." We were literally getting angry and having a righteous indignation over all this. HOW DISGUSTING what happened to those poor VICTIMS!
Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the "Father" of the sexual revolution has always been a topic of great controversy. Here is a film that I recently came across that exposes the broader view of the impact his "research" has had on our society.

You can purchase it at here. http://www.adullamfilms.com/Kinsey Syndrome.html

I plan to purchase a copy or five for my church so that they can have a resource to loan out and also use in Men's groups. I will warn you, the subject material is very hard to watch and can be quite expicit, but it is presented in the most decent fashion possible. It is certain to leave the viewer changed.

If you wish to view the film before buying, you can find it here.

I am not affiliated in any way with the publisher of this video...I just know that the truth must be told about the destruction of our society. If you watch it and agree, I suggest donating a copy to your local congregation as well. Also, many public libraries will purchase copies if you request it. Let's help spread the Word!
Video link no longer works I guess.
Is it this one?

I would have liked more information on how the church came to adopt the sexual revolution, but ultimately I guess it boils down to cowardice and deception. That the pastors grew up in the same mass delusion, and so were decieved. In the absence of an absolute moral code, it is easy to choose liberalism.
I would have liked more information on how the church came to adopt the sexual revolution, but ultimately I guess it boils down to cowardice and deception. That the pastors grew up in the same mass delusion, and so were decieved. In the absence of an absolute moral code, it is easy to choose liberalism.

In short: church bought into feminism and the idea that niceness is godliness.

The seeds of this were sown 900 years prior with the romantic Chivalry movement, which itself built upon the anti-sex perspectives of the early church. This combined with the power of the Catholic church led to the transformation of marriage from a covenant between father and groom to a temporary romantic entanglement between man and women.

The church was unable to resist this trend as Satan specifically worked to push the corporate business model into the church in the early 20th resulting in a commercial service mentality which combined with women's control of the checkbook led to churches pandering to women. It was all down hill from there.

Much of this is just the sin of Adam writ large.

Also at play was the combination of the monogamy mindset and the end of coverture (which put the sexes at war with one another).
Right, the patriarchal headship system is antithetical to what we see in society today. And, it has always been the case since Chava told Adam what to do.

In terms of the documentary, I know they mainly are fighting paedophilia, so I'm glad they brought up at all how the Catholic and Neo-Catholic Protestants fell to this ideology. I left the "church" years ago and only recently found Torah. All the trash in Christianity that I abandoned, such as the underlying ideologies coming from the puplits, is laid bare. That humanism/feminism has this effect on humanity, and that the church is powerless against it is just plain sad. They have the manual on how to defeat it, but they can't read it lest their straw mansions collapse in on them. They hate the truth because it lights a fire they know they won't be able to extinguish.
In short: church bought into feminism and the idea that niceness is godliness.

The seeds of this were sown 900 years prior with the romantic Chivalry movement, which itself built upon the anti-sex perspectives of the early church. This combined with the power of the Catholic church led to the transformation of marriage from a covenant between father and groom to a temporary romantic entanglement between man and women.

The church was unable to resist this trend as Satan specifically worked to push the corporate business model into the church in the early 20th resulting in a commercial service mentality which combined with women's control of the checkbook led to churches pandering to women. It was all down hill from there.

Much of this is just the sin of Adam writ large.

Also at play was the combination of the monogamy mindset and the end of coverture (which put the sexes at war with one another).
Wow, the only other time I've seen this connection between romantic chivalry and feminism was the blogger Dalrock. He had some excellent insights and I miss his blog.
Wow, the only other time I've seen this connection between romantic chivalry and feminism was the blogger Dalrock. He had some excellent insights and I miss his blog.

Yes he talked a lot later on about the origins of our romantic based relationships in Chivalry. But where he really innovated was in exposing the underlying women worship of the American church and men in marriage. Now for Christianity this goes much farther back than chivalry but Dalrock couldn't see it to due his reluctance to explore polygamy.

From an understanding of the polygamy issue we can see how the Roman church was at war with the family and used monogamy and control of marriage to destroy it's power. This is how the formation of marriages went from something that was between two men to mediated by the church to controlled by governments. Giving power to wives is just another way to make war on the family. A war which over time has always marched on and marched deeper leading us to the current mess we have today.

Early church history also affects this. The early church fathers often had a very negative view of sex, viewing the enjoyment of it as sinful. This really set the stage for hiding from men how to keep passion to their marriage and set up marriage as a passionless arrangement prime for dead bedrooms, adultery, drifting apart and generally becoming an unfulfilling life for the wife.

Now combine that with the ending of the clan social arrangement by the Catholic church and you end up with nuclear families where financial health of the family requires the father to leave the home and work for the big man, leaving the woman bored at home.
Yes he talked a lot later on about the origins of our romantic based relationships in Chivalry. But where he really innovated was in exposing the underlying women worship of the American church and men in marriage. Now for Christianity this goes much farther back than chivalry but Dalrock couldn't see it to due his reluctance to explore polygamy.

From an understanding of the polygamy issue we can see how the Roman church was at war with the family and used monogamy and control of marriage to destroy it's power. This is how the formation of marriages went from something that was between two men to mediated by the church to controlled by governments. Giving power to wives is just another way to make war on the family. A war which over time has always marched on and marched deeper leading us to the current mess we have today.

Early church history also affects this. The early church fathers often had a very negative view of sex, viewing the enjoyment of it as sinful. This really set the stage for hiding from men how to keep passion to their marriage and set up marriage as a passionless arrangement prime for dead bedrooms, adultery, drifting apart and generally becoming an unfulfilling life for the wife.

Now combine that with the ending of the clan social arrangement by the Catholic church and you end up with nuclear families where financial health of the family requires the father to leave the home and work for the big man, leaving the woman bored at home.
Thelyophthora (specifically book three) by Martin Madan provides a lot of good information from church history.